Totally Tasteless Jokes, One Liners, Quips, and Other Assorted Sundries


It's Just Boris
Apr 26, 2013
OK gang, the idea is simple. Post your totally tasteless jokes, one liners, quips, and other assorted goodies here.

OK, I'll be the first. There was a man who was dumb as a sack of gravel who thought "innuendo" was Italian for Preparation H.
What's the difference between a Porche and a Mercedes?

Lady Di wouldn't be caught dead in a Porche.
a midget is suing the city of New York for building a sidewalk to close to his ass .
Count Dracula decided to go to New York City for a vacation. One night he decided he wanted Italian for dinner so here he is hanging off the Brooklyn Bridge. A short, dumpy Guido goes walking by and Dracula siphons him and throws him over. No splash. Next day, same bridge, another Guido goes by and he's siphoned, thrown over, no splash. Now Dracula is beginning to get curious. Next day, same bridge, another Guido walks by and Dracula siphons him. This time when he throws him over, he peers over the side of the bridge and sees this well-fed alligator in the Hudson river rubbing his belly and singing "Drained Wops keep falling on my head."
You hear about these new tires that Borelli introduced? First, Dago t'rough da snow. Den, Dago t'rough da mud. And when Dago flat, Dago wop, wop, wop, wop, wop.
The dyslexic junkie that thought he was buying LSD but ended up with faster broadband.
When Mother Theresa died and got to the Pearly Gates, she was stopped by St Peter.

He told her, "Before I let you in, I need to ask you a few questions."

As he was saying this, Mother Theresa looks over his shoulder and sees Lady Di.

She exclaims to Peter, "Why am I out here answering questions after everything I've done in my life and Lady Di is already inside with a halo on her head?"

Peter looks over his shoulder, then turns to Mother Theresa and say's, "That ain't a halo, it's a steering wheel!"
when mother theresa died and got to the pearly gates, she was stopped by st peter.

He told her, "before i let you in, i need to ask you a few questions."

as he was saying this, mother theresa looks over his shoulder and sees lady di.

She exclaims to peter, "why am i out here answering questions after everything i've done in my life and lady di is already inside with a halo on her head?"

peter looks over his shoulder, then turns to mother theresa and say's, "that ain't a halo, it's a steering wheel!"

I found a 50 cent piece as I was walking to work today.

Had to go all the way home to get some cash.

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