Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

Three genders. Intersex is a gender, as you can't teach that one is male or female, because they are either both, or neither.

Are you referring to hermaphrodites?

The politically correct term is intersex. :) But yes. Those people who are born with two sets of genitals.

A question: why do we have to have a PC designation for a common term that has traditionally been used to describe a specific condition?
Why would parents complain about having to explain to their kids the facts of life? Gay people exist, do they want their kids to grow up completely ignorant of that?

6 genders?
Give me a break already.

That is the OP spin, not what they are teaching. They aren't teaching that there are six genders.

From their curriculum:

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgendered, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive selfconcept [PS]

Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same thing as one’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender identity and sexual orientation
are connected to the way we see ourselves and to our interactions with others.
Understanding and accepting our gender identity and our sexual orientation can
have a strong impact – positive or negative – on the development of our self-concept.
A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts
his or her gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels
or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not
what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or
community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning his or
her gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with
his or her uncertainties. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 1-8

And you think it's ok to teach this shit to little kids?
What say you if parents have the ability to opt out?
What say you if most or all parents opt out?
What say you if the majority of parents in a given school district went to the local school board and demanded the courses be dropped from the curriculum?
Right, better rewrite the anatomy books for

They are idiots for teaching this crap..... There are only 2 genders..... male and female.

The rest is sexual preference and the expression of such.

Three genders. Intersex is a gender, as you can't teach that one is male or female, because they are either both, or neither.
That is YOUR opinion.
There are TWO genders. Male and female. X and Y Chromosomes....That's it.
Anything outside of that is a scientific and medical abnormality. In a strictly scientific and medically accepted context..
So please do not bother flying off the handle with some silly emotional rant. Not interested in watching you try to "save" this.
6 genders?
Give me a break already.

That is the OP spin, not what they are teaching. They aren't teaching that there are six genders.

From their curriculum:

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgendered, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive selfconcept [PS]

Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same thing as one’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender identity and sexual orientation
are connected to the way we see ourselves and to our interactions with others.
Understanding and accepting our gender identity and our sexual orientation can
have a strong impact – positive or negative – on the development of our self-concept.
A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts
his or her gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels
or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not
what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or
community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning his or
her gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with
his or her uncertainties. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 1-8

And you think it's ok to teach this shit to little kids?
What say you if parents have the ability to opt out?
What say you if most or all parents opt out?
What say you if the majority of parents in a given school district went to the local school board and demanded the courses be dropped from the curriculum?

Yes, I think it's okay to teach about human sexuality in a human sexuality class. Color me crazy.
That is the OP spin, not what they are teaching. They aren't teaching that there are six genders.

From their curriculum:

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgendered, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive selfconcept [PS]

Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same thing as one’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender identity and sexual orientation
are connected to the way we see ourselves and to our interactions with others.
Understanding and accepting our gender identity and our sexual orientation can
have a strong impact – positive or negative – on the development of our self-concept.
A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts
his or her gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels
or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not
what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or
community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning his or
her gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with
his or her uncertainties. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 1-8

And you think it's ok to teach this shit to little kids?
What say you if parents have the ability to opt out?
What say you if most or all parents opt out?
What say you if the majority of parents in a given school district went to the local school board and demanded the courses be dropped from the curriculum?

Yes, I think it's okay to teach about human sexuality in a human sexuality class. Color me crazy.

In first grade? You want to explain exactly how two people with the same sex organs manage to have sex to first graders?
What the hell does that accomplish?
6 genders?
Give me a break already.

That is the OP spin, not what they are teaching. They aren't teaching that there are six genders.

From their curriculum:

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgendered, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive selfconcept [PS]

Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same thing as one’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender identity and sexual orientation
are connected to the way we see ourselves and to our interactions with others.
Understanding and accepting our gender identity and our sexual orientation can
have a strong impact – positive or negative – on the development of our self-concept.
A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts
his or her gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels
or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not
what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or
community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning his or
her gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with
his or her uncertainties. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 1-8

And you think it's ok to teach this shit to little kids?
What say you if parents have the ability to opt out?
What say you if most or all parents opt out?
What say you if the majority of parents in a given school district went to the local school board and demanded the courses be dropped from the curriculum?

