TOURIST SEASON IS FINISHED IN OCCUPIED CRIMEA, MOSCOW IMPERIALISTIC tourism is at 5% of previous seasons. This summer is described as “catastrophic

Cool story, now let's see what Russian commander on the ground says:

"The units of the defense ministry simply went fleeing from the flanks" of Bakhmut, Prigozhin said, adding that "the flanks are failing, the front is collapsing" in that area.

"Attempts by the defense ministry in the information field to sugar coat the situation — it's leading and will lead to a global tragedy for Russia. For this reason, we must stop lying immediately," Prigozhin said.

She's shaking with anger unable to finish her words or complete sentences. She knows all is lost and she hates it.

See we have our resident Nazi battling to convince us that the Russians are not giving the US led Ukey Nazi forces a good daily hiding.

Scruffpot druggy Z scrabbling about looking for ordnance of any age and in any condition is the behaviour of big time losers .

How is the counter offensive going , Nazi Boys ? You are losing over 40 tanks a day now ( was15 max )
How soon before you run out of everything ?

BTW , T Winkle , Moscow people down in southern Ukraine looking to buy property for second and summer homes .
No counter offensive Titty .
It's getting worse

Ukranians took 10 Russian positions in the last few days, shot down 3 choppers and 2 SUs on Russian territory, downed all missiles headed for Kiev yesterday.

If that's "getting worse" then who needs "getting better"?

You Putin bootlickers better saddle up, it's going to be rough next few months for you useful idiots.
Ukranians took 10 Russian positions in the last few days, shot down 3 choppers and 2 SUs on Russian territory, downed all missiles headed for Kiev yesterday.

If that's "getting worse" then who needs "getting better"?

You Putin bootlickers better saddle up, it's going to be rough next few months for you useful idiots.
You are talking out of the top of your pointed head .
Made up garbage .

Am busy every day in several other areas before going out that way at the weekend but will post a video or two showing how it is curtains for Bakhmut and ominous for your US Nazis as Russia brings in its top forces for the first time in the whole conflict .
only thugs like you and trump support moscow horde

Well the “Moscow horde” doesn’t call me a “threat to democracy” or try to get me fired from my job for not taking an experimental mRNA clot shot. Joe Biden and the Democrats do that, they are my real enemy, not some Russian that has never attacked me or tried to destroy my life.

So has Lit’l Loser joined the Zelensky Rainbow Dildo Brigade so he can take on Russian Horde himself?
Nope, he is still in his mother’s basement acting like a tough guy. He’s too terrified of Putin and his “horde“ to actually join this fight he is supposedly so concerned about.

Keep it up Lil’Loser, I’m sure one of these days your propaganda posts will convince some idiot to join the Rainbow Brigade.
There are no queues to join the army . No men really running away .
Just no men.
What you see at the front is thousands of Polish men wearing Ukey uniforms , though the general appetite for continued Polish involvement is cracking back in sausage land .

Bakhmut has effectively gone as I write, with Ukeys holding one block only now that the key Citadel block has gone .
What a surprise.
With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher
Well the “Moscow horde” doesn’t call me a “threat to democracy” or try to get me fired from my job for not taking an experimental mRNA clot shot.

Yep, this is the sort of conflated garbage thats floating around in average Trumpster head.

Zero principles, zero historic and foreign policy awareness. It's all some narrow conspiratorial nutbag horseshit.
You are talking out of the top of your pointed head .
Made up garbage .
Ignormus you see the blue? Thats the territories Ukraine retook in the past 3 days around Bakhmut:

Yep, this is the sort of conflated garbage thats floating around in average Trumpster head.

Zero principles, zero historic and foreign policy awareness. It's all some narrow conspiratorial nutbag horseshit.
Yes I know, you Dems think an unconstitutional mandate that got millions fired from their jobs, and coerced tens of millions more to take a clot shot they didn’t want or need really isn’t that big a deal. Or that our government at the highest levels tried to undermine an election for four years by spying on a President and accusing him for blatant lies. Naw, no big deal. That’s not the real threat to Americans at all, it’s Poooooootin.

Foreign policy awareness? Like the fact that the West helped overthrow Ukraine’s government in 2014 which then resulted in a civil war, which in turn resulted in Russia intervening.

Hey, should America send troops or not?
Yes I know, you Dems think an unconstitutional mandate that got millions fired from their jobs
We are at right about the lowest unemployment in modern history.

People don't have problems getting jobs under Dems, even those wakos who refuse life saving vaccine distributed by billions doses and proven safe beyond any doubt by now.

Your narrow politico blinders are on too tight, restricting proper blood flow to your head.


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Foreign policy awareness? Like the fact that the West helped overthrow Ukraine’s government in 2014
Yep, right on cue, repeating bullshit Russian propaganda.

Government was not overthrown in Ukraine, it was their president that ran off instead of facing special election deal brokered by United States and Russia. He was impeached for it by Ukranian parlament and a new president was elected by the people.

The west did not participate in, or arm the Maidan. It was by Ukrainians for Ukrainians.
Yep, right on cue, repeating bullshit Russian propaganda.

Government was not overthrown in Ukraine, it was their president that ran off instead of facing special election deal brokered by United States and Russia. He was impeached for it by Ukranian parlament and a new president was elected by the people.

The west did not participate in, or arm the Maidan. It was by Ukrainians for Ukrainians.
The elected president was ran out of the country by threat of violence, in other words a coup.
The presidency is a part of the government, so yes the government was overthrown.

Why would there need to be a “special election” brokered by the U.S. and Russia? Why couldn’t they just wait until the next election? Russia does have rights to tell the Ukrainians how to run their government?

I guess that is how democracy works now? Just run a guy out by violence and claim he is a Putin stooge. And just like that, you’ve overthrown a democratically elected government you don’t like and you still get to call it a “democracy”.
Notice AntonToo can‘t answer if the US should send troops to Ukraine to fight Russia.

I guess he is a Putin stooge and wants Ukraine to lose.
We are at right about the lowest unemployment in modern history.

People don't have problems getting jobs under Dems, even those wakos who refuse life saving vaccine distributed by billions doses and proven safe beyond any doubt by now.

Your narrow politico blinders are on too tight, restricting proper blood flow to your head.


This has bum fuck what to do with the topic at hand?

It‘s okay to get people fired from their jobs by an unconstitutional mandate, because unemployment is low?
This has bum fuck what to do with the topic at hand?

It‘s okay to get people fired from their jobs by an unconstitutional mandate, because unemployment is low?
What does historically low unemployment have to do with your claims of "million fired" claims? Ummm just about everything. It means that either your numbers are bullshit or those people simply got another job.

And "unconstitutional mandate" my ass, vaccination is commonly required. Time you learn that.
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