Tough Guy Ted Cruz Totally Owned Sherrod Brown In The Senate

The virtue signaling are the entitled assholes who want to believe they’re some kind of free thinking renegade by not getting vaccinated.

Not at all. People fear putting a substance in their body that's been under development and testing for less than a year. It's quite normal actually.
The people least inclined to have fear are those most knowledgeable about the vaccine.
Imagine being so emotionally fragile that you’re triggered by someone wearing a mask.
Imagine being so simple-minded that you allow bullshit artists to convince you to wear one in the first place.
I suppose you fancy yourself something of an expert on this topic then?
I can tell when people are full of shit and trying to manipulate others.
No you can’t. You have been manipulated over and over by the people who know how to prey on your emotions.
LOL...... sure. :cool:
Imagine being so emotionally fragile that you’re triggered by someone wearing a mask.
Imagine being so simple-minded that you allow bullshit artists to convince you to wear one in the first place.
I suppose you fancy yourself something of an expert on this topic then?
I can tell when people are full of shit and trying to manipulate others.
No you can’t. You have been manipulated over and over by the people who know how to prey on your emotions.
LOL...... sure. :cool:
Just look how emotional you’re getting here. You aren’t using your head.
Irrelevant. Not everyone is so pussified as to live in fear of a cold with a minuscule mortality rate.
If you choose to wear a face diaper, go ahead. Give others the same respect.
I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about those around me.

I guess caring about the well being of others is now a character flaw?
No you aren't.
It's a bullshit act. Fake concern, virtue signaling, etc.

All bullshit.
The virtue signaling are the entitled assholes who want to believe they’re some kind of free thinking renegade by not getting vaccinated.

You don’t know shit about me, what I do or who I’m around. I work with some of the most chronically ill and vulnerable people in the country and they trust me not to do dumb shit that could harm them.
I know you're a weak minded person who can't submit to peer pressure fast enough.

If you were a Jew in Germany in the late 30s, you'd have been the one urging everyone to "Hurry up and get in the boxcar, we don't want to upset the Nazis!!"
Stop with the hysterics. Your overly emotional chest beating isn’t helping you look rational.
"Chest beating"??
I notice someone posted that everyone who failed to properly virtue signal should be physically attacked and beaten for it and I haven't seen a single leftist object to that, or call him and "internet tough guy" yet....... but I'm the one beating my chest?

No, I don't think so.

You're nothing more than a herd animal and we both know it.
The virtue signaling are the entitled assholes who want to believe they’re some kind of free thinking renegade by not getting vaccinated.

Not at all. People fear putting a substance in their body that's been under development and testing for less than a year. It's quite normal actually.
The people least inclined to have fear are those most knowledgeable about the vaccine.
Well, that's false.
Imagine being so emotionally fragile that you’re triggered by someone wearing a mask.
Imagine being so simple-minded that you allow bullshit artists to convince you to wear one in the first place.
I suppose you fancy yourself something of an expert on this topic then?
I can tell when people are full of shit and trying to manipulate others.
No you can’t. You have been manipulated over and over by the people who know how to prey on your emotions.
LOL...... sure. :cool:
Just look how emotional you’re getting here. You aren’t using your head.
Look how desperate you're getting here, trying to push your bullshit onto others.

But that is what you vote for.

What other choices do we have? Many of these congress critters are lawyers who left their six figure or more career to work for government. Obviously it's less work and more money. It doesn't matter who you vote for because they're all going to do it. Amid our growing debt, Congress votes for yet another pay raise. What can I or anybody else do about that? Most of the voters don't even know they did it since it's so scantly covered by the media.

I mean.......look at our new President today. Is he a reflection of an informed electorate? The guy is a career politician who's never had any major accomplishment in almost 50 years. His son was under FBI investigation in matters he was involved in. His platform included disarming law abiding citizens or otherwise making it so difficult to obtain and keep a firearm most wouldn't do it. He wants to put lowlifes into what's now nice safe suburbs to destroy them. He promised to virtually open the border and he did. He promised to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. I mean.......who with an IQ over 20 would vote for somebody like this? Even his own party wants to strip him of exclusive power over our nuclear arms his dementia is so bad.
I am the wrong person to ask Ray. But I would suggest that you look at how both parties agree on policy. I would be more inclined to vote for a party that limited the gravy train. If your Pres only gets 2 terms why should Senators get a lifetime ?

Obviously you want to pay them well so that they are less tempted to take bribes.
And the next time I saw Cruz, I would flip him the bird. I don't have any respect for a cuck who allows both his wife and father to be denigrated by the man who would become his boss. And then go to the house of that man and break bread with him. Cruz is a complete candy ass. But that being said, I would actually like to see a fire lit under the ass of these Senators. Drop the political niceness. Time to take the gloves off.
Yeah man. He should have punched President Trump in the face. That would have been the best way to handle it, right? :cuckoo:
This definitely wasn't the best way to handle it...
View attachment 417566

But considering most Trump supporters are cucks -- they totally don't mind Ted Cruz'in for power....

