Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

My sexual orientation isn't a choice, but acting on it is. I happily choose to act on the orientation I was born with.

Stand in front of the mirror, pull your panties down...what do you see? You are either 'male' or 'female'. Anything else is a choice.

What? Are you confusing gender with sexual orientation? I know I'm female and have no desire to be male. I'm attracted to women, making my orientation "lesbian". Neither was a choice and I'm happy with both.

Some people were not born into the bodies their brain and emotions think they should be. I'm not one of them.

I have never seen a lesbian that was not doing everything in its power to look like a man, so I call bullshit.
And yet 30 years ago who thought Sodomy would be taught in schools? Never say never. Ya never can tell what kind of deprived minds make up the U.S. Government and its lackies.I don't care if you go away,stay do whatever. But STOP trying to get everyone to accept your immoral,disgusting,vile lifestyle its not going to happen.

Where is sodomy being taught in US schools?

Do an internet search on parents upset about sex ed in schools. You may find the references to Sandusky mild compared to what some want children taught on the taxpayer's dime.

let me explain sex ed in schools

The argument against it is that it's the parents responsibility.

The argument for it is that some parents do not council their children on the subject resulting in teen pregnancies. I think we can all agree that teen pregnancy is not necessarily a good thing.

Most states have opt outs for sex ed anyway, so the parents have the right to choose.
Where is sodomy being taught in US schools?

Do an internet search on parents upset about sex ed in schools. You may find the references to Sandusky mild compared to what some want children taught on the taxpayer's dime.

let me explain sex ed in schools

The argument against it is that it's the parents responsibility.

The argument for it is that some parents do not council their children on the subject resulting in teen pregnancies. I think we can all agree that teen pregnancy is not necessarily a good thing.

Most states have opt outs for sex ed anyway, so the parents have the right to choose.

Huge difference between "sex ed" and specifically gay curriculum.
And you raise a great point in that "sex ed" day is most often simply that. A day in which boys have an assembly with a male teacher, girls have an assembly with a female teacher and the next day it's class as usual.
I've never heard of any of the controversial gay curriculum being handled in the same manner.

And btw, I would oppose my kids' participation even if it were an assembly.
Catering to all the hard case kids is great as long as I, being an involved parent don't have the values I'm attempting to instill in my children shredded.
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LOL...oh, please provide the curriculum in which it is implied that "kids should try it!".

How is homosexuality "unnatural"? It exists in the animal world in hundreds of species...including the only other species of animal that has sex for pleasure, the dolphin. Same sex animals have been known to mate for life, raising abandoned offspring.

Homosexuality has also existed throughout recorded history, in every culture, since the beginning of time. Please explain this "unnaturalness" of which you speak.

I came by my sexual orientation quite naturally. I certainly did not choose to be attracted to women. How is that explained if not as "natural"?

Homosexual acts promote corruption. It makes those that participate vulnerable to blackmail and manipulation. It preys on the weak (emotionally), and destroys lives (emotionally, financially, physically thru diseases) and families. It is a terrible choice that people make. Some that revel in corruption use it for financial and emotional gain. Others use knowledge of it to hurt all involved.

You want to claim that it is all joy, joy, happy thoughts (deceit), that is fine. To teach that to children is absolutely, wrong. must be close to 100 years old with beliefs like that.

First off, being gay isn't a choice. You don't choose your attractions, only whether or not to act on them. There is no reason for us not to act upon our natural inclinations since we are acting upon them with other consenting adults.

Secondly, you post is ludicrous. Sorry, it's the nicest way I could put it.

Thank you for agreeing that people with homosexual attractions have a choice to act on them. That makes homosexual acts a "choice".

Maybe, I have an old soul. I can see destructive acts for what they are. You choose to believe corruption is a good thing. We are different. That is okay.

Now, since homosexuals cannot produce children by being faithful to their partner and making a child "with" the partner, I really don't think that homosexuality should be taught to children in elementary school. I don't believe ANY sexuality should be taught to children in elementary school. In middle and high school, I think that it should be a decision of the parents, voted on, and tallied. If there are more than 6 students, but less than 30 whose parents want their children taught, then a curriculum approved by those parents should be taught to those children by request. The other students should not have to opt out. Also the reverse is true, where if between 6 and 30 students' parents do not want their children indoctrinated into homosexual "acceptance", they should be able to approve of an alternative curriculum (cause Lord knows, schools are all about "diversity").

If you want to teach science where the physical reproductive organs are learned, in elementary, fine. But sex ed should not be taught without a serious dose of morals or consequences, first.
and it did not hurt him one bit.

how is the school hurting kids by teaching them some kids have two mommies?

