Top Ten Reasons Obama Won the Nobel Peace Prize

I haven't seen anyone rejoicing.

Who's rejoicing?

Then you must not read the Kossacks...

Let's start a new page...a new that shows how awed and humbled and open we are to the magnificence of this incredible moment/gesture from the World. We are recipients of this prize as well for knowing the difference between the kernel of grain and the shaft. We helped touch the world when we elected Barack Obama.
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Reason 11: To drive rightwingers even battier.

Did you listen to the right wingers on the radio today? LOL

Oh and Hannity said Bush should have been awarded the Nobel PEACE PRIZE! He was

Rush said he is on the same side as the taliban and says he should have not received it..


This is driving them nuts! LOL

You give your boyfriend that present from autozone yet?


Thud!! Barry hussein dunham soetoro obama aka who the fuck are ya?? Falling off his pedestal!!! Lol
Reason 11: To drive rightwingers even battier.

Did you listen to the right wingers on the radio today? LOL

Oh and Hannity said Bush should have been awarded the Nobel PEACE PRIZE! He was

Rush said he is on the same side as the taliban and says he should have not received it..


This is driving them nuts! LOL

You sure do spend a lot of time watching and listening to Hannity...:eusa_eh:

Honest liberals are saying how this is an undeserved award...

0bama dick sucking asshat liberals are defending the decision and think he definitely deserves it...
You sure do spend a lot of time watching and listening to Hannity...:eusa_eh:

Honest liberals are saying how this is an undeserved award...

0bama dick sucking asshat liberals are defending the decision and think he definitely deserves it...

Even the President has said he didnt deserve it. Hasnt stopped him from accepting it but he atleast acknowledge he doesnt deserve it yet.
Nobel peace prize winners since 1977

2009 - Barack Obama
2008 - Martti Ahtisaari
2007 - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Al Gore
2006 - Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank
2005 - International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei
2004 - Wangari Maathai
2003 - Shirin Ebadi
2002 - Jimmy Carter
2001 - United Nations, Kofi Annan
2000 - Kim Dae-jung
1999 - Médecins Sans Frontières
1998 - John Hume, David Trimble
1997 - International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Jody Williams
1996 - Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, José Ramos-Horta
1995 - Joseph Rotblat, Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
1994 - Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin
1993 - Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk
1992 - Rigoberta Menchú Tum
1991 - Aung San Suu Kyi
1990 - Mikhail Gorbachev
1989 - The 14th Dalai Lama
1988 - United Nations Peacekeeping Forces
1987 - Oscar Arias Sánchez
1986 - Elie Wiesel
1985 - International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
1984 - Desmond Tutu
1983 - Lech Walesa
1982 - Alva Myrdal, Alfonso García Robles
1981 - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
1980 - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
1979 - Mother Teresa
1978 - Anwar al-Sadat, Menachem Begin
1977 - Amnesty International
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Top Ten Reasons Obama Won the Nobel Peace Prize:clap2:

With David Letterman somewhat distracted, I thought I’d solicit nominations for a top 10 list. Here’s a few to start off:

Consolation prize for losing the Olympics

Who gives a rat’s you-know-what about Afghanistan, anyway

The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology were already taken

“We couldn’t give an ‘un-prize’ to George W. Bush, and this was the next best thing”

For extraordinary diplomacy at the Gates-Crowley “Beer Summit”

UPDATE: “Obama? I thought we were giving it to Osama“

The Norwegians wanted to honor one of their own, and the committee discovered that Obama was born in Oslo, Norway, the son of a Volvo factory worker.

ONE MORE: Norway needed to stimulate its prize industry, and Obama was willing to trade in an older, less efficient prize.

AND FROM THE COMMENTS: He was the 10th caller

That's actually funny, except that's a TOP 9, not a TOP 10 list. A for effort though.

I guess I'll put on my conservative hat and add a few...

Encouraged peaceful TEA parties nationwide.
Because Hope and Change, even without Hope and Change, made the world feel so warm and fuzzy!
All those media reports on the war and the dead people there just went away, thanks to Obama.
Because he outshines American Idol in the press, which for one makes the committee a lot more peaceful. American Idol makes us angry...
and and and the uhh number one uhh reason uhhh, now hold, now now now hold on there. The uhh number one reason that uhh B B B Barack uhhbama has uhh w w w won the uhh, now hold uhh now hold on a minute, uhh let me let let let let me be uhh perfectly clear, the uhh number one reason that I that that Barak Obama won the uh the uh Nobel Peace uhh prize uhh...

