Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

You are simply making it up if you cannot post links.

The revision, outlined in 208 pages that were quietly posted on the Ministry of Education's website in January, will for the first time teach Grade 3 pupils about such topics as sexual identity and orientation, and introduce terms like "anal intercourse" and "vaginal lubrication" to children in Grades 6 and 7. The new curriculum begins in Grade 1 with lessons about the proper names of body parts.

Oh yes they need to know about anal intercourse and vaginal lubrication. Those are must haves to succeed in life!

What are you talking about? The curriculum is on line. It's been fact checked out the ying yang.

What happened by the way to fucking spelling classes? Or maybe just maybe having someone teach your child fucking grammar?

I know, something fucking novel. Geography. Can we teach geography? What happened to Science? I took lessons in school. I never ever built a gay pride float though.

Shit. I was soooooooooooooo deprived of an education.

"Read 'Gloria Goes to Gay Pride.' Additionally, students could have their own Pride Parade and invite the local media." This is cobbled together out of two separate points, cutting out the supporting language. The reading recommendation comes first. A page later, the full recommendation on Pride follows, starting with the idea that they take part in the downtown Pride Parade: "One idea students could come up with is to make posters for the TDSB float and/or school bus that are in the Pride Parade.

Additionally, students could have their own Pride Parade in their school and invite the local media as well as representatives from Pride Toronto or other community agencies that celebrate and promote equity for sexual orientation and gender identity."
It has not been fact checked here, and I have learned that when we are dealing with far right conservative religious folks or far left atheist folks, I want links.

Why? Both sides will lie through their collective teeth.
It has not been fact checked here, and I have learned that when we are dealing with far right conservative religious folks or far left atheist folks, I want links.

Why? Both sides will lie through their collective teeth.

Lol..far right conservative religious. Damn you got it wrong on all 3 points. Congrats. I just posted the entire booklet for you to read. You are just a fool who won't admit when he is beaten I am done playing games with you.
You are entitled to your insignficant minority unsupported opinion.

One of the most ignorant and vile things I have read so far on this forum.

I can understand that, a whole lot of us find it "vile". Pretending that homosexual sex is "normal" leads to really "vile" places. Maybe you can just shut your eyes and call your unicorns back to calm you.

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone they are not entitled to their opinion ?
Not on the link you gave. Do you have another link?

Should Schools Send Notes Or Permission Slips Home Before Starting Any
Classroom Work About Curricular Issues That May Involve Discussions About
Discrimination and Harassment?
No. The TDSB Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation
states that each school has a responsibly to education that reflects the diversity of its students and
their life experiences. Singling out one group or topic area as too controversial, and depending
© 2011 TDSB Equitable and Inclusive Schools 9
Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism Setting the Context
upon parent/guardian/caregiver discretion, shifts this responsibility from the school to the parents/ guardians/caregivers and fosters a poisoned environment contrary to the TDSB Human Rights Policy.
Sending a school newsletter home at the beginning of each term is a best practice for keeping parents/guardians/caregivers informed of all upcoming equity topics in the classroom without having to single out one topic over the other.
Should Schools Send Notes Or Permission Slips Home Before Starting any Classroom Work On LGBTQ Issues?
No. If a school treats the topic of sexual orientation or anti-homophobia work differently from the range of other curriculum topics, this could be construed as discriminatory practice. Anti-homophobia education is mandated in all our schools through the Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation, the Human Rights Policy, and the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Policy.
Can A Parent Have Their Child Accommodated Out Of Human Rights Education Based On Religious Grounds?
No. "Religious accommodation" in the TDSB is carried out in the larger context of the secular education system. While the TDSB works to create a school system free from religious discrimination, this freedom is not absolute. The TDSB will limit practices or conduct in its schools that may put public safety, health, or the human rights and freedoms of others at risk.
As well, the TDSB will limit practices or conducts in its schools that are in violation of its other policies. For example, if a parent asks for his or her child to be exempted for any discussions of LGBTQ family issues as a religious accommodation, this request cannot be made because it violates the Human Rights Policy. Furthermore, this is consistent with the ideal that human rights education is an essential strategy for preventing human rights abuses.

