Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

How incubated are you? Have you missed the Jerry Sandusky trial? How insane are you to even question me posting over Sandusky?

The insanity which is involved in these posts, is the assumption that pedophilia is the same as homosexuality.

She was saying that once homosexuality is "accepted" in schools, it is really easy to have children end up abused. Because, face it, grown men, raping little boys is "same sex".

One of the most ignorant and vile things I have read so far on this forum.
It is natural.

it occurs in other animals too.

Your just full to the brim with hate

Animals who exhibit homosexual behavior are always an aberation. If an animal in the wild were to consistently exhibit homosexual behavior, it would be torn apart by the normal animals and be dinner. No other animals would have a vigil and demand rights either.

The behavior most often cited as "homosexual" in animals is directly related to how various species establish and maintain a social hierarchy among their group. I have raised animals all my life and I can assure you that I have never observed one male penetrate another male, nor have I witnessed a male ejaculating as a result of a dominance display. And normal animals, when offered the opportunity to mate with an animal of the opposite sex, will more than willingly do so. In rare instances where "homosexual" behavior occurs, it can also be observed that such animals have been reared in unnatural environments and have been denied normal social interaction with animals of their species. But it is politically expedient to trot out questionable "studies" to "prove" that other animals can be "homosexual".

Yes, some species have the male pissing on his face to attract mates, I sure hope the homosexuals don't adopt that animal practice.
Grown men rape little girls, too, logical4u.

How incubated are you? Have you missed the Jerry Sandusky trial? How insane are you to even question me posting over Sandusky?

The insanity which is involved in these posts, is the assumption that pedophilia is the same as homosexuality.

She was saying that once homosexuality is "accepted" in schools, it is really easy to have children end up abused. Because, face it, grown men, raping little boys is "same sex".
Then stop the "authority" nonsense about all the Christian Founders creating a Christian nation when in fact they created a secular national government.

Teaching falsehoods puts youth off on church and authority.

What is the big FEAR about homosexuality? It's not contagious.

The "big FEAR" is teaching children falsehoods by authority. It makes them not trust adults, and authority in general. They can see with their own eyes that men and women are different. Teaching them that because a person wants to pretend they are a different sex makes them the same as the different sex is a lie. They are taught at the same time that they are not the characters that they "pretend" to be.

Now the child sees "corruption" from an early age, why should they use "morals" when the adults teaching them, apparently have none?

It fractures society. It leads to ugly places.

Ask yourself, "would I trust Bernie Madoff to invest my money after he is out of prison"? If children are taught that all authority lies to them, who do you expect them to trust? If they can not trust authority, why should they follow any rules (laws) put in place by authority?

Are you lost Jakey? That is the wrong thread. You were boring.

To children, authority is: parents, teachers, and police.
Heterosexuals have golden showers, too, logical4u.

You have shown absolutely nothing that differentiates a sense of "perversion" between same sex and heterosexual attraction.

Animals who exhibit homosexual behavior are always an aberation. If an animal in the wild were to consistently exhibit homosexual behavior, it would be torn apart by the normal animals and be dinner. No other animals would have a vigil and demand rights either.

The behavior most often cited as "homosexual" in animals is directly related to how various species establish and maintain a social hierarchy among their group. I have raised animals all my life and I can assure you that I have never observed one male penetrate another male, nor have I witnessed a male ejaculating as a result of a dominance display. And normal animals, when offered the opportunity to mate with an animal of the opposite sex, will more than willingly do so. In rare instances where "homosexual" behavior occurs, it can also be observed that such animals have been reared in unnatural environments and have been denied normal social interaction with animals of their species. But it is politically expedient to trot out questionable "studies" to "prove" that other animals can be "homosexual".

Yes, some species have the male pissing on his face to attract mates, I sure hope the homosexuals don't adopt that animal practice.
LOL...oh, please provide the curriculum in which it is implied that "kids should try it!".

How is homosexuality "unnatural"? It exists in the animal world in hundreds of species...including the only other species of animal that has sex for pleasure, the dolphin. Same sex animals have been known to mate for life, raising abandoned offspring.

Homosexuality has also existed throughout recorded history, in every culture, since the beginning of time. Please explain this "unnaturalness" of which you speak.

I came by my sexual orientation quite naturally. I certainly did not choose to be attracted to women. How is that explained if not as "natural"?

