Is Hamas Caving?

It would appear Hamas along with Gaza are toast

just don't ask me to applaud it all

It appears that Hamas never expected such a strong response from the IDF and are somewhat in shock

Is Hamas Caving?

4 Moc 2-23 ~~ By Matt Margolis

It looks like Hamas realizes that is is outmatched by Israelā€™s military power, and is getting desperate. According to recent reports, Hamas is now offering to release civilian hostages in exchange for a short, five-day ceasefire.
"Although the terms have varied in recent weeks, Hamas has indicated most recently that it would release all civilian hostages in exchange for a five-day pause, according to diplomats familiar with the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity about the sensitive matter. Israeli military captives, whose precise number is unknown, would be retained, possibly to eventually be offered in trade for Palestinian prisoners in Israel,ā€ reports The Washington Post.
Sporadic, indirect negotiations are being held in Doha, Qatarā€™s capital, where they have waxed and waned depending on the tempo of Israeli strikes. With Qatari officials as go-betweens, the United States has been variously represented by Barbara Leaf, the State Departmentā€™s assistant secretary for the Near East, and White House and State Department hostage negotiators, diplomats said. Representatives of Israelā€™s Mossad national intelligence agency have also traveled to Doha. Ismail Haniyeh, Hamasā€™s top political leader, who lives in Turkey, has participated, along with former leader and current head of Hamas diaspora affairs Khaled Meshaal, who lives in Qatar.
Itā€™s easy to hear this news and consider it a source of celebration, but considering the fact that the hostages have been the only leverage Hamas has in this situation, thereā€™s ample reason to be suspicious of their true intentions here. Originally, they attempted a slow trickle of hostages in order to stave off a ground invasion. What are they attempting to pull off now? It seems that a five day ceasefire would be exploited to gain a tactical advantage, or itā€™s a trick, and they have no intention of releasing hostages at all. Hamas also demanded more humanitarian aid for civilians.
Weā€™ve seen that scam before, too. The fact is, Hamas never misses a trick, and at the moment, it looks like Israel isnā€™t about to fall for the terror groupā€™s games. According to The Washington Post, Netanyahu "rejected any effort to link hostage talks with a pause in the fighting, saying just minutes after Blinken publicly called for it that consideration of any cease-fire would happen only after all of the hostages were freed."
Either way, the scheme reeks of desperation, and itā€™s clear that Israelā€™s military is overwhelming Hamas.

Hamas is shooting their own people that are trying to escape. It does not look like they are caving to me.
Israel did not choose to have this war in the Gaza densely populated territory. Hamas chose to attack and pick the field of action..
This war is now a binary choice. Either you have it with all the ugly collateral damage it entails, or you donā€™t. The equivocating global political class are insisting from the comfort of their couches there is a fantasy antiseptic half pregnancy option filled with cease fires and pauses.
If Hamas wants a ā€œceasefireā€, they need to turn over every one of their terrorist murderers so they can be hanged in public in Gaza by the Israeli families who had family members tortured, raped, murdered and beheaded.

They chopped off a woman's breast and played catch with it.

This is currently being fully investigated by Israel along with many other similar stories. While she was bleeding from the wound she was being raped and during the rape she was shot in the head. This and many other similar situations have signed a death warrant for the perpetrators.
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