Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

The behavior most often cited as "homosexual" in animals is directly related to how various species establish and maintain a social hierarchy among their group. I have raised animals all my life and I can assure you that I have never observed one male penetrate another male, nor have I witnessed a male ejaculating as a result of a dominance display. And normal animals, when offered the opportunity to mate with an animal of the opposite sex, will more than willingly do so. In rare instances where "homosexual" behavior occurs, it can also be observed that such animals have been reared in unnatural environments and have been denied normal social interaction with animals of their species. But it is politically expedient to trot out questionable "studies" to "prove" that other animals can be "homosexual".

Yes, some species have the male pissing on his face to attract mates, I sure hope the homosexuals don't adopt that animal practice.

Have you ever wondered how that "gay-dar" thing worked?:confused:

According to "Steel Magnolias" it's track lighting. Dead giveaway. :D
Show us who is teaching such to six year olds.

You guys are making much assertion but without any evidence.

Heterosexuals have golden showers, too, logical4u.

You have shown absolutely nothing that differentiates a sense of "perversion" between same sex and heterosexual attraction.

Yes, some species have the male pissing on his face to attract mates, I sure hope the homosexuals don't adopt that animal practice.

Oh for crying out loud. The issue here is not various forms of sex acts. It's do you really want Miss Rachitt teaching your 6 year old the Kama Sutra?

Hell's bells whatever happened to the "ABC's"?

You know good old fashioned education. The way Dalton's driving it he'll have "pole dancing 101" in the curriculum by 5th grade.
You are entitled to your insignficant minority unsupported opinion.

She was saying that once homosexuality is "accepted" in schools, it is really easy to have children end up abused. Because, face it, grown men, raping little boys is "same sex".

One of the most ignorant and vile things I have read so far on this forum.

I can understand that, a whole lot of us find it "vile". Pretending that homosexual sex is "normal" leads to really "vile" places. Maybe you can just shut your eyes and call your unicorns back to calm you.
Stop lying, Dissent. I want a link to the booklet put out by the school authorities, not the crazy rag Institute for Canadian Values.

That's a lie. Post if if you want to prove me wrong.

Stop Corrupting Children

Go down a bit it shows the old one and the new one.

Pages 13 and 14. You would know this already if you had read the article linked to on the first page.

That's the booklet they use moron. I could care less if you believe it or not. Or you could do like I did and read the article.
Heterosexuals have golden showers, too, logical4u.

You have shown absolutely nothing that differentiates a sense of "perversion" between same sex and heterosexual attraction.

The behavior most often cited as "homosexual" in animals is directly related to how various species establish and maintain a social hierarchy among their group. I have raised animals all my life and I can assure you that I have never observed one male penetrate another male, nor have I witnessed a male ejaculating as a result of a dominance display. And normal animals, when offered the opportunity to mate with an animal of the opposite sex, will more than willingly do so. In rare instances where "homosexual" behavior occurs, it can also be observed that such animals have been reared in unnatural environments and have been denied normal social interaction with animals of their species. But it is politically expedient to trot out questionable "studies" to "prove" that other animals can be "homosexual".

Yes, some species have the male pissing on his face to attract mates, I sure hope the homosexuals don't adopt that animal practice.

Well, some species do piss on each other to establish dominance Jakey. This particular species' males piss on there own faces and the hair around the face is stained a terrible yellow/green color. They stink to the high heavens. That was the particular practice that I am hoping homosexuals will not imitate because "its natural, animals do it"....
The curriculum is mandatory without parental notice or option to withdraw their children.

Right there in the first paragraph numb nuts. Christ almighty.
and it did not hurt him one bit.

how is the school hurting kids by teaching them some kids have two mommies?

It is the parents responsibility, just as it was yours to tell your kid. I'll handle it when I think it is appropriate for my kid.

Congrats on having a gay kid, I support you 100%.
A child can have more than one mother, because the role of motherhood is not restricted to biology.

Or you can tell me my stepmother who raised me was not really a mother to me and you would be revealed for the fool you are trying to convince us you want to be.

"Mother" is a term both sociological as well as biological.

Please stop your selective narrowness, logical4u, based on your own morality.