Homosexual acts promote corruption. It makes those that participate vulnerable to blackmail and manipulation. It preys on the weak (emotionally), and destroys lives (emotionally, financially, physically thru diseases) and families. It is a terrible choice that people make. Some that revel in corruption use it for financial and emotional gain. Others use knowledge of it to hurt all involved.

You want to claim that it is all joy, joy, happy thoughts (deceit), that is fine. To teach that to children is absolutely, wrong.

That can only be the case in a society where it's censured, illegal, etc. The easiest way to remove the potential for 'blackmail' that you claim to be concerned about, is if ones' private sex life with consenting adults is a non-issue.

Your assumption appears to be that homosexuality is a 'choice'. I doubt that's accurate at all. Nearly every situation can be described by a bell curve graph. People are not 'smart' or 'stupid': there's a gradation between, and different types of intelligence. People do not have one or another eye color, but at least 6 different colors. And although the standard genital equipment comes in only 2 forms - sometimes babies aren't all that obviously one or the other. It IS a possiblity, rare though it be....

Additionally, there are bisexual and transgendered individuals of both sexes - so it seems obvious there is some biological componant to this situation. I can't imagine anyone 'choosing' to be in these situations. And the ones I've encountered didn't seem any crazier than the general run of humanity.

I suspect we will find that there are several genetic locations which relate to which gender one finds most attractive.

Here we go, again:
Homosexuality (transgender, etc, by extension) is a choice. Homo sapiens has the ability to "love" people of all types. Homo sapiens also equate love with sex. Sex is offered as a physical expression of emotional attraction and the bonds that result from human emotional attraction. In this sense, perhaps, homosexuality might be labeled as "natural" to the human emotional condition. But it is not biologically normal for males or females to be attracted exclusively, sexually to others of the same gender. If a lesbian couple desires a child, they cannot "do that by themselves". Somewhere, there must be a male involved. A male couple finds themselves in a similar situation. Without heterosexual congress, there can be no offspring...that is biology. Psychologically, sociologically, socially, same-gendered couples often still exhibit the same biological imperative to raise offspring, they just choose to "love", to honor an emotional bond with, someone of the same gender. In some way, this clearly demonstrates the human ability to transcend the strictures of our biological natures. But it in no way is "normal" in a biological sense. It is, however, very human that we would choose who we "love" and with whom we would prefer to participate in the most intimate of activities.
"Mother" is a term both sociological as well as biological.

Please stop your selective narrowness, logical4u, based on your own morality.

That clears it all up, Jakey. Please explain how a person can have more than one biological mother. Explain how two women living with a child makes them both the child's "mother".
LOL...oh, please provide the curriculum in which it is implied that "kids should try it!".

How is homosexuality "unnatural"? It exists in the animal world in hundreds of species...including the only other species of animal that has sex for pleasure, the dolphin. Same sex animals have been known to mate for life, raising abandoned offspring.

Homosexuality has also existed throughout recorded history, in every culture, since the beginning of time. Please explain this "unnaturalness" of which you speak.

I came by my sexual orientation quite naturally. I certainly did not choose to be attracted to women. How is that explained if not as "natural"?

Homosexual acts promote corruption. It makes those that participate vulnerable to blackmail and manipulation. It preys on the weak (emotionally), and destroys lives (emotionally, financially, physically thru diseases) and families. It is a terrible choice that people make. Some that revel in corruption use it for financial and emotional gain. Others use knowledge of it to hurt all involved.

You want to claim that it is all joy, joy, happy thoughts (deceit), that is fine. To teach that to children is absolutely, wrong.

That can only be the case in a society where it's censured, illegal, etc. The easiest way to remove the potential for 'blackmail' that you claim to be concerned about, is if ones' private sex life with consenting adults is a non-issue.

Your assumption appears to be that homosexuality is a 'choice'. I doubt that's accurate at all. Nearly every situation can be described by a bell curve graph. People are not 'smart' or 'stupid': there's a gradation between, and different types of intelligence. People do not have one or another eye color, but at least 6 different colors. And although the standard genital equipment comes in only 2 forms - sometimes babies aren't all that obviously one or the other. It IS a possiblity, rare though it be....

Additionally, there are bisexual and transgendered individuals of both sexes - so it seems obvious there is some biological componant to this situation. I can't imagine anyone 'choosing' to be in these situations. And the ones I've encountered didn't seem any crazier than the general run of humanity.