Do you think that is important for schools to LIE to children?
There can only be one biological mother.
There can be an adoptive mother.
There can be a woman pretending to be a "husband".
Children are fairly intelligent and know a LIE when it is so blatant.

Another one that must be closer to 100 than to 50.

Is an adoptive mother still the child's mother, yes or no?

My children have two mothers. They know it and all their friends know it. (and nobody is pretending to be a husband :rolleyes: )

"Which" mother are you? How do they differentiate?
"Mother" is a term both sociological as well as biological.

Please stop your selective narrowness, logical4u, based on your own morality.

That clears it all up, Jakey. Please explain how a person can have more than one biological mother. Explain how two women living with a child makes them both the child's "mother".

They don't have more than one biological mother, but the children still have two mothers. An adoptive mother is still a mother is she not?

But don't get too comfy in your "two women can't be the biological mother" stance either...

Three Parent Babies?

Ahh, leave it up to the "un-natural" crowd to bring up the un-natural.
You may not be able to help who you find attractive, but it is a FACT that you choose to act on that particular attraction. And yes, I believe you can control your sexual urges, or there would be a whole lot more rapes in the world.

But why shouldn't we act upon our natural inclinations? We are doing it with other consenting adults after all. I'm not attracted to men and am attracted to women. Always have been. You want me to put aside my natural desires just so you won't feel icky if you see two men or two women holding hands?

Just saying that your "natural inclinations" hurt other people. It reduces families, and dishonors parents. I get that you have convinced yourself otherwise, and like others that make sexually perverse behaviors a priority, you are entitled to make that decision. I do not feel that you should be allowed to teach children (who are mostly made the "natural way") that your choices are normal/good. When it comes to your children, I have no say, when it comes to my children, why do you get to "dictate" what they are taught?
Stand in front of the mirror, pull your panties down...what do you see? You are either 'male' or 'female'. Anything else is a choice.

What? Are you confusing gender with sexual orientation? I know I'm female and have no desire to be male. I'm attracted to women, making my orientation "lesbian". Neither was a choice and I'm happy with both.

Some people were not born into the bodies their brain and emotions think they should be. I'm not one of them.

I have never seen a lesbian that was not doing everything in its power to look like a man, so I call bullshit.

Then you need to leave the bayou once in a while.
You may not be able to help who you find attractive, but it is a FACT that you choose to act on that particular attraction. And yes, I believe you can control your sexual urges, or there would be a whole lot more rapes in the world.

But why shouldn't we act upon our natural inclinations? We are doing it with other consenting adults after all. I'm not attracted to men and am attracted to women. Always have been. You want me to put aside my natural desires just so you won't feel icky if you see two men or two women holding hands?

Just saying that your "natural inclinations" hurt other people. It reduces families, and dishonors parents.
OMG...are you for real? How exactly do we "reduce families or dishonor parents"?

I get that you have convinced yourself otherwise, and like others that make sexually perverse behaviors a priority, you are entitled to make that decision. I do not feel that you should be allowed to teach children (who are mostly made the "natural way") that your choices are normal/good. When it comes to your children, I have no say, when it comes to my children, why do you get to "dictate" what they are taught?

They ARE normal. It is best to let the child know that they are valued no matter if they are straight/gay/fat/Muslim/trandsgendered/ etc.

You can't pretend these gay kids don't exist. They go to school. Kids with gay parents go to school. Transgendered kids go to school. You can't wish 'em into the cornfield.
That clears it all up, Jakey. Please explain how a person can have more than one biological mother. Explain how two women living with a child makes them both the child's "mother".

They don't have more than one biological mother, but the children still have two mothers. An adoptive mother is still a mother is she not?

But don't get too comfy in your "two women can't be the biological mother" stance either...

Three Parent Babies?

Ahh, leave it up to the "un-natural" crowd to bring up the un-natural.

I'm sorry. I forget that science scares old folks like you.
Stand in front of the mirror, pull your panties down...what do you see? You are either 'male' or 'female'. Anything else is a choice.

What? Are you confusing gender with sexual orientation? I know I'm female and have no desire to be male. I'm attracted to women, making my orientation "lesbian". Neither was a choice and I'm happy with both.

Some people were not born into the bodies their brain and emotions think they should be. I'm not one of them.

I have never seen a lesbian that was not doing everything in its power to look like a man, so I call bullshit.

??? You're a fucking idiot. I bet you believe that the whole world should be as stone assed stupid as you.
But why shouldn't we act upon our natural inclinations? We are doing it with other consenting adults after all. I'm not attracted to men and am attracted to women. Always have been. You want me to put aside my natural desires just so you won't feel icky if you see two men or two women holding hands?

Just saying that your "natural inclinations" hurt other people. It reduces families, and dishonors parents.
OMG...are you for real? How exactly do we "reduce families or dishonor parents"?