That clears it all up, Jakey. Please explain how a person can have more than one biological mother. Explain how two women living with a child makes them both the child's "mother".

See Jakey.... mother..... step-mother
mother..... step-mother, there is a difference.
So you understand sex distinctions, good for you.

You have not shown that such is particular to either hetero- or homosexuality.

That's the point.

There is no question that the vast numbers of child rape are committed by heterosexuals.
Grown men rape little girls, too, logical4u.

She was saying that once homosexuality is "accepted" in schools, it is really easy to have children end up abused. Because, face it, grown men, raping little boys is "same sex".

Am aware Jakey, but that does not change the fact that if little boys are raped by grown men or little girls are raped by grown women that the sex act is homosexual as well as pedophilia.
I don't know how much of this is true or not, but did anyone else notice how poorly written/edited the OP link is? It seemed very amateurish.
You are clearly unbalanced emotionally.

"Mother" is a term both sociological and biological. God made it that way so small children could be mothered by others after their mothers had been murdered.

Do you understand that?

A child can have more than one mother, because the role of motherhood is not restricted to biology.

Or you can tell me my stepmother who raised me was not really a mother to me and you would be revealed for the fool you are trying to convince us you want to be.

That clears it all up, Jakey. Please explain how a person can have more than one biological mother. Explain how two women living with a child makes them both the child's "mother".

See Jakey.... mother..... step-mother
mother..... step-mother, there is a difference.
male, that's a gender
female, that's a gender
transgendered, not a gender
transsexual, not a gender
two-spirited not a gender more of a cultural oddity
inter-sexed, if they mean hermaphrodite, that is a gender

Why do liberals, who claim to be so smart and educated fail so horribly at something as basic as this?
Heterosexuals have golden showers, too, logical4u.

You have shown absolutely nothing that differentiates a sense of "perversion" between same sex and heterosexual attraction.

Yes, some species have the male pissing on his face to attract mates, I sure hope the homosexuals don't adopt that animal practice.

Well, some species do piss on each other to establish dominance Jakey. This particular species' males piss on there own faces and the hair around the face is stained a terrible yellow/green color. They stink to the high heavens. That was the particular practice that I am hoping homosexuals will not imitate because "its natural, animals do it"....

They are also crusty. But stink is a relative concept. The gals seem to think it's hot. When they go into heat, they stand next to the stinky pen and wave their tales at those pissed on, stinky faces. It doesn't really smell any worse than Old Spice, really...
The revision, outlined in 208 pages that were quietly posted on the Ministry of Education's website in January, will for the first time teach Grade 3 pupils about such topics as sexual identity and orientation, and introduce terms like "anal intercourse" and "vaginal lubrication" to children in Grades 6 and 7. The new curriculum begins in Grade 1 with lessons about the proper names of body parts.

Oh yes they need to know about anal intercourse and vaginal lubrication. Those are must haves to succeed in life!
I don't know how much of this is true or not, but did anyone else notice how poorly written/edited the OP link is? It seemed very amateurish.

I find most publications nowadays amateurish and ridiculous. Spell-check is not the end all, be all of editing.
You are simply making it up if you cannot post links.

The revision, outlined in 208 pages that were quietly posted on the Ministry of Education's website in January, will for the first time teach Grade 3 pupils about such topics as sexual identity and orientation, and introduce terms like "anal intercourse" and "vaginal lubrication" to children in Grades 6 and 7. The new curriculum begins in Grade 1 with lessons about the proper names of body parts.

Oh yes they need to know about anal intercourse and vaginal lubrication. Those are must haves to succeed in life!
Stop lying, Dissent. I want a link to the booklet put out by the school authorities, not the crazy rag Institute for Canadian Values.

Stop Corrupting Children

Go down a bit it shows the old one and the new one.

Pages 13 and 14. You would know this already if you had read the article linked to on the first page.

That's the booklet they use moron. I could care less if you believe it or not. Or you could do like I did and read the article.

Where's that emoticon that smashes it's head against the wall? Honest to goodness. You put up the links.

Here's where you get the typical response though.
"Show me another I didn't like that proof". Sheesh.
Dear Morons:

Pages 13 and 14 do not state that opting out is possible, which was Dissent's contention.