That is straight from the booklet pages 13 and 14

Jake with all due respect you're starting to come off as a "shut up answer me type of wife" here.

How many links do you need? For some reason I can't open the PDF (middle of nowhere and high speed is a dream for the future) but if you go to this link, you can pull up the actual curriculum.

AND if you go to that link you can see where I have gone to great lengths to link on the negative. This website is designed to tear apart the argument of "cross dressing for 6 year olds".

Election Blog: Fact-checking Hudak's | Toronto Standard
So you understand sex distinctions, good for you.

You have not shown that such is particular to either hetero- or homosexuality.

That's the point.

There is no question that the vast numbers of child rape are committed by heterosexuals.
Grown men rape little girls, too, logical4u.

Am aware Jakey, but that does not change the fact that if little boys are raped by grown men or little girls are raped by grown women that the sex act is homosexual as well as pedophilia.

Given the percentage of the homosexual population, that makes sense. It is "vile", but it makes sense.

Now why would you want children as young as five introduced to sexual acts (via classroom)? Do you want the numbers of child molestations and rapes to increase (heterosexual and homosexual)? Because teaching children that "sex acts" are "normal" when they are little children is telling them that it is okay to have sex as CHILDREN.

It just goes to show that the people that are doing the curriculum have little experience around actual children that are not under close supervision (class room atmosphere) with lots and lots of helpers (they are not responsible for all the childrens' actions).
You are clearly unbalanced emotionally.

"Mother" is a term both sociological and biological. God made it that way so small children could be mothered by others after their mothers had been murdered.

Do you understand that?

A child can have more than one mother, because the role of motherhood is not restricted to biology.

Or you can tell me my stepmother who raised me was not really a mother to me and you would be revealed for the fool you are trying to convince us you want to be.

See Jakey.... mother..... step-mother
mother..... step-mother, there is a difference.

"God", Jakey, I thought this was not a "Christian" country? What will all the atheist/islamic/hindu/buddahists homosexuals think? Are you provoking them?

You are the one that is not answering the questions. How can two women living with one child "both" be the child's mother?
Should Schools Send Notes Or Permission Slips Home Before Starting Any
Classroom Work About Curricular Issues That May Involve Discussions About
Discrimination and Harassment?
No. The TDSB Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation
states that each school has a responsibly to education that reflects the diversity of its students and
their life experiences. Singling out one group or topic area as too controversial, and depending
© 2011 TDSB Equitable and Inclusive Schools 9
Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism Setting the Context
upon parent/guardian/caregiver discretion, shifts this responsibility from the school to the parents/ guardians/caregivers and fosters a poisoned environment contrary to the TDSB Human Rights Policy.
Sending a school newsletter home at the beginning of each term is a best practice for keeping parents/guardians/caregivers informed of all upcoming equity topics in the classroom without having to single out one topic over the other.
Should Schools Send Notes Or Permission Slips Home Before Starting any Classroom Work On LGBTQ Issues?
No. If a school treats the topic of sexual orientation or anti-homophobia work differently from the range of other curriculum topics, this could be construed as discriminatory practice. Anti-homophobia education is mandated in all our schools through the Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation, the Human Rights Policy, and the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Policy.
Can A Parent Have Their Child Accommodated Out Of Human Rights Education Based On Religious Grounds?
No. "Religious accommodation" in the TDSB is carried out in the larger context of the secular education system. While the TDSB works to create a school system free from religious discrimination, this freedom is not absolute. The TDSB will limit practices or conduct in its schools that may put public safety, health, or the human rights and freedoms of others at risk.
As well, the TDSB will limit practices or conducts in its schools that are in violation of its other policies. For example, if a parent asks for his or her child to be exempted for any discussions of LGBTQ family issues as a religious accommodation, this request cannot be made because it violates the Human Rights Policy. Furthermore, this is consistent with the ideal that human rights education is an essential strategy for preventing human rights abuses.

That is straight from the booklet pages 13 and 14

I am so sorry that is being forced on students.
Mothering, my dear, is not restricted to the process of birth by a woman.

You do understand that, do you not?

But continual prayer in Christ will help you to understand God's children better.
It has not been fact checked here, and I have learned that when we are dealing with far right conservative religious folks or far left atheist folks, I want links.

