Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

It has been answered for those who have ears to hear. :lol:

So much for you innate sympathy for children who have lost their mothers by murder and who have found a mother's love through other women's efforts.

God, as Jefferson and Madison and Franklin and so many of the other Founders fully understood, is not a term limited only to the Father or Christ. The other religious followers will be just fine with its universal use, as you should be as well.

"God", Jakey, I thought this was not a "Christian" country? What will all the atheist/islamic/hindu/buddahists homosexuals think? Are you provoking them?

You are the one that is not answering the questions. How can two women living with one child "both" be the child's mother?

Still, no answer.... you bring up a replacement mother (adoptive). Really Jakey, I'm shocked, that you refuse to answer.
poor logical4u simply has only parroted her unsupported assertion from the beginning.

That's OK. Life is long, and she will learn.
A lot of people here seem to have forgotten the whole "throwing stones in glass houses" thing.

Maybe Americans should stick with trying to form a "more perfect union" instead of going crazy over something that is happening in Canada.

I have deep ties to Toronto and the article, from the ill-informed christian conservative rag the Canadian Times spread this propaganda without any kind of context.

Let me remind everyone here that Toronto is the most diverse big city in the world, and also the safest big city in the world.

If preaching understanding and tolerance has helped to do that, than we Americans should shut the fuck up, because we're shooting each other up like crazy while Toronto averages about 1 murder a week. If it were an American city, the average would be closer to 8-10 a week.

Our children should be armed with knowledge and tolerance for folks who are different, and whether we like it or not, there are gays and lesbians out there and there are people who are transgendered as well.

If our kids grow up accepting of each other's differences, than I'd say we're preaching the teachings of Jesus Christ.

If it's fair to teach 7 yr-old's about why it is wrong if somebody touches you down there, than it is fair to teach them about the different kinds of people there are in the world around them and that we love them too.

We're all God's children, so the haters can go fuck themselves, as well as the Canadian Times, for spreading veiled hatred.

The bigger question we should ask in regards to Toronto or Ontario is to wonder what they're doing right that they tend to manage about 12 million people with under 100 murders a year, which is remarkably low.

You're full of crap Bear in mind you are really posting with a TO baby here.

Don't hand out shit because I'll call you on it.

To the homicide rate in Toronto, that's a whole different thread. It's bullshit. They base the stats on only inner Toronto. Not the GTA. We're talking a miniscule area. A postage stamp area.

They've skewered the figures for years on end.

Now to the stupidest part of your post and truly well you almost left me breathless with this one....

If it's fair to teach 7 yr-old's about why it is wrong if somebody touches you down there, than it is fair to teach them about the different kinds of people there are in the world around them and that we love them too.

To attempt to equate child molestation prevention with fist fucking and what lubrication to use for a 7 year old is sick.

You are one mother fucking sick puppy.

ETA: please pardon my french but this post set me clean off.
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So you understand sex distinctions, good for you.

You have not shown that such is particular to either hetero- or homosexuality.

That's the point.

There is no question that the vast numbers of child rape are committed by heterosexuals.

Given the percentage of the homosexual population, that makes sense. It is "vile", but it makes sense.

Now why would you want children as young as five introduced to sexual acts (via classroom)? Do you want the numbers of child molestations and rapes to increase (heterosexual and homosexual)? Because teaching children that "sex acts" are "normal" when they are little children is telling them that it is okay to have sex as CHILDREN.

It just goes to show that the people that are doing the curriculum have little experience around actual children that are not under close supervision (class room atmosphere) with lots and lots of helpers (they are not responsible for all the childrens' actions).

I don't get it. When I was 5 years old I was into Tom Sawyer and the Bobbsey Twins. I'd moved onto the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew by the age of 7.

Holy freaking toledo now we're teaching kids how to build a gay pride parade float in grade 2?

Aye carumba! I'm going to stroke out here. :lol:

Anybody else remember just building the volcano with your dad? And your mom so pissed off because you wrecked the kitchen?
Oh for the days when children were allowed to be...children!

"Blessings on thee, little man,
Barefoot boy, with cheeks of tan..."

The Barefoot Boy by John Greenleaf Whittier : The Poetry Foundation
td, dalton may be the son of the devil, but fact checking is still required, otherwise assertions can become dangerous "truths". bfgrn is having that very trouble in another thread right now.

I don't know where others are from, but I've lived in Toronto and the GTA for many years.

I was a member of the Liberal Party going back to "Girls for Trudeau" days. So I know the politics of this very well.

