Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

LOL...oh, please provide the curriculum in which it is implied that "kids should try it!".

How is homosexuality "unnatural"? It exists in the animal world in hundreds of species...including the only other species of animal that has sex for pleasure, the dolphin. Same sex animals have been known to mate for life, raising abandoned offspring.

Homosexuality has also existed throughout recorded history, in every culture, since the beginning of time. Please explain this "unnaturalness" of which you speak.

I came by my sexual orientation quite naturally. I certainly did not choose to be attracted to women. How is that explained if not as "natural"?

Homosexual acts promote corruption. It makes those that participate vulnerable to blackmail and manipulation. It preys on the weak (emotionally), and destroys lives (emotionally, financially, physically thru diseases) and families. It is a terrible choice that people make. Some that revel in corruption use it for financial and emotional gain. Others use knowledge of it to hurt all involved.

You want to claim that it is all joy, joy, happy thoughts (deceit), that is fine. To teach that to children is absolutely, wrong.
Race is not a social construct. There are many differences in the races. The Bell Curve is a great book on the subject.
So do heterosexual acts. Stop the silly disagreements, please. Your selective morality does not apply to everybody.

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

LOL...oh, please provide the curriculum in which it is implied that "kids should try it!".

How is homosexuality "unnatural"? It exists in the animal world in hundreds of species...including the only other species of animal that has sex for pleasure, the dolphin. Same sex animals have been known to mate for life, raising abandoned offspring.

Homosexuality has also existed throughout recorded history, in every culture, since the beginning of time. Please explain this "unnaturalness" of which you speak.

I came by my sexual orientation quite naturally. I certainly did not choose to be attracted to women. How is that explained if not as "natural"?

Homosexual acts promote corruption. It makes those that participate vulnerable to blackmail and manipulation. It preys on the weak (emotionally), and destroys lives (emotionally, financially, physically thru diseases) and families. It is a terrible choice that people make. Some that revel in corruption use it for financial and emotional gain. Others use knowledge of it to hurt all involved.

You want to claim that it is all joy, joy, happy thoughts (deceit), that is fine. To teach that to children is absolutely, wrong.
Of course it is a social construct. Those called the Dissent are on the lowest end of the construct, and doomed to extinction because of lack of intelligence and inability to adapt to their surroundings as their more adept competitors push them out.

Race is not a social construct. There are many differences in the races. The Bell Curve is a great book on the subject.
and it did not hurt him one bit.

how is the school hurting kids by teaching them some kids have two mommies?

Do you think that is important for schools to LIE to children?
There can only be one biological mother.
There can be an adoptive mother.
There can be a woman pretending to be a "husband".
Children are fairly intelligent and know a LIE when it is so blatant.
You are a moron. That is beyond obvious. If you can't tell there is difference in the races then I will just put you back on ignore and just won't bother dealing with your utter stupidity.
"Mother" is a term both sociological as well as biological.

Please stop your selective narrowness, logical4u, based on your own morality.
From the article I linked to.

As you drop your innocent children off at school this week, know that their teachers are forced to “read some traditional folk tales and fairy tales with the class. Have students write/illustrate their own “gender-bending” versions.” After opposite sex role-play the children must read the textbooks, Are You A Boy or a Girl, William’s Doll, or Doing It Right (covering topics such as anal sex and masturbation).
Your child will then be forced to “Read Gloria Goes to Gay Pride and “Search images of Pride Week”. I warn you not to do so. Your child will find numerous pictures of full scale nudity and people performing mock sex acts on the street. The little children are then ordered to “make posters for the TDSB float and/or school bus that are in the Pride Parade. Additionally, students could have their own Pride Parade in their school.”

Last year, parents voiced their concern over this same material. The Premier promised to withdraw the program. Instead the Ministry of Education transferred the teaching to another department, refaced the curriculum and belligerently continued to teach this special interest material. The Ministry admonishes teachers “to address controversial issues” even in the face of “negative parent response”. Teachers are further warned if they omit any of the curriculum then they will be guilty of “foster(ing) a poisoned environment”. The fact that they include such a statement means that the Ministry knows that parents are upset but just don’t care.

Stop Corrupting Children
Go to that website to see what you can do to stop this filth from being used in schools any longer than it already has been.

Wish the schools would go this far with teaching children about rifles and handguns.
Please tell us the narrative and purpose of the Canadian Institute for Values.

From the article I linked to.

As you drop your innocent children off at school this week, know that their teachers are forced to “read some traditional folk tales and fairy tales with the class. Have students write/illustrate their own “gender-bending” versions.” After opposite sex role-play the children must read the textbooks, Are You A Boy or a Girl, William’s Doll, or Doing It Right (covering topics such as anal sex and masturbation).
Your child will then be forced to “Read Gloria Goes to Gay Pride and “Search images of Pride Week”. I warn you not to do so. Your child will find numerous pictures of full scale nudity and people performing mock sex acts on the street. The little children are then ordered to “make posters for the TDSB float and/or school bus that are in the Pride Parade. Additionally, students could have their own Pride Parade in their school.”

Last year, parents voiced their concern over this same material. The Premier promised to withdraw the program. Instead the Ministry of Education transferred the teaching to another department, refaced the curriculum and belligerently continued to teach this special interest material. The Ministry admonishes teachers “to address controversial issues” even in the face of “negative parent response”. Teachers are further warned if they omit any of the curriculum then they will be guilty of “foster(ing) a poisoned environment”. The fact that they include such a statement means that the Ministry knows that parents are upset but just don’t care.

