Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

Keep dreaming sea. Normality will always win in the end. No matter what perversion the communist left can come up with its just a fad and it will go away in the end. Hell by the time my kids have kids and they enter school they will be teaching that beastiality is ok.

...and being gay is perfectly normal. Gay is, obviously, not a "fad" nor are we going away. No, bestiality will never be taught as normal. Stop being ridiculous.

And yet 30 years ago who thought Sodomy would be taught in schools? Never say never. Ya never can tell what kind of deprived minds make up the U.S. Government and its lackies.I don't care if you go away,stay do whatever. But STOP trying to get everyone to accept your immoral,disgusting,vile lifestyle its not going to happen.

They don't teach sodomy, they teach ABOUT sodomy. I'm truly sorry you don't know the difference.

As for people accepting my "immoral (in what way?), disgusting, vile (that must be why there is ALWAYS an obligatory lesbian sex scene in straight male porn) "lifestyle" (whatever that means)...they growing numbers.

You post a poll that polled what 1k people and claim it represents the 330 MILLION people in this country..give me a break.
You post a poll that polled what 1k people and claim it represents the 330 MILLION people in this country..give me a break.

So we can add public polling to the things you are ignorant about...check.
You seem ignorant of the fact the opinion of 1k in what could be a liberal area doesn't mean 330 million people believe that way. Obviously they didn't think that in California when they banned homosexual marriage in one of the most liberal states.
I told my son when he was five that our neighbors and good friends (two men) lived together like a husband and wife because they loved each other he seemed to understand it fine...

It made him a better person and did not make him gay.

Considering that you're a total piece of shit, you don't have much credibility in claiming exposing your son to perverts made him a better person.

My aren't you a fireball of feces.
I told my son when he was five that our neighbors and good friends (two men) lived together like a husband and wife because they loved each other he seemed to understand it fine...

It made him a better person and did not make him gay.

Considering that you're a total piece of shit, you don't have much credibility in claiming exposing your son to perverts made him a better person.

My aren't you a fireball of feces.

I'm thinking he has a lot of pent up energy, since he believes any sex that doesn't involve "a penis in a vagina" is perverted.
You seem ignorant of the fact the opinion of 1k in what could be a liberal area doesn't mean 330 million people believe that way. Obviously they didn't think that in California when they banned homosexual marriage in one of the most liberal states.

Ah, yes - questions about methodology are reasonable. Which is why polling organizations absolutely do NOT concentrate their sample population form any one age group, income bracket, ZIP code, political party or any other parameter they can imagine - and they can imagine quite a lot.

During my college days, I worked part-time (full time in summers) at one of the 'research' organizations that develops polls for others. And nobody pays money for a biased sampling which would invalidate the poll results.

It was actually a good point, Dissent - but one so basic it really goes without saying if you've been there.
I don't understand WHY you wouldn't teach your child where babies come from,why not to have sex without BC etc parents never really did course I wasn't an idiot either it wasn't hard for me to figure it out. Still. When it comes to my kids I plan on talking to them. I want them to attend college or military before getting married and having kids...

There are different levels of age-appropriate information. Plus, kids living closer to nature, on a farm, for instance, learn about some things sooner than kids not exposed to everyday life, birth, death information.
My granddaughters knew early on how babies happen because they watched the animals breeding. They have also witnessed birth...that tends to put kids off getting babies, I'll tell you what!
What is the big FEAR about homosexuality? It's not contagious.

Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing.

It is filth.They are already bringing this filth to our schools. I am sure I will end up having a few battles with my kids schools if they try bringing this shit in. I already had to deal with it this year when they asked parents permission to teach KINDERGARTEN kids sex ed.I of course said hell no.Its the parents job not schools.

I sense a bit of hyperbole. What was the curriculum they wanted to address in the kindergarten class?

What "filth" are "they" bringing to our schools and what does it have to do with Canada addressing gender identity in theirs? Is there anything factually incorrect in what Canada is addressing in their schools? Do you disagree with scientific (and apparently cultural) gender identities?

Food for thought...

Transgender kids: Painful quest to be who they are

They called it "good touch bad touch" what it really is getting kids to trust people like cops,cps,principles etc. I know exactly what it was intended to do. Break the kids attachment to the parents as their allies and confidant and you can then mold them however you want. Fact is my daughter knows who is allowed to touch her and who isn't we asked her the day they gave us the paper to make a decision. Just like she won't be taking the idiotic all drugs are bad class in 1st and 2nd grade. I will explain things to them in a rational way and explain how the US has laws again Marijuana yet it allows ciggs and alcohol. I don't need school lecturing my kids on sex and drugs and who to trust and not trust. That's my job and I intend to keep it.

Especially not in kindergarten and grade school! Age appropriate should be strictly enforced.
You represent the very small minority, Dissent, nothing more.

Step off, please.

You post a poll that polled what 1k people and claim it represents the 330 MILLION people in this country..give me a break.

