Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

A perfect candidate for homeschooling.

Every homeschooled child I've ever meant has been .. Socially awkward.

You have obviously never met many home-schooled children. But why would you object to awkward home-schooled children when you are so obviously willing to bend over backwards and expend any amount of public money to ensure that the children of same-gender couples don't? In both cases, the parents are solely responsible for their children's situation.

I don't object, I said they are often awkward. And bend over backwards for what?:confused:
There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

It is natural.

it occurs in other animals too.

Your just full to the brim with hate

Animals who exhibit homosexual behavior are always an aberation. If an animal in the wild were to consistently exhibit homosexual behavior, it would be torn apart by the normal animals and be dinner. No other animals would have a vigil and demand rights either.

The behavior most often cited as "homosexual" in animals is directly related to how various species establish and maintain a social hierarchy among their group. I have raised animals all my life and I can assure you that I have never observed one male penetrate another male, nor have I witnessed a male ejaculating as a result of a dominance display. And normal animals, when offered the opportunity to mate with an animal of the opposite sex, will more than willingly do so. In rare instances where "homosexual" behavior occurs, it can also be observed that such animals have been reared in unnatural environments and have been denied normal social interaction with animals of their species. But it is politically expedient to trot out questionable "studies" to "prove" that other animals can be "homosexual".
Animals is a WIDE range of things. Humans well certain races of humans are very advanced "animals" and they are past the genetic screw ups such as homosexuality. Not saying certain races don't have their screw ups who have genetic problems obviously they haven't gotten all the genetic problems out yet and can't feel 100% normal as most humans are.

The word 'race' means approximately 'subspecies'. There is only ONE identifiable species of humanity: we are, every last one of us, Homo Sapiens sapiens.

I can explain that to you in a bit more detail, if you want. The idea of different 'races' is a relic from the 19th century, in an age when the actual sciences of biology and archaeology and geology were in their infancy.

In this century, we are able to extract DNA from fossil remains, and can verify by reproducable results that there is only ONE race of humans now living.

Considering that all races are capable of breeding viable and fertile offspring with all other races, you are most likely correct in that summation.
"Race" is far more a social construct than a scientifically accurate term.
What is the big FEAR about homosexuality? It's not contagious.

The "big FEAR" is teaching children falsehoods by authority. It makes them not trust adults, and authority in general. They can see with their own eyes that men and women are different. Teaching them that because a person wants to pretend they are a different sex makes them the same as the different sex is a lie. They are taught at the same time that they are not the characters that they "pretend" to be.

Now the child sees "corruption" from an early age, why should they use "morals" when the adults teaching them, apparently have none?

It fractures society. It leads to ugly places.

Ask yourself, "would I trust Bernie Madoff to invest my money after he is out of prison"? If children are taught that all authority lies to them, who do you expect them to trust? If they can not trust authority, why should they follow any rules (laws) put in place by authority?
Keep dreaming sea. Normality will always win in the end. No matter what perversion the communist left can come up with its just a fad and it will go away in the end. Hell by the time my kids have kids and they enter school they will be teaching that beastiality is ok.

...and being gay is perfectly normal. Gay is, obviously, not a "fad" nor are we going away. No, bestiality will never be taught as normal. Stop being ridiculous.

Riiiiggghhhhht! I guess you missed this gem, didn't you?

First, homosexuality, then think it's that big a leap to bestiality? Really?
Then stop the "authority" nonsense about all the Christian Founders creating a Christian nation when in fact they created a secular national government.

Teaching falsehoods puts youth off on church and authority.

What is the big FEAR about homosexuality? It's not contagious.

The "big FEAR" is teaching children falsehoods by authority. It makes them not trust adults, and authority in general. They can see with their own eyes that men and women are different. Teaching them that because a person wants to pretend they are a different sex makes them the same as the different sex is a lie. They are taught at the same time that they are not the characters that they "pretend" to be.

Now the child sees "corruption" from an early age, why should they use "morals" when the adults teaching them, apparently have none?

It fractures society. It leads to ugly places.

Ask yourself, "would I trust Bernie Madoff to invest my money after he is out of prison"? If children are taught that all authority lies to them, who do you expect them to trust? If they can not trust authority, why should they follow any rules (laws) put in place by authority?
I don't understand WHY you wouldn't teach your child where babies come from,why not to have sex without BC etc etc...

And yet...


• In 2006–2008, most teens aged 15–19 had received formal instruction about STIs (93%), HIV (89%) or abstinence (84%). However, about one-third of teens had not received any formal instruction about contraception; fewer males received this instruction than females (62% vs. 70%).

• Many sexually experienced teens (46% of males and 33% of females) do not receive formal instruction about contraception before they first have sex.

• About one in four adolescents aged 15-19 (23% of females and 28% of males) received abstinence education without receiving any instruction about birth control in 2006–2008[12], compared with 8–9% in 1995.

• Among teens aged 18–19, 41% report that they know little or nothing about condoms and 75% say they know little or nothing about the contraceptive pill.


