TOURIST SEASON IS FINISHED IN OCCUPIED CRIMEA, MOSCOW IMPERIALISTIC tourism is at 5% of previous seasons. This summer is described as “catastrophic

Notice AntonToo can‘t answer if the US should send troops to Ukraine to fight Russia.
Can't answer?

Bullshit peedler I've always said we shouldn't send our troops and electively get into direct war against Russia.

I guess he is a Putin stooge and wants Ukraine to lose.

No dumbass, Ukraine will win for THEIR country without American soldiers dying there. We will help with the hardware, but at the end of the day they are not part of NATO and it's their fight.
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Why would there need to be a “special election” brokered by the U.S. and Russia? Why couldn’t they just wait until the next election?
Because Ukranian president has broken his promises to the people, rejected deals that would move Ukraine towards European integration and was implementing laws that would effectively kill democracy in Urkaine and make into another authoritarian Russian puppet regime like Belarus.

Ukrainians rightfully rose up to defend their young democracy and avoid living under Putinist boot on their throat.

Oblivious idiots like you live in the west and have no clue what it takes to establish and keep a democracy.
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What does historically low unemployment have to do with your claims of "million fired" claims? Ummm just about everything. It means that either your numbers are bullshit or those people simply got another job.

And "unconstitutional mandate" my ass, vaccination is commonly required. Time you learn that.
It was ruled unconstitutional by the courts. The government cannot mandate experimental vaccines.
but at the end of the day they are not part of NATO and it's their fight
Oh wait a minute, when I say that I am called a “Putin stooge”.

If it is “their fight” why are we paying not only for their entire military, but their government as well?

What happened to “their fight is our fight”? Like McCain and Lindsay Graham told them in 2016?
No he wasn't bulshit peddler.

He abandoned his post and none of his allies or advisors that remained were subjected to any violence.
LOL, so this is how the left argues, they just completely ignore reality and make up their own version of history.
Because Ukranian president has broken his promises to the people, rejected deals that would move Ukraine towards European integration and was implementing laws that would effectively kill democracy in Urkaine and make into another authoritarian Russian puppet regime like Belarus.

Ukrainians rightfully rose up to defend their young democracy and avoid living under Putinist boot on their throat.

Oblivious idiots like you live in the west and have no clue what it takes to establish and keep a democracy.
LOL, so their elected leader made decisions you didn’t like, so that justifies removing him from office by force. Thanks for proving my point, you just couldn’t help yourself.

Yea, Ukrainians rose up and ousted a sitting president with violence. They also didn’t have the votes to impeach him according to their constitution. But of course those constitutions just get in the way of real “progress” right?

Except in this case it pissed off the ethnic Russian Ukrainians in the eastern provinces, and they declared for independence. Which is when the new Ukrainian government started shelling them and taking away their rights. Zelensky has now outlawed any opposition party, opposition media, and even closed down churches because he is so paranoid. Yup, what a “democracy” under Zelensky, it’s totally not a dictatorship at all, right?
It was ruled unconstitutional by the courts. The government cannot mandate experimental vaccines.
At what point does "experimental" becomes proven safe? 100 million doses? 1 billion doses? 10 billion? 100?

What you are saying is straight nonsense. "Experimentation" was long over, Covid vaccines were given full FDA aproval and were solidly proven safe and effective.

"Rulling" by lower court would be easily overturned if government didn't find litigation moot given that pandemic was pretty much over.
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LOL, so their elected leader made decisions you didn’t like, so that justifies removing him from office by force

No one removed him by force from office, he was impeached by Ukranian parlament when he abandoned his office and ran off to Russia.

You don't know wtf you are talking about.
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LOL, so this is how the left argues, they just completely ignore reality and make up their own version of history.
This thread is full of you repeating bullshit Russian tlaking points with zero backup of anything. Maybe it's time to go look in the mirror. have no idea how fucking stupid you sound, which is itself a side effect of your stupidity.
Just using your logic. Since you don’t support something that makes you a Russian troll.

If it sounds “stupid” that is because it sounds just like you.
At what point does "experimental" becomes proven safe? 100 million doses? 1 billion doses? 10 billion? 100?

What you are saying is straight nonsense. "Experimentation" was long over, Covid vaccines were given full FDA aproval and were solidly proven safe and effective.

"Rulling" by lower court would be easily overturned if government didn't find litigation moot given that pandemic was pretty much over.
At ten years of trials. The number of experimental shots don‘t prove anything, only time.

Here is Dr. Fauci explaining how mRNA vaccines will take a decade to get approved, even if they are “perfect”:

That has been our science regarding drugs and vaccines for a hundred years. Funny how an election can change science.

They we’re never given “full FDA approval”, that is a total lie.
No one removed him by force from office, he was impeached by Ukranian parlament when he abandoned his office and ran off to Russia.

You don't know wtf you are talking about.
Not impeached, they didn’t have the votes. Look it up.
They had to charge him with some other crime and had a simple majority vote. They did not follow the constitutional process to impeach.
This thread is full of you repeating bullshit Russian tlaking points with zero backup of anything. Maybe it's time to go look in the mirror.
I don’t know any Russian talking points. I do not listen to or read anything Russian. All I do is seek the truth. If Russians happen to be saying similar things, maybe they aren’t lying about them either.

You haven’t been able to refute anything I have said. All you have are silly accusations and name calling, along with lying about recent history in Ukraine.

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