Top Republican picks celebrity drug addict over decorated veteran

Clinton by his own admission Used drugs ditto Obama, you get to Carp about Rush's addiction to pain killers for a fairly brief period of time I might add when you nominate someone who wasn't ever a user of recreational drugs as opposed to pain meds.
It comes down to what I figured. Republicans, in general, are so full of crap. Disreagard this guys record of service to his country, his service to Presidents Reagan and Bush, disregard everything exept one thing. Supporting your new president. Because of that one thing, you'll chose a bloated windbag with a record of 0 military and public service.

This is why the republican party lies in waste.

how much service did obama have over mccain? what about drug use? cocaine vs. mccain...............
You guys have an unhealthy obsession with Barak Obama. If I started a topic about brerakfast cereal you guys would find a way to blame him for it getting soggy.

We were talking about why republicans, Karl Rove in particular, would favor Rush Limbaugh over Colin Powell.
I've taken a pill and I am in focus... I saw that little news snippet on tv and sort of chuckled when I saw it. I respect Colin Powell because no matter what you think of his politics, he was a fine General and did the country some good. The point that the ex-VP was trying to make is that he felt that Colin Powell had already pretty much labeled himself a Democrat since he supported Obama over McCain in the Presidential elections. His choice of Rush Limbaugh was based on the fact that Rush is without doubt, a Republician. Has Limbaugh used prescription meds in an addictive way? Yes and it's pretty much common knowledge. It's also pretty much common knowledge that Obama has used cocaine in the past. I think this has little to do with the issue of the post. I lost a lot of respect for General Powell when he supported Obama for President. I have my own personal beliefs as to why he did that but regardless of what I think personally, in America one of the things that make us a great nation is that you are free to choose on your own when it comes to voting or supporting political candidates. Speaking of the ex-VP, I think he's a pretty savy guy and despite all of the guff both he and President Bush has taken from the Democrats, I think he is a good man and has been good for the US. I trust him more now than I trust Obama. I can follow a leader like Bush and Cheney. I'm very leary of giving any support to Obama. He's bad medicine...

Agreed. Powell has a great history of service to his country. It seems apparent that in the last few years he shifted his allegiance to the Democrat Party - in part out of personal ego over the Bush years when his role was diminished by both Cheney, Rice, and Rumsfeld, and YES, the darker hue of Obama's skin played a part in Powell's support of his candidacy for President, just as it played a role in Obama receiving historical levels of support within the minority communities - that and the McCain campaign was run more on parody than principle. It stood for little and communicated less vs Obama, who stood for nothing, and communicated more...
Among all voters, Cheney gets a 37% favorable rating. Limbaugh, 30%. Powell, 70%. They all rate in the 60s among republicans.

I would love to see this trend continue and the republicans continue to isolate. In the past I would bet on moderates like Powell to step up and tamp down these fringe loonies that have taken control. But this time, I think the fringe may take hold. Good for America. Bad for Republicans.
I will take a candidate who stans for something over one who stads for nothing every day of the week.

Rush has stated repeatedly that he not only isn't running but will not run for political office ever. The differences between Cheney and Rush on issues? Please show me the diffrence. Rhe difference between Powell and Rush on issues is much larger. I like where Rush stands on the issues more than I like where Powell stands on the issues.
It comes down to what I figured. Republicans, in general, are so full of crap. Disreagard this guys record of service to his country, his service to Presidents Reagan and Bush, disregard everything exept one thing. Supporting your new president. Because of that one thing, you'll chose a bloated windbag with a record of 0 military and public service.

This is why the republican party lies in waste.

And yet YOU and YOUR party IGNORED ALL those things in regards to McCain. Not only is he a decorated Veteran he has served faithfully in the Senate for HOW MANY years? Your argument last year was that Veteran Status meant NOTHING in regards a run for the Presidency. That just being a decorated Veteran was unimportant in the consideration of the American people for the Office of President of the United States.

And then you went on to actually ATTACK his service. All with the assistance of a press corps that sold itself to Obama worship.
It comes down to what I figured. Republicans, in general, are so full of crap. Disreagard this guys record of service to his country, his service to Presidents Reagan and Bush, disregard everything exept one thing. Supporting your new president. Because of that one thing, you'll chose a bloated windbag with a record of 0 military and public service.

This is why the republican party lies in waste.

Dishonest fuckery alert... unless you can prove you voted for McCain!
You guys have an unhealthy obsession with Barak Obama. If I started a topic about brerakfast cereal you guys would find a way to blame him for it getting soggy.

We were talking about why republicans, Karl Rove in particular, would favor Rush Limbaugh over Colin Powell.


It comes down to what I figured. Republicans, in general, are so full of crap. Disreagard this guys record of service to his country, his service to Presidents Reagan and Bush, disregard everything exept one thing. Supporting your new president. Because of that one thing, you'll chose a bloated windbag with a record of 0 military and public service.

This is why the republican party lies in waste.

And yet YOU and YOUR party IGNORED ALL those things in regards to McCain. Not only is he a decorated Veteran he has served faithfully in the Senate for HOW MANY years? Your argument last year was that Veteran Status meant NOTHING in regards a run for the Presidency. That just being a decorated Veteran was unimportant in the consideration of the American people for the Office of President of the United States.

And then you went on to actually ATTACK his service. All with the assistance of a press corps that sold itself to Obama worship.

Man, they got that chip embedded deep in your brain. You spout that stuff out like you actually know what you're talking about. My argument last year? Please, tell me more about my argument last year. Obviously it had a profound effect upon your fragile sensibilites.