I get that you have convinced yourself otherwise, and like others that make sexually perverse behaviors a priority, you are entitled to make that decision. I do not feel that you should be allowed to teach children (who are mostly made the "natural way") that your choices are normal/good. When it comes to your children, I have no say, when it comes to my children, why do you get to "dictate" what they are taught?

They ARE normal. It is best to let the child know that they are valued no matter if they are straight/gay/fat/Muslim/trandsgendered/ etc.

You can't pretend these gay kids don't exist. They go to school. Kids with gay parents go to school. Transgendered kids go to school. You can't wish 'em into the cornfield.

I see, "my" wishes for what my children to be taught will not be honored by you, but you are willing to "force your beliefs" onto my children. Isn't that doing exactly what you have been crying "victim" over for years?
They don't have more than one biological mother, but the children still have two mothers. An adoptive mother is still a mother is she not?

But don't get too comfy in your "two women can't be the biological mother" stance either...

Three Parent Babies?

Ahh, leave it up to the "un-natural" crowd to bring up the un-natural.

I'm sorry. I forget that science scares old folks like you.

Science says there are only two genders, determined by chromosones. Do you really want to go there?
Ahh, leave it up to the "un-natural" crowd to bring up the un-natural.

I'm sorry. I forget that science scares old folks like you.

Science says there are only two genders, determined by chromosones. Do you really want to go there?

What does that have to do with the link I posted? Did you even read it? It will help women conceive. This is bad how?

Science says there is much more than that. Have you never heard the term intersex?
I told my son when he was five that our neighbors and good friends (two men) lived together like a husband and wife because they loved each other he seemed to understand it fine...

It made him a better person and did not make him gay.

Considering that you're a total piece of shit, you don't have much credibility in claiming exposing your son to perverts made him a better person.

With all due respect, I don't believe TM said his son was a better person because he was exposed to gays. TM merely said his son was a better person because he defended one of his friends in Jr high who came out.

This is more than a simple play on words. We live in crowded world in which there are many gays. Interacting with gays is simply unavoidable. It is HOW we interact with them which defines who WE are. We can either ridicule and intimidate them, which defines us as being bigoted; or we can merely tolerate them, which defines us as being indifferent; or we can go one step further than toleration and embrace and defend them, judging them by their character rather than their sexual orientation, which defines as as being sensitive and fair.

TM's son was not gay; therefore his friendship with his gay classmate was based on other factors, more important factors. Perhaps his friend was more intelligent, ethical, kind, caring, hard-working, humble, fun-loving, dependable, or courageous than other classmates who were straight. I think a young man who defends a classmate is in fact a better person that one who would abandon a friend in time of need.

TM's son is well on his way to manhood not because he is exposed to gays but rather because of how he treats his friends whether they are gay or not.

I find it strange that some people think that being gay is so terrible that it outweighs all other aspects of one's character. I will simply say this is not how I feel. I am not gay but there are many gays I consider to be morally superior to many straights. I wonder, at what point does character finally mean more than sexual orientation? I suppose for some people the answer is never.

I don't often agree with TM, but I am on his side on this one. Big time.
Just saying that your "natural inclinations" hurt other people. It reduces families, and dishonors parents.
OMG...are you for real? How exactly do we "reduce families or dishonor parents"?

I get that you have convinced yourself otherwise, and like others that make sexually perverse behaviors a priority, you are entitled to make that decision. I do not feel that you should be allowed to teach children (who are mostly made the "natural way") that your choices are normal/good. When it comes to your children, I have no say, when it comes to my children, why do you get to "dictate" what they are taught?

They ARE normal. It is best to let the child know that they are valued no matter if they are straight/gay/fat/Muslim/trandsgendered/ etc.

You can't pretend these gay kids don't exist. They go to school. Kids with gay parents go to school. Transgendered kids go to school. You can't wish 'em into the cornfield.

I see, "my" wishes for what my children to be taught will not be honored by you, but you are willing to "force your beliefs" onto my children. Isn't that doing exactly what you have been crying "victim" over for years?

Exactly why this should not be taught in school and should be left to parents. That way, no one is forced to believe in anything their parents do not approve of.
I'm sorry. I forget that science scares old folks like you.

Science says there are only two genders, determined by chromosones. Do you really want to go there?

What does that have to do with the link I posted? Did you even read it? It will help women conceive. This is bad how?

Science says there is much more than that. Have you never heard the term intersex?

No crazy political charged science may, but funny how we didnt have these "genders" before the 20th century. Arguing 2 genders is like arguing you need air to live, it's pretty straight forward.
If you don't want public schools teaching your kids about this stuff, don't send them to public schools. Its pretty simple.

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