Stop Corrupting Children
Go to that website to see what you can do to stop this filth from being used in schools any longer than it already has been.

Wish the schools would go this far with teaching children about rifles and handguns.
They will be seen the same as people who treated blacks like dogs

No the "haters" will rule the earth. The homosexual activists/socialists/progressives/liberals/islamic extremists/environmentalists/communists are all joining forces to eliminate Christians. After that the most ruthless will win, and all you that thought "Christians" hated you because they pointed out your sins will be persecuted as they do persecute homosexuals in the ME. Your best friends will turn on you and your children will turn on you, because, absolute hatred for all people will be the predominant teaching.

So cry me a river that you live in this great country where people do not "interfer" with your decisions on how you live your lives, but you cry for financial or other support when your decisions don't turn out well for you.
There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

LOL...oh, please provide the curriculum in which it is implied that "kids should try it!".

How is homosexuality "unnatural"? It exists in the animal world in hundreds of species...including the only other species of animal that has sex for pleasure, the dolphin. Same sex animals have been known to mate for life, raising abandoned offspring.

Homosexuality has also existed throughout recorded history, in every culture, since the beginning of time. Please explain this "unnaturalness" of which you speak.

I came by my sexual orientation quite naturally. I certainly did not choose to be attracted to women. How is that explained if not as "natural"?

Homosexual acts promote corruption. It makes those that participate vulnerable to blackmail and manipulation. It preys on the weak (emotionally), and destroys lives (emotionally, financially, physically thru diseases) and families. It is a terrible choice that people make. Some that revel in corruption use it for financial and emotional gain. Others use knowledge of it to hurt all involved.

You want to claim that it is all joy, joy, happy thoughts (deceit), that is fine. To teach that to children is absolutely, wrong.

That can only be the case in a society where it's censured, illegal, etc. The easiest way to remove the potential for 'blackmail' that you claim to be concerned about, is if ones' private sex life with consenting adults is a non-issue.

Your assumption appears to be that homosexuality is a 'choice'. I doubt that's accurate at all. Nearly every situation can be described by a bell curve graph. People are not 'smart' or 'stupid': there's a gradation between, and different types of intelligence. People do not have one or another eye color, but at least 6 different colors. And although the standard genital equipment comes in only 2 forms - sometimes babies aren't all that obviously one or the other. It IS a possiblity, rare though it be....

Additionally, there are bisexual and transgendered individuals of both sexes - so it seems obvious there is some biological componant to this situation. I can't imagine anyone 'choosing' to be in these situations. And the ones I've encountered didn't seem any crazier than the general run of humanity.

I suspect we will find that there are several genetic locations which relate to which gender one finds most attractive.
...and being gay is perfectly normal. Gay is, obviously, not a "fad" nor are we going away. No, bestiality will never be taught as normal. Stop being ridiculous.

And yet 30 years ago who thought Sodomy would be taught in schools? Never say never. Ya never can tell what kind of deprived minds make up the U.S. Government and its lackies.I don't care if you go away,stay do whatever. But STOP trying to get everyone to accept your immoral,disgusting,vile lifestyle its not going to happen.

Where is sodomy being taught in US schools?

Do an internet search on parents upset about sex ed in schools. You may find the references to Sandusky mild compared to what some want children taught on the taxpayer's dime.
Please stop, logical4u, for you appear to be judging with an unrighteous judgement.

They will be seen the same as people who treated blacks like dogs

No the "haters" will rule the earth. The homosexual activists/socialists/progressives/liberals/islamic extremists/environmentalists/communists are all joining forces to eliminate Christians. After that the most ruthless will win, and all you that thought "Christians" hated you because they pointed out your sins will be persecuted as they do persecute homosexuals in the ME. Your best friends will turn on you and your children will turn on you, because, absolute hatred for all people will be the predominant teaching.

So cry me a river that you live in this great country where people do not "interfer" with your decisions on how you live your lives, but you cry for financial or other support when your decisions don't turn out well for you.
Every right minded individual supports keep pedophilia out of schools and away from the kids, whether they are homosexual or heterosexual.

Your particular group is very, very small in % to the population.


You represent the very small minority, Dissent, nothing more.

Step off, please.

Sure I do. You keep believing that if it keeps you all warm and fuzzy inside,There numerous groups whose goal is to keep perverts out of our schools and from keeping homosexual activists from brainwashing our kids.

At what age do most homosexuals have their "first" sexual experience?
and it did not hurt him one bit.

how is the school hurting kids by teaching them some kids have two mommies?

Do you think that is important for schools to LIE to children?
There can only be one biological mother.
There can be an adoptive mother.
There can be a woman pretending to be a "husband".
Children are fairly intelligent and know a LIE when it is so blatant.

Total denial of the turkey-baster's participation...
Do you have a mental health issue?

Is this how you normally post or is today just a really strong coke trip?

How incubated are you? Have you missed the Jerry Sandusky trial? How insane are you to even question me posting over Sandusky?

The insanity which is involved in these posts, is the assumption that pedophilia is the same as homosexuality.

She was saying that once homosexuality is "accepted" in schools, it is really easy to have children end up abused. Because, face it, grown men, raping little boys is "same sex".
Nice to see this thread has devolved into why homosexuality is "bad".

Anyone figure out yet if the laws in Canada allow the province to teach what they want?

I was reading the booklet and it said they can't opt out and neither can the parents. No matter what.

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