Sure I do. You keep believing that if it keeps you all warm and fuzzy inside,There numerous groups whose goal is to keep perverts out of our schools and from keeping homosexual activists from brainwashing our kids.
You seem ignorant of the fact the opinion of 1k in what could be a liberal area doesn't mean 330 million people believe that way. Obviously they didn't think that in California when they banned homosexual marriage in one of the most liberal states.

Ah, yes - questions about methodology are reasonable. Which is why polling organizations absolutely do NOT concentrate their sample population form any one age group, income bracket, ZIP code, political party or any other parameter they can imagine - and they can imagine quite a lot.

During my college days, I worked part-time (full time in summers) at one of the 'research' organizations that develops polls for others. And nobody pays money for a biased sampling which would invalidate the poll results.

It was actually a good point, Dissent - but one so basic it really goes without saying if you've been there.

Polling 1k people still doesn't determine how 330 million people think.
Every right minded individual supports keep pedophilia out of schools and away from the kids, whether they are homosexual or heterosexual.

Your particular group is very, very small in % to the population.


You represent the very small minority, Dissent, nothing more.

Step off, please.

You post a poll that polled what 1k people and claim it represents the 330 MILLION people in this country..give me a break.

Sure I do. You keep believing that if it keeps you all warm and fuzzy inside,There numerous groups whose goal is to keep perverts out of our schools and from keeping homosexual activists from brainwashing our kids.
I don't understand WHY you wouldn't teach your child where babies come from,why not to have sex without BC etc etc...

And yet...


• In 2006–2008, most teens aged 15–19 had received formal instruction about STIs (93%), HIV (89%) or abstinence (84%). However, about one-third of teens had not received any formal instruction about contraception; fewer males received this instruction than females (62% vs. 70%).

• Many sexually experienced teens (46% of males and 33% of females) do not receive formal instruction about contraception before they first have sex.

• About one in four adolescents aged 15-19 (23% of females and 28% of males) received abstinence education without receiving any instruction about birth control in 2006–2008[12], compared with 8–9% in 1995.

• Among teens aged 18–19, 41% report that they know little or nothing about condoms and 75% say they know little or nothing about the contraceptive pill.


Facts on American Teens’ Sources of Information About Sex

Other than biologically based information, schools should stay out of the business of preaching this kind of moral indoctrination.
What part of Jerry went on day rides fucking up little boys with donors did you miss?

The new deal is not only did Sandusky fuck the little boys, he sold children to donors. To the highest bidder and then he and the donor would bum fuck the kids.

What part of this don't you know about?

Do you have a mental health issue?

Is this how you normally post or is today just a really strong coke trip?

How incubated are you? Have you missed the Jerry Sandusky trial? How insane are you to even question me posting over Sandusky?

The insanity which is involved in these posts, is the assumption that pedophilia is the same as homosexuality.
Do you have a mental health issue?

Is this how you normally post or is today just a really strong coke trip?

How incubated are you? Have you missed the Jerry Sandusky trial? How insane are you to even question me posting over Sandusky?

The insanity which is involved in these posts, is the assumption that pedophilia is the same as homosexuality.

Is that what she was saying?? I wasnt sure if she had a mental issue, was posting in the wrong thread, or was saying sex Ed=pedophilia .... Either way, the crazy is strong in that one.
Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing.

They called it "good touch bad touch" what it really is getting kids to trust people like cops,cps,principles etc. I know exactly what it was intended to do. Break the kids attachment to the parents as their allies and confidant and you can then mold them however you want. Fact is my daughter knows who is allowed to touch her and who isn't we asked her the day they gave us the paper to make a decision. Just like she won't be taking the idiotic all drugs are bad class in 1st and 2nd grade. I will explain things to them in a rational way and explain how the US has laws again Marijuana yet it allows ciggs and alcohol. I don't need school lecturing my kids on sex and drugs and who to trust and not trust. That's my job and I intend to keep it.

LOL...Really? "Break the child's attachment"? My first assessment was right on target.


So the education class is actually what prompted your education? How ironic.

I used the DARE program to educate my child as well, by offering him alternative viewpoints to the ones expressed by the program coordinators. I used it as an opportunity to teach him independent critical thinking instead of existing in an echo chamber.

Well good for you. They are my kids and public schools are nothing more than indoctrination centers and I will fight back with all that I can that includes not letting them indoctrinate my kids into their crazy ass ideas of a normal society,they will not be little obedient drones.

Something similar happened when my daughter was in 5th or 6th grade. They sent home permission slips detailing a sex-ed program that was pushing bc (but not addressing abstinence at all) and alternative gender selection. She told me that they had already learned how to apply condoms to cucumbers or bananas in "health" class. She couldn't spell any of those words, but she know how to apply a rubber. I kept her home that day. I finally did pull her from school for everything except JROTC. She actually learned reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic, as well as real US history in those two years.
Can't afford private school and would never send my kids to religious school. I hate religion.

A perfect candidate for homeschooling.

Every homeschooled child I've ever meant has been .. Socially awkward.

You have obviously never met many home-schooled children. But why would you object to awkward home-schooled children when you are so obviously willing to bend over backwards and expend any amount of public money to ensure that the children of same-gender couples don't? In both cases, the parents are solely responsible for their children's situation.

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