Top Ten Things We Learned From David Letterman Trashing Andrew Breitbart

The "office" is a metaphorical conceit, little one. Look up the concept. Still, I do want you to have a good day.

thanks I guess.:lol:

You are welcome. I do hope you don't have to work outside, because it is incredibly hot here, and honey bunch has me scheduled for lawn maintenance this afternoon. I would rather go boating.

no I don't work outside. I work in a job where I have to deal with the public, and like here it gets very stressful dealing with some people. but I can handle it and most of my customers love me, go figure.:lol:
thanks I guess.:lol:

You are welcome. I do hope you don't have to work outside, because it is incredibly hot here, and honey bunch has me scheduled for lawn maintenance this afternoon. I would rather go boating.

no I don't work outside. I work in a job where I have to deal with the public, and like here it gets very stressful dealing with some people. but I can handle it and most of my customers love me, go figure.:lol:

That's because of your lovable nature, which you hide from us here. Go have a good day and we quarrel about politics later.
You are welcome. I do hope you don't have to work outside, because it is incredibly hot here, and honey bunch has me scheduled for lawn maintenance this afternoon. I would rather go boating.

no I don't work outside. I work in a job where I have to deal with the public, and like here it gets very stressful dealing with some people. but I can handle it and most of my customers love me, go figure.:lol:

That's because of your lovable nature, which you hide from us here. Go have a good day and we quarrel about politics later.

LOL, vedy funny.
see ya later.
Oh jakey, take a damn chill pill. I ain't in no mood for your childish shit this morning.:lol:

You tell lies and laugh? You get laughed at and your get broody?

Yeah, hon, you are a joke and the elections are going to kick you in your reactionary butt.

What woud you consider a buttkicking in the Novemeber elections?

Since you are so confident I'm willing to wager that the Republicans will take back the House, and If I'm wrong I will leave USMB and never return, if I'm right you must agree to leave this forum never to return. So are you wiling to take me up on my offer?

I am going to win, and I don't care if you are here, because I am going to rub it in your face for the next two years. I called 1994 and 2006 within two votes each time, and the Pubs will pick up no more than 8 to 10, not the more than 35 they would have to have to give the GOP an absolute majority.

Yeah, I want you here to kick around.
You tell lies and laugh? You get laughed at and your get broody?

Yeah, hon, you are a joke and the elections are going to kick you in your reactionary butt.

What woud you consider a buttkicking in the Novemeber elections?

Since you are so confident I'm willing to wager that the Republicans will take back the House, and If I'm wrong I will leave USMB and never return, if I'm right you must agree to leave this forum never to return. So are you wiling to take me up on my offer?

I am going to win, and I don't care if you are here, because I am going to rub it in your face for the next two years. I called 1994 and 2006 within two votes each time, and the Pubs will pick up no more than 8 to 10, not the more than 35 they would have to have to give the GOP an absolute majority.

Yeah, I want you here to kick around.

Thanks for the new Sig line Fake Jake!!

You do realize that you aren't fooling anyone here except yourself? " :rofl:
As I kick around Zander fool as well. He pretends to be GOP when he is nothing more than a scummy far far right reactionary, who, even worse, pretends to a Dodgers fan. He isn't either a Republican or a fan. :lol:
Nah,the far right GOP are not comedians but the fodder for comedy. I mean look at Stephanie here. She has been the butt of so many funnies that it is not funny. Her post is merely one of them.

Point: Breitbart was wrong and is an ass for doing it.

Point: Anyone who defends Breitbart is a joke.

it started with limbaugh

then they put more poison in the pen with the likes of coulter

and savage

(at which point limbaugh became "TOO LIBERAL" for MILLIONS of conservatives)

and t hey could putting even MORE POISON in the pen...

now we have the likes of breitbart....

can hitler be far behind?

"liberals are ze enemies of germany!"
"blacks, minorities, liberals are RUINING germany!"
"white conservative aryan christian germans are SUPERIOR to liberals, atheists, homosexuals, feminists..."
"zey are zee ENEMIES of germany!"
"we must DO SOMETHING about our ENEMIES!"
you guys are all fools....starkey is always right

he is the smartest guy on this board, it is futile, futile i say, to even think you can debate him, give up now!!!
Yurt, how many of those points of the far right do you match, hmmm?
Nah,the far right GOP are not comedians but the fodder for comedy. I mean look at Stephanie here. She has been the butt of so many funnies that it is not funny. Her post is merely one of them.

Point: Breitbart was wrong and is an ass for doing it.