But I have to ask, where did you stand on John Kerry's service? I won't make any assumptions until you answer.
You guys have an unhealthy obsession with Barak Obama. If I started a topic about brerakfast cereal you guys would find a way to blame him for it getting soggy.

We were talking about why republicans, Karl Rove in particular, would favor Rush Limbaugh over Colin Powell.


Ah yes, the last resort.

The discussion, as only a couple posters have been able to articulate, is why Rove would chose Limbaugh over Powell. Check Big Black Dog's post and take notes on how grown ups exchange ideas.
You guys have an unhealthy obsession with Barak Obama. If I started a topic about brerakfast cereal you guys would find a way to blame him for it getting soggy.

We were talking about why republicans, Karl Rove in particular, would favor Rush Limbaugh over Colin Powell.


Ah yes, the last resort.

The discussion, as only a couple posters have been able to articulate, is why Rove would chose Limbaugh over Powell. Check Big Black Dog's post and take notes on how grown ups exchange ideas.

your idea of a grownup is my idea of a 35 year old basment dweller..
As i already stated dim wit the reason is obvious to all but the most stupid of left wing idiots. Cheney and Rush are far closer on issues than are Cheney and Powell. Your level of retardation is demonstrated entirely by the fact that you even had to ask the question
As i already stated dim wit the reason is obvious to all but the most stupid of left wing idiots. Cheney and Rush are far closer on issues than are Cheney and Powell. Your level of retardation is demonstrated entirely by the fact that you even had to ask the question

you did note did you not that the troll did not respond to the "discussion" until he was named a troll?? :eusa_whistle::lol::lol::lol:
As i already stated dim wit the reason is obvious to all but the most stupid of left wing idiots. Cheney and Rush are far closer on issues than are Cheney and Powell. Your level of retardation is demonstrated entirely by the fact that you even had to ask the question

Ok, so then, am I the only dimwit in the discussion that has to ask, what the hell does Cheney have to do with the debate? The question is, again, why do think KARL ROVE, would Chose RUSH LIMBAUGH, over COLIN POWELL.

Note: None of the above is named DICK CHENEY.

Dimwit, indeed.

Now, to refocus, why do you think a top Republican, like KARL ROVE, would chose RUSH LIMBAUGH over COLIN POWELL? Aside from personal views, Rove is a great strategist. It would seem that if Rove had the party over his personal interest and opinions, he could see that Powell has a greater appeal to the general public than Limbaugh. Of course, as it has been pointed out, Limbaugh has no intentions of running for office so maybe it's just small talk.
It comes down to what I figured. Republicans, in general, are so full of crap. Disreagard this guys record of service to his country, his service to Presidents Reagan and Bush, disregard everything exept one thing. Supporting your new president. Because of that one thing, you'll chose a bloated windbag with a record of 0 military and public service.

This is why the republican party lies in waste.

And yet YOU and YOUR party IGNORED ALL those things in regards to McCain. Not only is he a decorated Veteran he has served faithfully in the Senate for HOW MANY years? Your argument last year was that Veteran Status meant NOTHING in regards a run for the Presidency. That just being a decorated Veteran was unimportant in the consideration of the American people for the Office of President of the United States.

And then you went on to actually ATTACK his service. All with the assistance of a press corps that sold itself to Obama worship.

Man, they got that chip embedded deep in your brain. You spout that stuff out like you actually know what you're talking about. My argument last year? Please, tell me more about my argument last year. Obviously it had a profound effect upon your fragile sensibilites.

But I have to ask, where did you stand on John Kerry's service? I won't make any assumptions until you answer.

I am not the one arguing that Veteran Status was important or not important, YOU ARE. And you are shown for the lying hypocrite you are by the just finished election last year.

YOU chose to claim republicans selected a drug addicted over a decorated military Veteran. We have shown you that, in fact, YOU did this , if we are to take at face value the claims you made.

Obama was a drug user, he has admitted it. And everyone knows how addictive Cocaine is. He therefore qualifies just as Limbuagh does in YOUR argument.

McCain is a decorated Veteran, he is a war hero. He is the same as Colin Powell. Yet last year the democratic spin machine INSISTED over and over that a status as a decorated War Veteran was simply not important at all in the process of choosing a President.

So you not I or anyone else in this thread, have claimed that The selection and then election of Obama over McCain was wrong on its face, because one was a drug addict and the other a decorated war veteran.

It doesn't matter one whit what any of US thought about Kerry at all. Because NONE of us are making the argument, YOU ARE.
As i already stated dim wit the reason is obvious to all but the most stupid of left wing idiots. Cheney and Rush are far closer on issues than are Cheney and Powell. Your level of retardation is demonstrated entirely by the fact that you even had to ask the question

Ok, so then, am I the only dimwit in the discussion that has to ask, what the hell does Cheney have to do with the debate? The question is, again, why do think KARL ROVE, would Chose RUSH LIMBAUGH, over COLIN POWELL.

Note: None of the above is named DICK CHENEY.

Dimwit, indeed.

Now, to refocus, why do you think a top Republican, like KARL ROVE, would chose RUSH LIMBAUGH over COLIN POWELL? Aside from personal views, Rove is a great strategist. It would seem that if Rove had the party over his personal interest and opinions, he could see that Powell has a greater appeal to the general public than Limbaugh. Of course, as it has been pointed out, Limbaugh has no intentions of running for office so maybe it's just small talk.

Be so kind as to point out to us what position Rove holds in the Republican Party that makes him a TOP Republican.
Hitler was a decorated war veteran, was he a nice pick for you sweetie?
Same difference at least according to you idiots either one or both Cheney and Rove were Bush's bete noire. Because Bush was too damn dumb to think of any of this shit on his own.

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