Dalton is a "social engineer" type of liberal. And a very dangerous one.

I'm obsessive about triple and quadruple checking facts. If you actually go to the link I gave you, this link is a pro gay website but with a direct link to the actual curriculum.

I have a lot of gay friends in TO.( Music business for a lot of years and a former resident on Isabella. Not one of those some of my best friends are gay kinda thing)

They're pissed off too. Don't you get it? THEY don't want teacher Ratchitt teaching their kids about sexuality either.

We want our kids to have an education. Not to be morally dictated one way or another by a freaking school board.

AND if you go on LGBT websites all around the GTA they are as angry as we in the hetero community are.

That's an interesting point, really. How are gay parents to know that a typical hetero teacher would be able to impart the delicate intricacies that constitute their concept of "normal". A lock-step presentation of curriculum developed by (possibly) hetero educators might not be adequate. Maybe gay "parents" would prefer to present their family views separate from what a school curriculum might present?
Given the percentage of the homosexual population, that makes sense. It is "vile", but it makes sense.

Now why would you want children as young as five introduced to sexual acts (via classroom)? Do you want the numbers of child molestations and rapes to increase (heterosexual and homosexual)? Because teaching children that "sex acts" are "normal" when they are little children is telling them that it is okay to have sex as CHILDREN.

It just goes to show that the people that are doing the curriculum have little experience around actual children that are not under close supervision (class room atmosphere) with lots and lots of helpers (they are not responsible for all the childrens' actions).

I don't get it. When I was 5 years old I was into Tom Sawyer and the Bobbsey Twins. I'd moved onto the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew by the age of 7.

Holy freaking toledo now we're teaching kids how to build a gay pride parade float in grade 2?

Aye carumba! I'm going to stroke out here. :lol:

Anybody else remember just building the volcano with your dad? And your mom so pissed off because you wrecked the kitchen?
Oh for the days when children were allowed to be...children!

"Blessings on thee, little man,
Barefoot boy, with cheeks of tan..."

The Barefoot Boy by John Greenleaf Whittier : The Poetry Foundation

I probably grew up with gay kids. I didn't know. They didn't know. We were too busy partying down with "kick the can" and "hide and seek" in the local graveyard.

We were kids. And adults let us be kids. Not mini me's. We develop and we blossom. By the time you hit high school back then, well my buddies that were volunteering for set decoration were sort of tipping me off. (I was the dance and entertainment co-ordinator for my high school)

If life was left to children we would all be living in the Shire and what grand days they would be.
td, dalton may be the son of the devil, but fact checking is still required, otherwise assertions can become dangerous "truths". bfgrn is having that very trouble in another thread right now.

I'm obsessive about triple and quadruple checking facts. If you actually go to the link I gave you, this link is a pro gay website but with a direct link to the actual curriculum.

I have a lot of gay friends in TO.( Music business for a lot of years and a former resident on Isabella. Not one of those some of my best friends are gay kinda thing)

They're pissed off too. Don't you get it? THEY don't want teacher Ratchitt teaching their kids about sexuality either.

We want our kids to have an education. Not to be morally dictated one way or another by a freaking school board.

AND if you go on LGBT websites all around the GTA they are as angry as we in the hetero community are.

That's an interesting point, really. How are gay parents to know that a typical hetero teacher would be able to impart the delicate intricacies that constitute their concept of "normal". A lock-step presentation of curriculum developed by (possibly) hetero educators might not be adequate. Maybe gay "parents" would prefer to present their family views separate from what a school curriculum might present?

Here's my deal on this.

Right from the get go the curriculum by its very nature is telling children that LGBT's are different and you must tolerate them or you get a failing grade. Not a good lesson. Boy I hope I'm saying this right.

"We must teach you how to accept them" basically. This is appalling to me. It's ass backward.

If anything it does the opposite of what the curriculum attempts to seek. It sets apart the LGBT community as "different and to be accepted".

I hope this is making sense. I think children naturally accept each other. It's later in life that warped perceptions happen.

ETA: whoopsie hit submit instead of preview.

Yes. Think about the gay couple who are sort of working it up to explain to their son or their daughter about the love they share and how they live their lives and why "jimmy or jenny" has two mommies or two daddies.

Well Miss Ratchitt just fucks it all up for them doesn't she. Kid comes home going ............"oh you're two mommies. I learned that in class".

You bet gays are pissed off about this too.
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Oh you will when they bring this filth here.