Point: Anyone who defends Breitbart is a joke.

it started with limbaugh

then they put more poison in the pen with the likes of coulter

and savage

(at which point limbaugh became "TOO LIBERAL" for MILLIONS of conservatives)

and t hey could putting even MORE POISON in the pen...

now we have the likes of breitbart....

can hitler be far behind?

"liberals are ze enemies of germany!"
"blacks, minorities, liberals are RUINING germany!"
"white conservative aryan christian germans are SUPERIOR to liberals, atheists, homosexuals, feminists..."
"zey are zee ENEMIES of germany!"
"we must DO SOMETHING about our ENEMIES!"

oh brother.
those people listed above have what is called, FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
how dare they huh..
Nothing against freedom of speech at all, but one can be judged on what one says. A nazi is a nazi is a nazi.
You tell lies and laugh? You get laughed at and your get broody?

Yeah, hon, you are a joke and the elections are going to kick you in your reactionary butt.

What woud you consider a buttkicking in the Novemeber elections?

Since you are so confident I'm willing to wager that the Republicans will take back the House, and If I'm wrong I will leave USMB and never return, if I'm right you must agree to leave this forum never to return. So are you wiling to take me up on my offer?

I am going to win, and I don't care if you are here, because I am going to rub it in your face for the next two years. I called 1994 and 2006 within two votes each time, and the Pubs will pick up no more than 8 to 10, not the more than 35 they would have to have to give the GOP an absolute majority.

Yeah, I want you here to kick around.


I take it Jokey isn't going to leave, huh?

What woud you consider a buttkicking in the Novemeber elections?

Since you are so confident I'm willing to wager that the Republicans will take back the House, and If I'm wrong I will leave USMB and never return, if I'm right you must agree to leave this forum never to return. So are you wiling to take me up on my offer?

I am going to win, and I don't care if you are here, because I am going to rub it in your face for the next two years. I called 1994 and 2006 within two votes each time, and the Pubs will pick up no more than 8 to 10, not the more than 35 they would have to have to give the GOP an absolute majority.

Yeah, I want you here to kick around.


I take it Jokey isn't going to leave, huh?


What woud you consider a buttkicking in the Novemeber elections?

Since you are so confident I'm willing to wager that the Republicans will take back the House, and If I'm wrong I will leave USMB and never return, if I'm right you must agree to leave this forum never to return. So are you wiling to take me up on my offer?

I am going to win, and I don't care if you are here, because I am going to rub it in your face for the next two years. I called 1994 and 2006 within two votes each time, and the Pubs will pick up no more than 8 to 10, not the more than 35 they would have to have to give the GOP an absolute majority.

Yeah, I want you here to kick around.


I take it Jokey isn't going to leave, huh?


Of course not, because you are what you are, a reactionary far right wing nut who will need to be repeatedly beaten down, Dr. House. If you didn't give the update, did you? You ignored your beliefs in your savior from 2008.

Yeah, I want you to stay for me to kick around.

YouTube - ‪Maddow on Letterman‬‎

10. No one will ever say that David Letterman is “too smart to believe what he believes.”

9. Whatever was left of Dave’s edgy sense of irony died while engaging in a serious discussion about the ethics of journalism with… Rachel Maddow… of…. MSNBC…

8. Dave hasn’t figured out that “scaring smart people” puts your ratings in the toilet.

7. Dave will believe any lie told by a humorless partisan wearing purple glasses.

6. Two negatives do not equal a positive. Maddow’s inability to feel joy plus Letterman’s similar affliction equals less audience pleasure than a discussion about undercooked meatloaf between two nursing home residents.

5. Somehow the career of Johnny Carson’s former protege’ has hit so many classless lows that his calling someone a #$%*& $@#!& on national television doesn’t even rate.

4. Contrary to popular belief, for five minutes Dave is in fact able to restrain himself from leering over the words ”Palin” and “Sarah.” …and to not make jokes about the statutory rape of teenage girls.

3. The only time anyone notices Dave’s show is when he embarrasses himself.

2. Dave’s still cranky since learning Bill Clinton now narrowly leads in their contest to see which gray-haired old lefty can score the most intern tail.

1. I guess Andrew won’t be getting a personal tour of Letterman’s creepy Edgar Allen Poe off-office sex-with-employees room above the Ed Sullivan Theatre.

from with comments.
Big Hollywood Blog Archive Top Ten Things We Learned From David Letterman Trashing Andrew Breitbart

Not even an acceptable ripoff of Dave's very creative top ten list. In fact, it blows.
Stephanie, you embarrass yourself nearly every time you post, honey. Keep it up.
Honey, go for it. You will end up looking stupid as always,but that's certainly your choice. You may learn some things about yourself. :lol:

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