They simply do what they always do in cases like this, label the opposition bigoted, call in the lawyers and when all else fails present the curriculum without notifying the parents. After which they give you a "sorry 'bout that".
I'm sorry. I forget that science scares old folks like you.

Science says there are only two genders, determined by chromosones. Do you really want to go there?

What does that have to do with the link I posted? Did you even read it? It will help women conceive. This is bad how?

Science says there is much more than that. Have you never heard the term intersex?

I was refering to the large population of children conceived without and artificial assistance.
Scientific studies have been done that indicate that children are the most well adjusted, healthiest, and with the least emotional problems if they are raised by mature biological parents (that would be one man and one woman). I know, that is now considered "hate speech" because it does not fit your agenda. If you want to use "science" to "what if" the typical, it would seem that science would have been considered when it came to making and raising children. You chose to ignore "scientific studies" when it came to your personal choices, yet you want to beat other people over the head with "science" when it fits your agenda/beliefs.
OMG...are you for real? How exactly do we "reduce families or dishonor parents"?

They ARE normal. It is best to let the child know that they are valued no matter if they are straight/gay/fat/Muslim/trandsgendered/ etc.

You can't pretend these gay kids don't exist. They go to school. Kids with gay parents go to school. Transgendered kids go to school. You can't wish 'em into the cornfield.

I see, "my" wishes for what my children to be taught will not be honored by you, but you are willing to "force your beliefs" onto my children. Isn't that doing exactly what you have been crying "victim" over for years?

Nobody is forcing anything on you drama queen.

The pot calling the kettle black:lol:
No, you do not teach this filth to "adults". You and your ilk want it taught to children, that are not emotionally mature enough to understand what it is. Big, Big, difference.
You want indoctrination of "children" so that your "beliefs" can be legitimized by brainwashing. To me, I think it is showing pornography to children (if they don't see the images, they get the full-blown description). And you are covering your deception by claiming that you are teaching "tolerance", it takes some evil people to think this is okay for elementary children.
Why would parents complain about having to explain to their kids the facts of life? Gay people exist, do they want their kids to grow up completely ignorant of that?

6 genders?
Give me a break already.

That is the OP spin, not what they are teaching. They aren't teaching that there are six genders.

From their curriculum:

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgendered, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive selfconcept [PS]

Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same thing as one’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender identity and sexual orientation
are connected to the way we see ourselves and to our interactions with others.
Understanding and accepting our gender identity and our sexual orientation can
have a strong impact – positive or negative – on the development of our self-concept.
A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts
his or her gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels
or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not
what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or
community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning his or
her gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with
his or her uncertainties. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 1-8

But don't you dare pretend that you are a "cowboy" or Superman, or Spiderman, because that isn't real. You are teaching deception and corruption.
6 genders?
Give me a break already.

That is the OP spin, not what they are teaching. They aren't teaching that there are six genders.

From their curriculum:

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgendered, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive selfconcept [PS]

Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same thing as one’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender identity and sexual orientation
are connected to the way we see ourselves and to our interactions with others.
Understanding and accepting our gender identity and our sexual orientation can
have a strong impact – positive or negative – on the development of our self-concept.
A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts
his or her gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels
or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not
what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or
community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning his or
her gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with
his or her uncertainties. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 1-8

But don't you dare pretend that you are a "cowboy" or Superman, or Spiderman, because that isn't real. You are teaching deception and corruption.

If Canada wants to teach native religion in their schools, what business is it of ours?
That is the OP spin, not what they are teaching. They aren't teaching that there are six genders.

From their curriculum:

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgendered, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive selfconcept [PS]

Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same thing as one’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender identity and sexual orientation
are connected to the way we see ourselves and to our interactions with others.
Understanding and accepting our gender identity and our sexual orientation can
have a strong impact – positive or negative – on the development of our self-concept.
A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts
his or her gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels
or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not
what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or
community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning his or
her gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with
his or her uncertainties. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 1-8

But don't you dare pretend that you are a "cowboy" or Superman, or Spiderman, because that isn't real. You are teaching deception and corruption.

If Canada wants to teach native religion in their schools, what business is it of ours?

If Canada wants to become a cesspool and let it overflow across the border, what business is that of ours?
Ah, so it's none of our business but you want to whine about it anyway. Do you take this much interest in all of Canadas dealings? You know gays have equal rights over there? They can marry, adopt, transgendered individuals can even enter beauty pagents.

