Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama administration


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
'knew about terrorist attack within minutes

Newly declassified testimonies about what happened among Pentagon officials the night of the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012 have been obtained by Fox News
The documents show the U.S. military found out about 15 minutes after the attack - which killed four Americans - that it was an act of terror and communicated that to the Obama administration
However the government - including Obama and then-U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who were in the throes of the 2012 US Presidential election - maintained for two weeks afterward the attack started as a protest against an anti-Islamic film and turned violent

Read more: Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama administration 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes' | Mail Online

Game, Set, Match you leftwing assholes.
According to the documents, Gen. Carter Ham - who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya - said that while there was mention of the demonstrations - which started on the same day day as Benghazi but in Egypt - he and the other commanders involved were always clear that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.
Secret documents detailing how top U.S. military officials learned about the Benghazi attack in 2012 show that the Obama administration knew 'within minutes' it was the work of terrorists, despite maintaining for two weeks afterward it was a protest gone wrong
No. Sorry.

The information that they had at the time was preliminary in nature.

Nutters will politicize the deaths of those four people as sure as the sun shines.
Read dumb fuck, they were declassified.

The transcripts are all there, they all knew.
Documents were declassified...
That's how we are learning about them.
No. Sorry.

The information that they had at the time was preliminary in nature.

Nutters will politicize the deaths of those four people as sure as the sun shines.

This all comes from General Ham, OUR fucked up President is a lying ass pig.

You people lose.
Looks like they knew early on it was an "act of terror"....or more important an attack by terrorists.
But they sent what's her face out there to push it was a video that got a bunch of people pissed of
and they just happend to have grenade launchers and mortars in their back pockets.
Obama goes out on the talk show circuit and goes with the we just don't know yet rap.

But it's no big deal to the Obama lovers that don't see that the administration tried to cover it up.
It's more important that we nail Cristie for the traffic thing.
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