If we ever get to that point I'm sure I will also not care. It will be an issue that will effect my granddaughter and be up to my daughter to decide what to do.

Also, just because you don't like or agree with something, doesn't make it "filth".

Yes it does. Just as you libs have an opinion so does everyone else. And if enough of the community think this kind of thing is unacceptable, it is OUT.
I told my son when he was five that our neighbors and good friends (two men) lived together like a husband and wife because they loved each other he seemed to understand it fine...

It made him a better person and did not make him gay.

Considering that you're a total piece of shit, you don't have much credibility in claiming exposing your son to perverts made him a better person.

Oh so you think all gay people are perverts?

your a real asshole
as opposed to a brainless asshole such as yourself.
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

some kids have gay parents.

they are NOT teaching them sex acts.

they are teaching them tolerance
Oh yes. You are THE authority on what children in 'alternative' households are being taught.
So, where did you buy all that surveillance equipment?
I told my son when he was five that our neighbors and good friends (two men) lived together like a husband and wife because they loved each other he seemed to understand it fine...

It made him a better person and did not make him gay.

Considering that you're a total piece of shit, you don't have much credibility in claiming exposing your son to perverts made him a better person.

So law abiding, consenting adult, tax-paying Americans are "perverts"? How so?
that is one stupid question....So stupid in fact that it earns only a response of disdain.
Oh you will when they bring this filth here.


If we ever get to that point I'm sure I will also not care. It will be an issue that will effect my granddaughter and be up to my daughter to decide what to do.

Also, just because you don't like or agree with something, doesn't make it "filth".

Yes it does. Just as you libs have an opinion so does everyone else. And if enough of the community think this kind of thing is unacceptable, it is OUT.

I am not part of that community. In fact I'm not even part of their country. The mosT interesting thing about this thread is in all the anger over what Canada teaches their kids, no one has bothered to care about the laws and regulations in Canada.

Has a law been broken? Are a majority of the parents in that community upset?

Who cares! Let's rant about gays! :rolleyes:
science says we are animals.

your just an idiot full of hate

WRONG....Human beings have logic and reason. We also posses self control. We do not simply act on our urges because we feel like it. If we do so there are penalties our society places on itself. We have right and wrong. There are consequences to certain acts.
Animals have none of these things.
One more thing. Animals do not do or say stupid things on purpose. Only certain humans do that.
There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

LOL...oh, please provide the curriculum in which it is implied that "kids should try it!".

How is homosexuality "unnatural"? It exists in the animal world in hundreds of species...including the only other species of animal that has sex for pleasure, the dolphin. Same sex animals have been known to mate for life, raising abandoned offspring.

Homosexuality has also existed throughout recorded history, in every culture, since the beginning of time. Please explain this "unnaturalness" of which you speak.

I came by my sexual orientation quite naturally. I certainly did not choose to be attracted to women. How is that explained if not as "natural"?

Homosexual acts promote corruption. It makes those that participate vulnerable to blackmail and manipulation. It preys on the weak (emotionally), and destroys lives (emotionally, financially, physically thru diseases) and families. It is a terrible choice that people make. Some that revel in corruption use it for financial and emotional gain. Others use knowledge of it to hurt all involved.

You want to claim that it is all joy, joy, happy thoughts (deceit), that is fine. To teach that to children is absolutely, wrong. must be close to 100 years old with beliefs like that.

First off, being gay isn't a choice. You don't choose your attractions, only whether or not to act on them. There is no reason for us not to act upon our natural inclinations since we are acting upon them with other consenting adults.

Secondly, you post is ludicrous. Sorry, it's the nicest way I could put it.
and it did not hurt him one bit.

how is the school hurting kids by teaching them some kids have two mommies?

Do you think that is important for schools to LIE to children?
There can only be one biological mother.
There can be an adoptive mother.
There can be a woman pretending to be a "husband".
Children are fairly intelligent and know a LIE when it is so blatant.

Another one that must be closer to 100 than to 50.

Is an adoptive mother still the child's mother, yes or no?

My children have two mothers. They know it and all their friends know it. (and nobody is pretending to be a husband :rolleyes: )
"Mother" is a term both sociological as well as biological.

Please stop your selective narrowness, logical4u, based on your own morality.

That clears it all up, Jakey. Please explain how a person can have more than one biological mother. Explain how two women living with a child makes them both the child's "mother".

They don't have more than one biological mother, but the children still have two mothers. An adoptive mother is still a mother is she not?

But don't get too comfy in your "two women can't be the biological mother" stance either...

Three Parent Babies?

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