Maybe we should build a fence.
That is the OP spin, not what they are teaching. They aren't teaching that there are six genders.

From their curriculum:

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgendered, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive selfconcept [PS]

Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same thing as one’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender identity and sexual orientation
are connected to the way we see ourselves and to our interactions with others.
Understanding and accepting our gender identity and our sexual orientation can
have a strong impact – positive or negative – on the development of our self-concept.
A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts
his or her gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels
or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not
what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or
community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning his or
her gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with
his or her uncertainties. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 1-8

But don't you dare pretend that you are a "cowboy" or Superman, or Spiderman, because that isn't real. You are teaching deception and corruption.

If Canada wants to teach native religion in their schools, what business is it of ours?

If Canada truly wanted to teach first graders about homosexuality, this story would never have been written.
That is the OP spin, not what they are teaching. They aren't teaching that there are six genders.

From their curriculum:

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgendered, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive selfconcept [PS]

Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same thing as one’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender identity and sexual orientation
are connected to the way we see ourselves and to our interactions with others.
Understanding and accepting our gender identity and our sexual orientation can
have a strong impact – positive or negative – on the development of our self-concept.
A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts
his or her gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels
or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not
what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or
community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning his or
her gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with
his or her uncertainties. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 1-8

And you think it's ok to teach this shit to little kids?
What say you if parents have the ability to opt out?
What say you if most or all parents opt out?
What say you if the majority of parents in a given school district went to the local school board and demanded the courses be dropped from the curriculum?

Yes, I think it's okay to teach about human sexuality in a human sexuality class. Color me crazy.
To young children? Explain why? Elaborate on why you believe this is a good thing?
Please explain why you believe it is better for the public school teacher who may not be a parent, to teach this kind of material to a young impressionable child without the consent or with any input from the parents?
Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing.

I'm sure you will "explain" to them that such behavior is "filth" and "unnatural" and then let them make their own conclusion. But at least they won't be brainwashed!


Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing.

I'm sure you will "explain" to them that such behavior is "filth" and "unnatural" and then let them make their own conclusion. But at least they won't be brainwashed!



Excellent point.
And you think it's ok to teach this shit to little kids?
What say you if parents have the ability to opt out?
What say you if most or all parents opt out?
What say you if the majority of parents in a given school district went to the local school board and demanded the courses be dropped from the curriculum?

Yes, I think it's okay to teach about human sexuality in a human sexuality class. Color me crazy.
To young children? Explain why? Elaborate on why you believe this is a good thing?
Please explain why you believe it is better for the public school teacher who may not be a parent, to teach this kind of material to a young impressionable child without the consent or with any input from the parents?

Yes, all these things can be explained, even to young children. There is age appropriate material at all levels.

There is ZERO proof that it is without parental notification other than the OP. No links supporting it, nothing.

I will tell you that over 90% of parents in Canada believe that sex education should be taught in schools. Sexual health education in the schools:

A more recent survey from Saskatchewan (Advisory Committee on Family Planning, 2008) found that 92% of parents strongly agreed or agreed that sexual health education should be provided in the schools and 91% indicated that sexual health education that is appropriate for a child’s age and developmental level should start before Grade 9.

And yes, I do believe that an educator is qualified to teach sex education to children...much more so that many parents I know.
Science says there are only two genders, determined by chromosones. Do you really want to go there?

What does that have to do with the link I posted? Did you even read it? It will help women conceive. This is bad how?

Science says there is much more than that. Have you never heard the term intersex?

I was refering to the large population of children conceived without and artificial assistance.
Scientific studies have been done that indicate that children are the most well adjusted, healthiest, and with the least emotional problems if they are raised by mature biological parents (that would be one man and one woman). I know, that is now considered "hate speech" because it does not fit your agenda. If you want to use "science" to "what if" the typical, it would seem that science would have been considered when it came to making and raising children. You chose to ignore "scientific studies" when it came to your personal choices, yet you want to beat other people over the head with "science" when it fits your agenda/beliefs.

You do wear that drama queen label proudly don't you? I noticed you didn't actually cite the study or link to it. That's telling...

Study: Same-Sex Parents Raise Well-Adjusted Kids

Children need parents that love them unconditionally, period. The sexual orientation of those parents is immaterial.

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