Tory losers storm off after losing by elections by massive margins.

Im not a labour voter. But anything would be better than this shit show. You must admit that its fucking awful ?
Conservatives are awful, but they're the least awful party to be in power.

The Tories have triggered you rotten.

Only the Tories and Labour ever get into power, so whatever you can throw up about one party, go check the other's track record. But you focus on and blame one party. That's the tell tales signs of a Labour supporter with values rooted in a coal mining area, Staunch Labourite. You claim you're not a Labourite, but you stink to high heaven of one.
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I really don't give a damn about British politics.
Same here. In UK politics, you just get turds like Tommy just blabbering the same old cliches -

Brexit's fault, Tories fault, NHS is shit etc..

So I find US politics more interesting, plus also, every quiz show on TV throws up questions on America. Yesterday on The Chase -

Which is the only US President that served on a submarine.

I've actually answered questions that came up on TV about American politics where the knowledge I gained was off these types of forums!

What a sad loser but typical of the low quality people in the conservative party.
Where do the conservatives go from here ? Nothing works. Their reset has been rejected by their own members.

it seems that people like green policies, and decency and competence. Things that are outside the conservative skill set.

Where does Rishi go ? He actually left the country rather than face the drubbing. Shaking hands with middle eastern murderers in a desperate attempt to distract.

Here is a comfort though. Nobody is whining like a fat orange bitch about elections being stolen. So thats a comfort.

Problem is, what will happen is pretty obvious. A) they'll spend the rest of the time until the next election enriching themselves even further B) Labour will get in and try and rebuild the NHS, education, the police etc etc and then it'll "cost too much" and people will vote the Tories back in again.
Yup. And if Americans think AOC is thick, they're not aware of Diane Abbot.

Problem is, what will happen is pretty obvious. A) they'll spend the rest of the time until the next election enriching themselves even further B) Labour will get in and try and rebuild the NHS, education, the police etc etc and then it'll "cost too much" and people will vote the Tories back in again.
I think the rebuild will be painful. Everything is totally fucked. We need an FDR style new deal. but Im not sure Starmer has the bottle for that.
The clowns are talking about tax cuts today. They will make it as bad as they can for labour.
I think the rebuild will be painful. Everything is totally fucked. We need an FDR style new deal. but Im not sure Starmer has the bottle for that.
The clowns are talking about tax cuts today. They will make it as bad as they can for labour.

What needs to change needs to be permanent. Labour will not go for something like Proportional Representation because they think they're more powerful without it.
What needs to change needs to be permanent. Labour will not go for something like Proportional Representation because they think they're more powerful without it.
The current system has to change. The problem is that the ones who can change it have gotten power under the current system.

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