Fuck it, try the veal.
Top Ten Reasons Obama Won the Nobel Peace Prize:clap2:

With David Letterman somewhat distracted, I thought I’d solicit nominations for a top 10 list. Here’s a few to start off:

Consolation prize for losing the Olympics

Who gives a rat’s you-know-what about Afghanistan, anyway

The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology were already taken

“We couldn’t give an ‘un-prize’ to George W. Bush, and this was the next best thing”

For extraordinary diplomacy at the Gates-Crowley “Beer Summit”

UPDATE: “Obama? I thought we were giving it to Osama“

The Norwegians wanted to honor one of their own, and the committee discovered that Obama was born in Oslo, Norway, the son of a Volvo factory worker.

ONE MORE: Norway needed to stimulate its prize industry, and Obama was willing to trade in an older, less efficient prize.

AND FROM THE COMMENTS: He was the 10th caller

That's actually funny, except that's a TOP 9, not a TOP 10 list. A for effort though.

I guess I'll put on my conservative hat and add a few...

Encouraged peaceful TEA parties nationwide.
Because Hope and Change, even without Hope and Change, made the world feel so warm and fuzzy!
All those media reports on the war and the dead people there just went away, thanks to Obama.
Because he outshines American Idol in the press, which for one makes the committee a lot more peaceful. American Idol makes us angry...
You'd be surprised how many cons had hope for Hillary.
Reason 11: To drive rightwingers even battier.

It hasn't driven any rightwingers batty or battier, but it has provided some great comic relief today at the expense of the Kool aid drinking Obamabots. They're perfectly content to get nothing for their money, and are now rejoicing over nothing!

Some of us are just rejoicing over watching you guys have a cow over this while denying that you are.


I am not having a "cow"---I think it's absolutely hillarious--:lol::lol::lol: It's kind of like winning the Heisman Trophy before you've ever played a game. He was nominated for this just two weeks after he took office.

Really--Obama should have gracefully stated he could not accept the award at this time. It's nothing more than political manuvering--especially with his generals asking for 40K more troops. In essense he (by not turning it down)--has put himself between a rock & a hard spot.

Obama will be taken apart by the opposition over this--if he does not send more troops to Afganistan. If he wouldn't have accepted the prize--he could have done whatever without to much ridicule.
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maybe barak hussain went down on all of the judges!!! just a thought!! what ever happened to the three gay guys from trinity church that were killed???? you know, obama's boyfriends!! shhhhhhh
It hasn't driven any rightwingers batty or battier, but it has provided some great comic relief today at the expense of the Kool aid drinking Obamabots. They're perfectly content to get nothing for their money, and are now rejoicing over nothing!

Some of us are just rejoicing over watching you guys have a cow over this while denying that you are.


I am not having a "cow"---I think it's absolutely hillarious--:lol::lol::lol: It's kind of like winning the Heisman Trophy before you've ever played a game. He was nominated for this just two weeks after he took office.

Really--Obama should have gracefully stated he could not accept the award at this time. It's nothing more than political manuvering--especially with his generals asking for 40K more troops. In essense he (by not turning it down)--has put himself between a rock & a hard spot.

Obama will be taken apart by the opposition over this--if he does not send more troops to Afganistan. If he wouldn't have accepted the prize--he could have done whatever without to much ridicule.
no one is "having a cow"
thats just in the imaginations of dipshit liberals that have no fucking clue what and how conservatives think
Upon first hearing this, I thought it was an Onion story. Then I came here and saw the swooning BHO groupies. That made it even better than an Onion story.

Don't visit the Daily'll crack you up. This is one of my favorite comments:

This is a Healing moment...the best of humanity moment. As Obama said on a different occasion we need to talk to each from the depths of our heart. Where are the words from the Kos Community that show we are humbled, courageous--worthy of such a leader?

Let's start a new page...a new that shows how awed and humbled and open we are to the magnificence of this incredible moment/gesture from the World. We are recipients of this prize as well for knowing the difference between the kernel of grain and the shaft. We helped touch the world when we elected Barack Obama.

Have you been touched by Barack? Be healed in the name of Obama!

[ame=]YouTube - Pastor Simmons Praying & Laying Hands (1)[/ame]

That actually makes me feel sick. Damn, there are some freaks in the world!

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