I suspect we will find that there are several genetic locations which relate to which gender one finds most attractive.

You may not be able to help who you find attractive, but it is a FACT that you choose to act on that particular attraction. And yes, I believe you can control your sexual urges, or there would be a whole lot more rapes in the world.
I am pointing out that your nonsense is crosses threads, logical4u.

You go with your opinion, find evidence that supports it, ignore evidence that contradicts, then blare you have the truth.

Truly silly, and as you say, boring.

Then stop the "authority" nonsense about all the Christian Founders creating a Christian nation when in fact they created a secular national government.

Teaching falsehoods puts youth off on church and authority.

The "big FEAR" is teaching children falsehoods by authority. It makes them not trust adults, and authority in general. They can see with their own eyes that men and women are different. Teaching them that because a person wants to pretend they are a different sex makes them the same as the different sex is a lie. They are taught at the same time that they are not the characters that they "pretend" to be.

Now the child sees "corruption" from an early age, why should they use "morals" when the adults teaching them, apparently have none?

It fractures society. It leads to ugly places.

Ask yourself, "would I trust Bernie Madoff to invest my money after he is out of prison"? If children are taught that all authority lies to them, who do you expect them to trust? If they can not trust authority, why should they follow any rules (laws) put in place by authority?

Are you lost Jakey? That is the wrong thread. You were boring.

To children, authority is: parents, teachers, and police.
Animals who exhibit homosexual behavior are always an aberation. If an animal in the wild were to consistently exhibit homosexual behavior, it would be torn apart by the normal animals and be dinner. No other animals would have a vigil and demand rights either.

The behavior most often cited as "homosexual" in animals is directly related to how various species establish and maintain a social hierarchy among their group. I have raised animals all my life and I can assure you that I have never observed one male penetrate another male, nor have I witnessed a male ejaculating as a result of a dominance display. And normal animals, when offered the opportunity to mate with an animal of the opposite sex, will more than willingly do so. In rare instances where "homosexual" behavior occurs, it can also be observed that such animals have been reared in unnatural environments and have been denied normal social interaction with animals of their species. But it is politically expedient to trot out questionable "studies" to "prove" that other animals can be "homosexual".

Yes, some species have the male pissing on his face to attract mates, I sure hope the homosexuals don't adopt that animal practice.

Have you ever wondered how that "gay-dar" thing worked?:confused:
Please stop, logical4u, for you appear to be judging with an unrighteous judgement.

They will be seen the same as people who treated blacks like dogs

No the "haters" will rule the earth. The homosexual activists/socialists/progressives/liberals/islamic extremists/environmentalists/communists are all joining forces to eliminate Christians. After that the most ruthless will win, and all you that thought "Christians" hated you because they pointed out your sins will be persecuted as they do persecute homosexuals in the ME. Your best friends will turn on you and your children will turn on you, because, absolute hatred for all people will be the predominant teaching.

So cry me a river that you live in this great country where people do not "interfer" with your decisions on how you live your lives, but you cry for financial or other support when your decisions don't turn out well for you.

Who did I judge? I used history to "predict" what will happen when the activists/socialists/progressives/liberals/islamic extremists/environmentalists/communists demand to be legitimized.
It is what happens EVERY time. It is only the willfully ignorant that keep telling us "this time" it will be different.
A child can have more than one mother, because the role of motherhood is not restricted to biology.

Or you can tell me my stepmother who raised me was not really a mother to me and you would be revealed for the fool you are trying to convince us you want to be.

"Mother" is a term both sociological as well as biological.

Please stop your selective narrowness, logical4u, based on your own morality.

That clears it all up, Jakey. Please explain how a person can have more than one biological mother. Explain how two women living with a child makes them both the child's "mother".
Heterosexuals have golden showers, too, logical4u.

You have shown absolutely nothing that differentiates a sense of "perversion" between same sex and heterosexual attraction.

The behavior most often cited as "homosexual" in animals is directly related to how various species establish and maintain a social hierarchy among their group. I have raised animals all my life and I can assure you that I have never observed one male penetrate another male, nor have I witnessed a male ejaculating as a result of a dominance display. And normal animals, when offered the opportunity to mate with an animal of the opposite sex, will more than willingly do so. In rare instances where "homosexual" behavior occurs, it can also be observed that such animals have been reared in unnatural environments and have been denied normal social interaction with animals of their species. But it is politically expedient to trot out questionable "studies" to "prove" that other animals can be "homosexual".

