Tora Tora Tora

Is a film about Pearl Harbour. It seemed a bit worthy to me and unusually for American movies gave the Japanese a fair shake.

But it got me thinking. What if there was a modern day Pearl Harbour ? The US would be fucked.

Firstly all the tin foilers would claim it was a false flag and refuse to fight.

The QOP would block a finance bill to rebuild the ships and recruit troops out of sheer bloody mindedness.

The land of the free would run up multiple law suits from Korean and Chinese citizens locked up for looking Japanese. Because of course they all look the same.

MTG would lead a patriots attack on the only Japanese restaurant in Atlanta.

The Oath keepers would bomb every Toyota dealer in the country. In a patriotic way of course.

Trump would call it fake news and continue playing golf.

Fox would find some way to implicate Hillary and Hunter.

Japan would win.
/—-/ Ever hear of 9/11?
With all due respect for the likes of Winston Churchill the U.K. would be speaking German today if it wasn't for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

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