Why? Both sides will lie through their collective teeth.

I don't know where others are from, but I've lived in Toronto and the GTA for many years.

I was a member of the Liberal Party going back to "Girls for Trudeau" days. So I know the politics of this very well.

Dalton is a "social engineer" type of liberal. And a very dangerous one.

ETA: My daughter is a teacher and my grandaughter is in the system and Harley will be entering it. I'm thinking different options are in order when you have school boards actually believing that they are your childrens and grand childrens "co parents".
Last edited:
So much for you innate sympathy for children who have lost their mothers by murder and who have found a mother's love through other women's efforts.

God, as Jefferson and Madison and Franklin and so many of the other Founders fully understood, is not a term limited only to the Father or Christ. The other religious followers will be just fine with its universal use, as you should be as well.

You are clearly unbalanced emotionally.

"Mother" is a term both sociological and biological. God made it that way so small children could be mothered by others after their mothers had been murdered.

Do you understand that?

See Jakey.... mother..... step-mother
mother..... step-mother, there is a difference.

"God", Jakey, I thought this was not a "Christian" country? What will all the atheist/islamic/hindu/buddahists homosexuals think? Are you provoking them?

You are the one that is not answering the questions. How can two women living with one child "both" be the child's mother?
td, dalton may be the son of the devil, but fact checking is still required, otherwise assertions can become dangerous "truths". bfgrn is having that very trouble in another thread right now.

It has not been fact checked here, and I have learned that when we are dealing with far right conservative religious folks or far left atheist folks, I want links.

Why? Both sides will lie through their collective teeth.

I don't know where others are from, but I've lived in Toronto and the GTA for many years.

I was a member of the Liberal Party going back to "Girls for Trudeau" days. So I know the politics of this very well.

Dalton is a "social engineer" type of liberal. And a very dangerous one.
So you understand sex distinctions, good for you.

You have not shown that such is particular to either hetero- or homosexuality.

That's the point.

There is no question that the vast numbers of child rape are committed by heterosexuals.
Am aware Jakey, but that does not change the fact that if little boys are raped by grown men or little girls are raped by grown women that the sex act is homosexual as well as pedophilia.

Given the percentage of the homosexual population, that makes sense. It is "vile", but it makes sense.

Now why would you want children as young as five introduced to sexual acts (via classroom)? Do you want the numbers of child molestations and rapes to increase (heterosexual and homosexual)? Because teaching children that "sex acts" are "normal" when they are little children is telling them that it is okay to have sex as CHILDREN.

It just goes to show that the people that are doing the curriculum have little experience around actual children that are not under close supervision (class room atmosphere) with lots and lots of helpers (they are not responsible for all the childrens' actions).

I don't get it. When I was 5 years old I was into Tom Sawyer and the Bobbsey Twins. I'd moved onto the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew by the age of 7.

Holy freaking toledo now we're teaching kids how to build a gay pride parade float in grade 2?

Aye carumba! I'm going to stroke out here. :lol:

Anybody else remember just building the volcano with your dad? And your mom so pissed off because you wrecked the kitchen?
Mothering, my dear, is not restricted to the process of birth by a woman.

You do understand that, do you not?

But continual prayer in Christ will help you to understand God's children better.

Jakey, a child can have an adoptive mother (step, foster, otherwise), but that is ONE mother. A child can have a biological mother. The mother is the strong female person in the house. The father is the strong, male person in the house. When two women live with the child, they can tell the child to call them "both" mother, but for the child, there is only one mother. As the child matures, they may sort it out emotionally to "different" moms, but that is not a normal relationship. If one of the women is "pretending" to be the husband, it is even more confusing to the child to accept as honest and "normal". How can "both" be the "femine" mother when one is pretending to be a man at home?
So much for you innate sympathy for children who have lost their mothers by murder and who have found a mother's love through other women's efforts.

God, as Jefferson and Madison and Franklin and so many of the other Founders fully understood, is not a term limited only to the Father or Christ. The other religious followers will be just fine with its universal use, as you should be as well.

You are clearly unbalanced emotionally.

"Mother" is a term both sociological and biological. God made it that way so small children could be mothered by others after their mothers had been murdered.