Stop lying, Dissent. I want a link to the booklet put out by the school authorities, not the crazy rag Institute for Canadian Values.

That's the booklet they use moron. I could care less if you believe it or not. Or you could do like I did and read the article.

Where's that emoticon that smashes it's head against the wall? Honest to goodness. You put up the links.

Here's where you get the typical response though.
"Show me another I didn't like that proof". Sheesh.
Should Schools Send Notes Or Permission Slips Home Before Starting Any
Classroom Work About Curricular Issues That May Involve Discussions About
Discrimination and Harassment?
No. The TDSB Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation
states that each school has a responsibly to education that reflects the diversity of its students and
their life experiences. Singling out one group or topic area as too controversial, and depending
© 2011 TDSB Equitable and Inclusive Schools 9
Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism Setting the Context
upon parent/guardian/caregiver discretion, shifts this responsibility from the school to the parents/ guardians/caregivers and fosters a poisoned environment contrary to the TDSB Human Rights Policy.
Sending a school newsletter home at the beginning of each term is a best practice for keeping parents/guardians/caregivers informed of all upcoming equity topics in the classroom without having to single out one topic over the other.
Should Schools Send Notes Or Permission Slips Home Before Starting any Classroom Work On LGBTQ Issues?
No. If a school treats the topic of sexual orientation or anti-homophobia work differently from the range of other curriculum topics, this could be construed as discriminatory practice. Anti-homophobia education is mandated in all our schools through the Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation, the Human Rights Policy, and the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Policy.
Can A Parent Have Their Child Accommodated Out Of Human Rights Education Based On Religious Grounds?
No. "Religious accommodation" in the TDSB is carried out in the larger context of the secular education system. While the TDSB works to create a school system free from religious discrimination, this freedom is not absolute. The TDSB will limit practices or conduct in its schools that may put public safety, health, or the human rights and freedoms of others at risk.
As well, the TDSB will limit practices or conducts in its schools that are in violation of its other policies. For example, if a parent asks for his or her child to be exempted for any discussions of LGBTQ family issues as a religious accommodation, this request cannot be made because it violates the Human Rights Policy. Furthermore, this is consistent with the ideal that human rights education is an essential strategy for preventing human rights abuses.

That is straight from the booklet pages 13 and 14
Not on the link you gave. Do you have another link?

Should Schools Send Notes Or Permission Slips Home Before Starting Any
Classroom Work About Curricular Issues That May Involve Discussions About
Discrimination and Harassment?
No. The TDSB Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation
states that each school has a responsibly to education that reflects the diversity of its students and
their life experiences. Singling out one group or topic area as too controversial, and depending
© 2011 TDSB Equitable and Inclusive Schools 9
Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism Setting the Context
upon parent/guardian/caregiver discretion, shifts this responsibility from the school to the parents/ guardians/caregivers and fosters a poisoned environment contrary to the TDSB Human Rights Policy.
Sending a school newsletter home at the beginning of each term is a best practice for keeping parents/guardians/caregivers informed of all upcoming equity topics in the classroom without having to single out one topic over the other.
Should Schools Send Notes Or Permission Slips Home Before Starting any Classroom Work On LGBTQ Issues?
No. If a school treats the topic of sexual orientation or anti-homophobia work differently from the range of other curriculum topics, this could be construed as discriminatory practice. Anti-homophobia education is mandated in all our schools through the Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation, the Human Rights Policy, and the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Policy.
Can A Parent Have Their Child Accommodated Out Of Human Rights Education Based On Religious Grounds?
No. "Religious accommodation" in the TDSB is carried out in the larger context of the secular education system. While the TDSB works to create a school system free from religious discrimination, this freedom is not absolute. The TDSB will limit practices or conduct in its schools that may put public safety, health, or the human rights and freedoms of others at risk.
As well, the TDSB will limit practices or conducts in its schools that are in violation of its other policies. For example, if a parent asks for his or her child to be exempted for any discussions of LGBTQ family issues as a religious accommodation, this request cannot be made because it violates the Human Rights Policy. Furthermore, this is consistent with the ideal that human rights education is an essential strategy for preventing human rights abuses.

That is straight from the booklet pages 13 and 14
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