I am pretty sure his wife knew he was a bitch a long time ago.....
Cruz didnt lick his balls. I for sure would have heard about that.
I'm sure you would have.
And here I thought we all wanted to help prevent the pandemic from getting worse.
Irrelevant. Not everyone is so pussified as to live in fear of a cold with a minuscule mortality rate.
If you choose to wear a face diaper, go ahead. Give others the same respect.
Can I sneeze or cough in your face without covering?? -- or are you too much of a pussy??
You know they don't even wash their hands after using the toilet. It's the type.
Irrelevant. Not everyone is so pussified as to live in fear of a cold with a minuscule mortality rate.
If you choose to wear a face diaper, go ahead. Give others the same respect.
I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about those around me.

I guess caring about the well being of others is now a character flaw?
For trump fluffers, it is.

"Republican Senator Ted Cruz called Senator Sherrod Brown a "complete a**" after the Democratic lawmaker complained about GOP colleagues not wearing face masks while speaking during a Senate hearing on Monday. Reacting to a viral clip of the exchange, Cruz said his Democratic counterpart was being "idiotic" and only wearing a face mask as he spoke to signal "fake virtue" as he railed against Republican senators in the upper chamber."

There are fewer elected officials in DC who are tougher than Ted Cruz -- and if anyone dares to come for Ted Cruz; they better be prepared for an old fashion ass whooping.....very strongly and powerfully...

So last night there was this back and forth between Senator Dan Sullivan (R) and the sniveling coward, Sherrod Brown; in which Brown demanded that Sullivan wear a mask - even tho there was no one around who really mattered -- and Sullivan rightfully refused to be lectured to by a devil worshiping pedophile like Sherrod Brown...
View attachment 417473

Now technically, there was someone within 6 feet of Sullivan -- but that is just some Senate staffer, basically a nobody --- so Ted Cruz was right to call out Brown's virtue signaling....
You mean the tough Ted Cruz who backed down in a whimper after Trump insulted his wife and accused his father of helping kill JFK..that 'tough' Ted Cruz?
Yeah, the Ted Cruz that makes Democrats tremble and piss their pants.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
People who refuse to wear masks around others deserve to be beat down, regardless of who they are.
What a statement there. Are you sure you dont want to walk that back a bit, or are you sticking by it?

Why would I walk it back? None of these superspreadators has any human worth.
This morning a kid walked by me and he wasnt wearing a mask. I should have beat him up? :cuckoo:
No, but maybe his parents
why is violence always the first thing that liberals do?
well, THAT'S an Ironic statement. :heehee:

"Republican Senator Ted Cruz called Senator Sherrod Brown a "complete a**" after the Democratic lawmaker complained about GOP colleagues not wearing face masks while speaking during a Senate hearing on Monday. Reacting to a viral clip of the exchange, Cruz said his Democratic counterpart was being "idiotic" and only wearing a face mask as he spoke to signal "fake virtue" as he railed against Republican senators in the upper chamber."

There are fewer elected officials in DC who are tougher than Ted Cruz -- and if anyone dares to come for Ted Cruz; they better be prepared for an old fashion ass whooping.....very strongly and powerfully...

So last night there was this back and forth between Senator Dan Sullivan (R) and the sniveling coward, Sherrod Brown; in which Brown demanded that Sullivan wear a mask - even tho there was no one around who really mattered -- and Sullivan rightfully refused to be lectured to by a devil worshiping pedophile like Sherrod Brown...
View attachment 417473

Now technically, there was someone within 6 feet of Sullivan -- but that is just some Senate staffer, basically a nobody --- so Ted Cruz was right to call out Brown's virtue signaling....

These DemoKKKrat anti-vaxxers are hilarious.
You spelled "Republicans" wrong.
Ahh Biff satire is da best! You know the worst part is that these mask weenies won’t tell us whether or not they’ve been vaxed.
Prolly most of them secretly have, but until they show us their CDC cards, rules is rules.

Ahh Biff satire is da best! You know the worst part is that these mask weenies won’t tell us whether or not they’ve been vaxed.
Prolly most of them secretly have, but until they show us their CDC cards, rules is rules.

What difference would that make? If you got the vaccination and are protected, why do you give a shit if the person next do you didn't?
Ahh Biff satire is da best! You know the worst part is that these mask weenies won’t tell us whether or not they’ve been vaxed.
Prolly most of them secretly have, but until they show us their CDC cards, rules is rules.

What difference would that make? If you got the vaccination and are protected, why do you give a shit if the person next do you didn't?

The vaccines are 90-95% - Not 100. Time for vaccine passports.

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