Top Welfare States: "Am I Blue..."

Earned benefits <> Welfare.


Not when you claim that "50%" of the federal budget goes to "Welfare".

Wanna bet that Veteran's benefits are part of that "50%"?

I don't recall making that claim.

You didn't, but the the person I was responding to did.

Over 50% of the US federal budget is spent on social spending commonly referred to as "Welfare"....Own it.
The Biggest US Welfare States

Gee can you just guess what state is number one? Why is there so many blue states with people on public aid?

Actually, it doesn't matter whether it's a blue or red state. No state is completely Dem or Repub. There are welfare recipients everywhere and Obama is importing more at an alarming pace.

As long as states have welfare, people will sign up for it. Many need it and some just prefer it over work. Too many people have had no choice in this shitty economy.

Illegal aliens receive welfare, Social Security and SS Disability. Others are on the dole even though they could be independent. The scammers, increased poor and illegals ensure that the SS fund will go bankrupt and that tax dollars will disappear quickly.

Party of the state government has little bearing these days on the number of people on the doles. There are Repubs, Dems, Independents and lots of clueless people who can't even name their representatives in each state.

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