Facts on American Teens’ Sources of Information About Sex

For teens that can get on the computer and come up with every "cheat code" on every game they have, I would call that a matter of "priorities". The information is available if they want it.
Its none of the schools business teaching any of this shit. Including normal sex classes. Its the job of the parents . This is just more government interference in the raise of children.Indoctrinate them early you got them for life as good little worker drones that don't question their government.

the argument against that is that many parents do not teach their children about the birds and the bees for whatever reason

In my school district the parents have the right to "opt out" of sex ed class. Sounds fair to me :confused:

So because parents don't tell their children about the birds and bees that gives the government the right to indoctrinate our children with whatever they deem natural. My parents didn't tell me anything about it. I this really cool thing called the internet and I had friends who knew things as well.No government was needed to tell me about sex and its not needed or wanted for my kids.

Hell, when I grew up, the internet wasn't even a sparkle in anyone's eye. But we managed to figure things out. My parents idea of sex ed was to invite us into the room after my mother had birthed a new baby brother.
Well, that and the fact that we raised most of the meat we ate...
You seem ignorant of the fact the opinion of 1k in what could be a liberal area doesn't mean 330 million people believe that way. Obviously they didn't think that in California when they banned homosexual marriage in one of the most liberal states.

Ah, yes - questions about methodology are reasonable. Which is why polling organizations absolutely do NOT concentrate their sample population form any one age group, income bracket, ZIP code, political party or any other parameter they can imagine - and they can imagine quite a lot.

During my college days, I worked part-time (full time in summers) at one of the 'research' organizations that develops polls for others. And nobody pays money for a biased sampling which would invalidate the poll results.

It was actually a good point, Dissent - but one so basic it really goes without saying if you've been there.

Polling 1k people still doesn't determine how 330 million people think.

Actually, it does.
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

some kids have gay parents.

they are NOT teaching them sex acts.

they are teaching them tolerance

Do you think that those children have not imagined what happens behind that (hopefully) closed door? You are implying that children are idiots when it comes to homosexuality, but quite bright when it comes to hereosexual sex. Just sayin'
We had a parakeet who insisted on trying to mate with both my husband and myself..... seriously. I was forever combing little seeds out of my hair, and if anyone ever made a 'thumbs-up', the little dickens was all over it doing his birdie bump 'n' grind!

Perhaps we should have made closer inquiries about husband's co-worker who'd been the bird's previous owner???
Keep dreaming sea. Normality will always win in the end. No matter what perversion the communist left can come up with its just a fad and it will go away in the end. Hell by the time my kids have kids and they enter school they will be teaching that beastiality is ok.

...and being gay is perfectly normal. Gay is, obviously, not a "fad" nor are we going away. No, bestiality will never be taught as normal. Stop being ridiculous.

Riiiiggghhhhht! I guess you missed this gem, didn't you?

First, homosexuality, then think it's that big a leap to bestiality? Really?

Yes, really. Pedophilia is neither accepted nor "taught in schools". Enjoy your hyperbole flakes.
And yet 30 years ago who thought Sodomy would be taught in schools? Never say never. Ya never can tell what kind of deprived minds make up the U.S. Government and its lackies.I don't care if you go away,stay do whatever. But STOP trying to get everyone to accept your immoral,disgusting,vile lifestyle its not going to happen.

Where is sodomy being taught in US schools?

Homosexuality is Sodomy. To commit homosexual sex is to commit sodomy.

Well, technically, heterosexual couples can commit sodomy too. They just don't make it a point to force that choice onto others unwilling to participate vicariously.
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

It is natural.

it occurs in other animals too.

Your just full to the brim with hate

It is not natural.

Are you promoting "animal-like" behavior for humans, because there are a whole lot of behaviors that animals do, that I want no part.

Where did they say they "hated" homosexuals? Just because someone "feels" differently than you does not mean they hate you, no matter what that homosexual activist brainwashing session taught you.
Vicariously? GW, I will be your super hero. Anyone who tries to make you participate against your will, in fact or 'vicariusly', I will fly to your rescue.

You are simply saying silly things.
Where is sodomy being taught in US schools?

Homosexuality is Sodomy. To commit homosexual sex is to commit sodomy.

Well, technically, heterosexual couples can commit sodomy too. They just don't make it a point to force that choice onto others unwilling to participate vicariously.
Yes, it's natural, because it occurs in the natural world repeatedly and verifiably.

It is "abnormal" in that much of our culture believes homosexuality is not normal.

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

It is natural.

it occurs in other animals too.

Your just full to the brim with hate

It is not natural.

Are you promoting "animal-like" behavior for humans, because there are a whole lot of behaviors that animals do, that I want no part.

Where did they say they "hated" homosexuals? Just because someone "feels" differently than you does not mean they hate you, no matter what that homosexual activist brainwashing session taught you.
I told my son when he was five that our neighbors and good friends (two men) lived together like a husband and wife because they loved each other he seemed to understand it fine...

It made him a better person and did not make him gay.

Considering that you're a total piece of shit, you don't have much credibility in claiming exposing your son to perverts made him a better person.

So law abiding, consenting adult, tax-paying Americans are "perverts"? How so?

There are tons of "law abiding, consenting adult, tax-paying Americans" that are perverts. Look up the definition, it includes heterosexuals, homosexuals, bestiality, multiple partners, etc, etc, etc. Just sayin'

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