Torture the Hell Out of ISIS Prisoners

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You are apparently unaware that any information obtained under torture is usually garbage. Do you just want to be cruel for the sake of cruelty?
Then you too are no better than the enemy.
We shouldn't be trying to be better. We should be trying to decimate them.

And that is why we don't have decisive victories anymore
A decisive victory is not possible in the wars we have been fighting because we no longer hold the moral high ground thanks to shitheads like OP.
Wrong. It has NOTHING to do with the moral high ground you fool. We don't win because we let emotion make decisions rather than pure tactical logic.
You are apparently unaware that any information obtained under torture is usually garbage. Do you just want to be cruel for the sake of cruelty?
Then you too are no better than the enemy.
We shouldn't be trying to be better. We should be trying to decimate them.

And that is why we don't have decisive victories anymore
A decisive victory is not possible in the wars we have been fighting because we no longer hold the moral high ground thanks to shitheads like OP.
Wrong. It has NOTHING to do with the moral high ground you fool. We don't win because we let emotion make decisions rather than pure tactical logic.
Giving way to your inner Nazi and torturing prisoners is the definition of letting your emotions make decisions.
Then you too are no better than the enemy.
We shouldn't be trying to be better. We should be trying to decimate them.

And that is why we don't have decisive victories anymore
A decisive victory is not possible in the wars we have been fighting because we no longer hold the moral high ground thanks to shitheads like OP.
Wrong. It has NOTHING to do with the moral high ground you fool. We don't win because we let emotion make decisions rather than pure tactical logic.
Giving way to your inner Nazi and torturing prisoners is the definition of letting your emotions make decisions.
Nice spin libbie
You are an embarrassment to the US MILITARY and you shame the uniform every time you put it on. Fuckers like you with no sense of humanity are what give the military a bad name. Bet you thought that Lindy England should have been decorated you sociopathic scumbag.
Why don't you try answering what I said in Post # 99 ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL answer it. It's becasue YOU HAVE NO ANSWER for it. And YOU KNOW IT.
The rule of law and human decency are what separates us from terrorists. We claim we have the moral authority to fight evil but you would throw that away just for the thrill of being a cruel monster, I stand by my statement that you are a sorry excuse for a US soldier, you have learned nothing about how America is supposed to conduct a war.

The purpose of war is to annihilate your enemy. It's not a game of rules and this is why we fail. Take the gloves off, get rid of ROE, keep the lawyers out of it and let the mightiest military in the world do the job they are trained for. If you have to convince someone to cough up info so be it
You know jack-shit about war, your kind of thinking has long been proven to make it impossible to ever win the peace and leads to perpetual warfare.

Oh and you know about war? From where? Playing battleship? LMAO
There's these things called books. You should read a few thousand like I have (romance novels don't count).
Loser boy...stolen valor mother fucker. You may have been in Iraq.....even that is not likely. . But if you weren't in combat. You are a bad liar.
I wasn't in combat most of the time. Just a few days. I was generally inspecting machine parts, sheet metal and castings parts being received for the the A-29 Super Tucanos being sent to Afghanistan in December. They have tight (.0003 - .0009) tolerances and have to be inspected by inspectors who know military blueprints, and gauges. Lucky for me the gauges were old school, and the ones I knew from way back. Also spent a few days in the red zone (Baghdad) checking things out in a reconaissance format.
The purpose of war is to annihilate your enemy.
No, it is to defeat your enemy. No one makes peace on their knees.

You don't have the first usual
Liberal fraud
You are apparently unaware that any information obtained under torture is usually garbage. Do you just want to be cruel for the sake of cruelty?
Then you too are no better than the enemy.
We shouldn't be trying to be better. We should be trying to decimate them.

And that is why we don't have decisive victories anymore
A decisive victory is not possible in the wars we have been fighting because we no longer hold the moral high ground thanks to shitheads like OP.
Wrong. It has NOTHING to do with the moral high ground you fool. We don't win because we let emotion make decisions rather than pure tactical logic.
One does not defeat an idea with the tools of war. That's logic, and history, not emotion.
Why don't you try answering what I said in Post # 99 ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL answer it. It's becasue YOU HAVE NO ANSWER for it. And YOU KNOW IT.
The rule of law and human decency are what separates us from terrorists. We claim we have the moral authority to fight evil but you would throw that away just for the thrill of being a cruel monster, I stand by my statement that you are a sorry excuse for a US soldier, you have learned nothing about how America is supposed to conduct a war.

The purpose of war is to annihilate your enemy. It's not a game of rules and this is why we fail. Take the gloves off, get rid of ROE, keep the lawyers out of it and let the mightiest military in the world do the job they are trained for. If you have to convince someone to cough up info so be it
You know jack-shit about war, your kind of thinking has long been proven to make it impossible to ever win the peace and leads to perpetual warfare.

Oh and you know about war? From where? Playing battleship? LMAO
There's these things called books. You should read a few thousand like I have (romance novels don't count).

I'm a Navy brat (USN MCPO), granddaughter of a Rtd USAF Lt. Col. Step daughter of a USMC GySgt. Nice try :)
Anyone notice g5000 only bitched at conservatives for creating Benghazi threads the day Hillary testified but never said a word in all the liberal Benghazi threads?
You are apparently unaware that any information obtained under torture is usually garbage. Do you just want to be cruel for the sake of cruelty?
Then you too are no better than the enemy.
We shouldn't be trying to be better. We should be trying to decimate them.

And that is why we don't have decisive victories anymore
A decisive victory is not possible in the wars we have been fighting because we no longer hold the moral high ground thanks to shitheads like OP.
Wrong. It has NOTHING to do with the moral high ground you fool. We don't win because we let emotion make decisions rather than pure tactical logic.
You are another one that sees human decency as a weakness, I am not surprised. The moral high-ground is required to win the peace, no conservative has ever considered what happens after the bombs fall and the shooting stops. Bush said that we would be greeted as liberators, that might have actually happened but how we treated prisoners and civilians alike ruined everything.
Then you too are no better than the enemy.
We shouldn't be trying to be better. We should be trying to decimate them.

And that is why we don't have decisive victories anymore
A decisive victory is not possible in the wars we have been fighting because we no longer hold the moral high ground thanks to shitheads like OP.
Wrong. It has NOTHING to do with the moral high ground you fool. We don't win because we let emotion make decisions rather than pure tactical logic.
You are another one that sees human decency as a weakness, I am not surprised. The moral high-ground is required to win the peace, no conservative has ever considered what happens after the bombs fall and the shooting stops. Bush said that we would be greeted as liberators, that might have actually happened but how we treated prisoners and civilians alike ruined everything.
Was there moral high ground in the two atom bombs we dropped on Japan? Was it the moral high ground when Hillary gloated over Momars death as he was pulled around the streets and sodomized?

Fucking rank amatuer. That's why you dumbfucks can't be trusted with our military.
These men were going to brutally kill all of these men.
I am afraid to tell you but the security of the world beats the security of America.

All that means is that you are a moonbat internationalist. I'm not. I am a nationalist American. And I am NOT afraid to tell you that the security of the USA beats the security of the world and every other country.

Thank you for what you do for our country~

War is the most ugly thing on earth, war should be the last choice

Are there ways to get information without torture, perhaps like truth serum?
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The purpose of war is to annihilate your enemy.
No, it is to defeat your enemy. No one makes peace on their knees.
In the case of ISIS it must be to ANNIHILATE THEM. There must be no prisoners (except for intelligence gathering) no surrender, and NONE of them should be allowed to survive. They are a cancer. You eradicate ALL of it.
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