Yes, some species have the male pissing on his face to attract mates, I sure hope the homosexuals don't adopt that animal practice.

Oh for crying out loud. The issue here is not various forms of sex acts. It's do you really want Miss Rachitt teaching your 6 year old the Kama Sutra?

Hell's bells whatever happened to the "ABC's"?

You know good old fashioned education. The way Dalton's driving it he'll have "pole dancing 101" in the curriculum by 5th grade.
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"Mother" is a term both sociological as well as biological.

Please stop your selective narrowness, logical4u, based on your own morality.

That clears it all up, Jakey. Please explain how a person can have more than one biological mother. Explain how two women living with a child makes them both the child's "mother".

Because they have chosen to declare it so!
You are entitled to your unsupported opinion.

Homosexual acts promote corruption. It makes those that participate vulnerable to blackmail and manipulation. It preys on the weak (emotionally), and destroys lives (emotionally, financially, physically thru diseases) and families. It is a terrible choice that people make. Some that revel in corruption use it for financial and emotional gain. Others use knowledge of it to hurt all involved.

You want to claim that it is all joy, joy, happy thoughts (deceit), that is fine. To teach that to children is absolutely, wrong.

That can only be the case in a society where it's censured, illegal, etc. The easiest way to remove the potential for 'blackmail' that you claim to be concerned about, is if ones' private sex life with consenting adults is a non-issue.

Your assumption appears to be that homosexuality is a 'choice'. I doubt that's accurate at all. Nearly every situation can be described by a bell curve graph. People are not 'smart' or 'stupid': there's a gradation between, and different types of intelligence. People do not have one or another eye color, but at least 6 different colors. And although the standard genital equipment comes in only 2 forms - sometimes babies aren't all that obviously one or the other. It IS a possiblity, rare though it be....

Additionally, there are bisexual and transgendered individuals of both sexes - so it seems obvious there is some biological componant to this situation. I can't imagine anyone 'choosing' to be in these situations. And the ones I've encountered didn't seem any crazier than the general run of humanity.

I suspect we will find that there are several genetic locations which relate to which gender one finds most attractive.

You may not be able to help who you find attractive, but it is a FACT that you choose to act on that particular attraction. And yes, I believe you can control your sexual urges, or there would be a whole lot more rapes in the world.
That's a lie. Post if if you want to prove me wrong.

Nice to see this thread has devolved into why homosexuality is "bad".

Anyone figure out yet if the laws in Canada allow the province to teach what they want?

I was reading the booklet and it said they can't opt out and neither can the parents. No matter what.

Stop Corrupting Children

Go down a bit it shows the old one and the new one.

Pages 13 and 14. You would know this already if you had read the article linked to on the first page.
The insanity which is involved in these posts, is the assumption that pedophilia is the same as homosexuality.

She was saying that once homosexuality is "accepted" in schools, it is really easy to have children end up abused. Because, face it, grown men, raping little boys is "same sex".

One of the most ignorant and vile things I have read so far on this forum.

I can understand that, a whole lot of us find it "vile". Pretending that homosexual sex is "normal" leads to really "vile" places. Maybe you can just shut your eyes and call your unicorns back to calm you.
Stop lying, Dissent. I want a link to the booklet put out by the school authorities, not the crazy rag Institute for Canadian Values, that clearly says a student can't opt out. It is not on pages 13 and 14.

That's a lie. Post if if you want to prove me wrong.

I was reading the booklet and it said they can't opt out and neither can the parents. No matter what.

Stop Corrupting Children

Go down a bit it shows the old one and the new one.

Pages 13 and 14. You would know this already if you had read the article linked to on the first page.
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Grown men rape little girls, too, logical4u.

The insanity which is involved in these posts, is the assumption that pedophilia is the same as homosexuality.

She was saying that once homosexuality is "accepted" in schools, it is really easy to have children end up abused. Because, face it, grown men, raping little boys is "same sex".

Am aware Jakey, but that does not change the fact that if little boys are raped by grown men or little girls are raped by grown women that the sex act is homosexual as well as pedophilia.

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