Tory Grandee immediately investigated for bad mouthing Israel

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

This is a curious case. Duncan went on the radio to discuss the Israeli murder of aid workers and widened his criticism of Israeli influence in the tory party. Mainly thru the Tory Friends of Israel grouping.

Then he widened his criticism by naming many prominent tories he accuses of protecting Israeli interests. Not just in Gaza but also the land grabs in the west bank.

Within hours the party announced an investigation into him. I think the purpose was to silence him rather than punish him.
On the same day another tory admitted that he had given out personal numbers of other MPs because he was being threatened by a tinder date. These MPs have faced harrassment since then.

He believed that his date had info which may have been compromising to him.

But that MP is not facing any action and is being praised for his "bravery". In fact he still sits in Parliament as a Tory MP.

Priti Patel took a secret trip to Israel while a minister in the Johnson govt and was not even censured when she later lobbied for Israel. This was mentioned by Duncan.

Now I am not one who thinks that Jews control everything. I am not a connservative white nationalist like Marje. I find such nazi rhetoric disgusting. My problem with Israel is what they do not who they are.

But FFS. There is something wrong here. Duncan was expressing the majority view in this country. But he is now under investigation.

I thought the Friends of Israel was just a tory excuse for some winter sun in Tel Aviv. It looks something a lot more sinister now.

Our Govt is packed with Freinds of Israel and is totally disconnected from the will of the British people. I understand America has a similar disconnect.
Britain spent billions fighting antisemitism during WW2, that would be a real waste of money if suddenly people started embracing the holocaust with their anti-Jewish vitriole.
Britain spent billions fighting antisemitism during WW2, that would be a real waste of money if suddenly people started embracing the holocaust with their anti-Jewish vitriole.
Modern Israel are the nazis. After the holocaust we said never again. It didnt give Israel a license to kill.

This is a curious case. Duncan went on the radio to discuss the Israeli murder of aid workers and widened his criticism of Israeli influence in the tory party. Mainly thru the Tory Friends of Israel grouping.

Then he widened his criticism by naming many prominent tories he accuses of protecting Israeli interests. Not just in Gaza but also the land grabs in the west bank.

Within hours the party announced an investigation into him. I think the purpose was to silence him rather than punish him.
On the same day another tory admitted that he had given out personal numbers of other MPs because he was being threatened by a tinder date. These MPs have faced harrassment since then.

He believed that his date had info which may have been compromising to him.

But that MP is not facing any action and is being praised for his "bravery". In fact he still sits in Parliament as a Tory MP.

Priti Patel took a secret trip to Israel while a minister in the Johnson govt and was not even censured when she later lobbied for Israel. This was mentioned by Duncan.

Now I am not one who thinks that Jews control everything. I am not a connservative white nationalist like Marje. I find such nazi rhetoric disgusting. My problem with Israel is what they do not who they are.

But FFS. There is something wrong here. Duncan was expressing the majority view in this country. But he is now under investigation.

I thought the Friends of Israel was just a tory excuse for some winter sun in Tel Aviv. It looks something a lot more sinister now.

Our Govt is packed with Freinds of Israel and is totally disconnected from the will of the British people. I understand America has a similar disconnect.
it's remarkable that so many Brits have no idea how to define the simple
term "murder"
While "Tommy" has some points, he undermines his posts with propaganda. Calling the killing of the aid workers murder is one. What happened is criminal and must be investigated with punishment for those responsible, but murder is not the correct term, it is merely inflammatory. Likewise, saying that Israel is "nazi" takes hyperbole into another dimension. These excesses of his are unnecessary. What Israel is doing is unthinkably wrong, but this kind of verbiage only makes conversation that much more difficult.
By England's absurd definition of the term, it well could be.
No. Crriticising people for who they are is an offence. Criticising them for what they do is ok. Many Jewish people are appalled at the slaughter. Are they comitting a hate crime ?
Modern Israel are the nazis. After the holocaust we said never again. It didnt give Israel a license to kill.

No. Crriticising people for who they are is an offence. Criticising them for what they do is ok. Many Jewish people are appalled at the slaughter. Are they comitting a hate crime ?

No, but you are, and I reported you for it.

They should be able to find you. There can't be too many one-legged fat fucks in Wales with swastika flags on their wall.

That's hate speech. Your government may be interested in this...

It's the truth, Khazarian Ashkenazi fake 'Jews' claim they are Jews but they aren't ones.
Just open their 'holy' book # 1 Shulhan Aruch and ponder where is the real hate speech.
In the post from above or in the book
If you would be a honest human you would shout up otherwise we can discuss about the aforementioned 'guidance' for Israelis & Co
No. Crriticising people for who they are is an offence. Criticising them for what they do is ok. Many Jewish people are appalled at the slaughter. Are they comitting a hate crime ?
Don't ask anyone viewing your system from the outside. The definition of the offense, the potential for abuse by the low threshold of complaint, the arbitrary enforcement and contradiction with the concept of free speech all indict your nation's measures concerning this issue.
Don't ask anyone viewing your system from the outside. The definition of the offense, the potential for abuse by the low threshold of complaint, the arbitrary enforcement and contradiction with the concept of free speech all indict your nation's measures concerning this issue.
I think you over egg the problem. Only nazis need worry about this. They should not have a platform anyway.
Perhaps ypu could quote a real life example ?
It's the truth, Khazarian Ashkenazi fake 'Jews' claim they are Jews but they aren't ones.
Just open their 'holy' book # 1 Shulhan Aruch and ponder where is the real hate speech.
In the post from above or in the book
If you would be a honest human you would shout up otherwise we can discuss about the aforementioned 'guidance' for Israelis & Co
Fuck off you fucking wierdo.
I think you over egg the problem. Only nazis need worry about this. They should not have a platform anyway.
Perhaps ypu could quote a real life example ?

Law enforcement in your country can sort that out. I'm just reporting your online hate speech.

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