Top repub says parts of the party have been infected with Russian propoganda

No kidding! Repubs, particularly MAGA repubs are supporting Putin to win the war in Ukraine. It is embarrassing that a political party is such an ardent supporter of a murdering dictator. Who is going to step forward and call out the Russian apologist in congress? And it seems trump is one of the people that is fanning the flames of Russian propaganda. FOX is a mouthpiece of Putin.
Like hunters laptop and the xiden diary? That sort of russian propaganda?
Since the repubs dont want to fund russia, does that mean they want ukraine to win?
Pretzel logic for the win.
That sounds so sinister, but I don't think it's true.

Trump and his followers are all in for Russia and Putin without any pressure on them. They are willing... not beguiled.

Putin is probably laughing his butt off and toasting with champagne and caviar.

Trump cost him NOTHING.
There will be celebrations in the Kremlin...AGAIN....if he is re-elected in November. The repubs are pushing the US into becoming an ally of Russia. I know it is hard to believe, but it is true.
There will be celebrations in the Kremlin...AGAIN....if he is re-elected in November. The repubs are pushing the US into becoming an ally of Russia. I know it is hard to believe, but it is true.
This is your best campaigning yet....the desperation and misinformation spewing from your rabid piehole.....has to be worth millions more Trump votes!
Where will you move jimboliar?
There will be celebrations in the Kremlin...AGAIN....if he is re-elected in November. The repubs are pushing the US into becoming an ally of Russia. I know it is hard to believe, but it is true.
The 1980s called. they want their foreign policy back
Remember that one, goob smooch?

No kidding! Repubs, particularly MAGA repubs are supporting Putin to win the war in Ukraine. It is embarrassing that a political party is such an ardent supporter of a murdering dictator. Who is going to step forward and call out the Russian apologist in congress? And it seems trump is one of the people that is fanning the flames of Russian propaganda. FOX is a mouthpiece of Putin.
Hmmmm... even if it's true (which I tend to doubt)...

After wretched Democrat failures with the Steele Dossier and the Mueller Investigation and Impeachment No. 1...

That's no longer a "good look" for "you"... I think I'd start trying a different tack... plenty of other profound flaws to exploit...

Just sayin'...

No kidding! Repubs, particularly MAGA repubs are supporting Putin to win the war in Ukraine. It is embarrassing that a political party is such an ardent supporter of a murdering dictator. Who is going to step forward and call out the Russian apologist in congress? And it seems trump is one of the people that is fanning the flames of Russian propaganda. FOX is a mouthpiece of Putin.

Too flexible?
The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.
There will be celebrations in the Kremlin...AGAIN....if he is re-elected in November. The repubs are pushing the US into becoming an ally of Russia. I know it is hard to believe, but it is true.

Trump going to give Russia a Reset button?
If Biden and Congress want more millions of dollars for aid for Ukraine sure just tell us what your endgame is for ending the war and a detailed accounting of what the money will be spent on.
Too bad the polls are so bad for Biden. The democrat talking points aren't working, the grocery bills are...for Trump.
Franklin & Marshall College poll found Biden garnered support from 48 percent of voters surveyed, compared to Trump’s 38 percent. Meanwhile, 13 percent of voters surveyed said they preferred to vote for “someone else,” and the remaining 1 percent said they did not know who to vote for.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

you mean when bighealthcorp reneged on their promises to

keep the networks as is on the exchange, so people won't have to shop for another dr?

Which "lie" hurt people more?

the one that donny is still telling that the election was stolen & part of that was because he CONvinced people that mail in voting was rigged.
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Demanding accountability and results from American contributions in no way equates with support for Putin. If all these Republicans are supporting Putin, why haven't I heard at least one Republican say that? Why does not a single Republican I know personally say that? Twisting context to mean something other than what was said or intended is so dishonest I can't see why those on the left think so little of themselves they are willing to participate in taht.

what congress critter will actually come out to say that they want vlad to win, 'eh? just like all the cowards who can't stand trump, secretly hope he loses ... but are afraid to because they will have the wrath of maga come down on them?

please ...
what congress critter will actually come out to say that they want vlad to win, 'eh? just like all the cowards who can't stand trump, secretly hope he loses ... but are afraid to because they will have the wrath of maga come down on them?

please ...
Your TDS is showing. You really ought to get some help for that.
Too bad the polls are so bad for Biden. The democrat talking points aren't working, the grocery bills are...for Trump.

lol ... all the polls said hillary was gonna win too, remember? only people who don't have caller ID, or do & will answer their phones even though they don't recognize the number answer polls.

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