Tourists hunted through the ruins on the day Egypt’s Islamist menace shocked the worl


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I think people realize why Egypt's tourist industry is in the dumps. This was a big money maker for them.

Tourists hunted through the ruins on the day Egypt’s Islamist menace shocked the world

JUNE 27, 2014

IT was a day of excitement and wonder that turned to horror in the flash of a gun.

Scores of tourists marvelling at awe-inspiring ruins of Luxor, in Egypt, were ambushed by Islamic terrorists.

In the space of 45 minutes, a mere six attackers hunted down and butchered 62 people as they cowered among the ancient temple walls.

The killers, screaming “Allah Akbar” (God is Great), used guns and machetes, their victims — 58 foreign visitors and four locals — ranging from children to pensioners.

Some survivors said young women were first sexually assaulted; others that victims’ bodies were mutilated.

The massacre was in November 1997, four years before the world learned to fear the names of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.

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sally ---------November 1997-----and September 2001 will be included
in the HISTORY OF THE CALIPHATE in the same way 1932 is
included in the history of the 3rd Reich. Twenty years from now
the world will be asking "why did we not see it"???????

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