Do you understand that?

"God", Jakey, I thought this was not a "Christian" country? What will all the atheist/islamic/hindu/buddahists homosexuals think? Are you provoking them?

You are the one that is not answering the questions. How can two women living with one child "both" be the child's mother?

Still, no answer.... you bring up a replacement mother (adoptive). Really Jakey, I'm shocked, that you refuse to answer.
So much for you innate sympathy for children who have lost their mothers by murder and who have found a mother's love through other women's efforts.

God, as Jefferson and Madison and Franklin and so many of the other Founders fully understood, is not a term limited only to the Father or Christ. The other religious followers will be just fine with its universal use, as you should be as well.

"God", Jakey, I thought this was not a "Christian" country? What will all the atheist/islamic/hindu/buddahists homosexuals think? Are you provoking them?

You are the one that is not answering the questions. How can two women living with one child "both" be the child's mother?

Still, no answer.... you bring up a replacement mother (adoptive). Really Jakey, I'm shocked, that you refuse to answer.

You shouldnt be, Jake runs pretty fast.....
td, dalton may be the son of the devil, but fact checking is still required, otherwise assertions can become dangerous "truths". bfgrn is having that very trouble in another thread right now.

It has not been fact checked here, and I have learned that when we are dealing with far right conservative religious folks or far left atheist folks, I want links.

Why? Both sides will lie through their collective teeth.

I don't know where others are from, but I've lived in Toronto and the GTA for many years.

I was a member of the Liberal Party going back to "Girls for Trudeau" days. So I know the politics of this very well.

Dalton is a "social engineer" type of liberal. And a very dangerous one.

I'm obsessive about triple and quadruple checking facts. If you actually go to the link I gave you, this link is a pro gay website but with a direct link to the actual curriculum.

I have a lot of gay friends in TO.( Music business for a lot of years and a former resident on Isabella. Not one of those some of my best friends are gay kinda thing)

They're pissed off too. Don't you get it? THEY don't want teacher Ratchitt teaching their kids about sexuality either.

We want our kids to have an education. Not to be morally dictated one way or another by a freaking school board.

AND if you go on LGBT websites all around the GTA they are as angry as we in the hetero community are.
A lot of people here seem to have forgotten the whole "throwing stones in glass houses" thing.

Maybe Americans should stick with trying to form a "more perfect union" instead of going crazy over something that is happening in Canada.

I have deep ties to Toronto and the article, from the ill-informed christian conservative rag the Canadian Times spread this propaganda without any kind of context.

Let me remind everyone here that Toronto is the most diverse big city in the world, and also the safest big city in the world.

If preaching understanding and tolerance has helped to do that, than we Americans should shut the fuck up, because we're shooting each other up like crazy while Toronto averages about 1 murder a week. If it were an American city, the average would be closer to 8-10 a week.

Our children should be armed with knowledge and tolerance for folks who are different, and whether we like it or not, there are gays and lesbians out there and there are people who are transgendered as well.

If our kids grow up accepting of each other's differences, than I'd say we're preaching the teachings of Jesus Christ.

If it's fair to teach 7 yr-old's about why it is wrong if somebody touches you down there, than it is fair to teach them about the different kinds of people there are in the world around them and that we love them too.

We're all God's children, so the haters can go fuck themselves, as well as the Canadian Times, for spreading veiled hatred.

The bigger question we should ask in regards to Toronto or Ontario is to wonder what they're doing right that they tend to manage about 12 million people with under 100 murders a year, which is remarkably low.
You have the right to your opinion.

Mothering, my dear, is not restricted to the process of birth by a woman.

You do understand that, do you not?

But continual prayer in Christ will help you to understand God's children better.

Jakey, a child can have an adoptive mother (step, foster, otherwise), but that is ONE mother. A child can have a biological mother. The mother is the strong female person in the house. The father is the strong, male person in the house. When two women live with the child, they can tell the child to call them "both" mother, but for the child, there is only one mother. As the child matures, they may sort it out emotionally to "different" moms, but that is not a normal relationship. If one of the women is "pretending" to be the husband, it is even more confusing to the child to accept as honest and "normal". How can "both" be the "femine" mother when one is pretending to be a man at home?

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