Town hall chaos exposes the left for who they are

If Trump is 45% approval or less in 2018, the Democrats win the House.
Remember when you predicted that Hitlery Clinton would defeat Donald Trump in a "landslide" election? Bwahahahahaha! Keep 'em coming Nostradamus! :laugh:
One reason Republicans don't want to repeal Obamacare before the election
The American people overwhelmingly demand that Obamacare be repealed. That's why Republicans are in control of the entire United States.

It's no wonder everything you people touch ends in collapse. You guys hide in your absurd ideology and completely ignore reality.
Says the fascist asshole who is celebrating and supporting the rioting and violence.
I said it was nice to see normal conservatives finally speaking out against the extreme right (you) of their party.

You stated in your OP you wanted to bust some heads.

So who's the violent one?
Pathetic - representative hosts a Town Hall to discuss with her constituents how to provide the services this nation owes to our veterans and the left busses in thugs just to disrupt the Town Hall.

Moving forward - law enforcement (and conservatives) need to have a zero tolerance policy with these thugs. If you can't sit quietly in a Town Hall and wait your turn to speak, then we plant your face into the ground, allow you to have a few bites of cement, and then we take you away for booking and subsequent charges of civil unrest, disturbing the peace, intimidation, etc.

Hegseth: Town hall chaos exposes the left for who they are
Rightwing monkey, the left learned from you guys...

How quickly you forget.

The brownshirts are the ones shutting down free speech of others. I am defending the Constitution. Pain compliance is the only way these slobs can learn.
You want to use baseball bats on people exercising their 1st amendment rights. That's not defending the Constitution. Defending the Constitution is saying although you may disagree with them, they have a right to voice their grievances.
The brownshirts are the ones shutting down free speech of others. I am defending the Constitution. Pain compliance is the only way these slobs can learn.
You want to use baseball bats on people exercising their 1st amendment rights. That's not defending the Constitution. Defending the Constitution is saying although you may disagree with them, they have a right to voice their grievances.
Shouting people down prevents them from saying what they want to say. You see rights as a one way ticket, your way.

Like I said, pain compliance is the only hope.
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Kaivan Shroff @KaivanShroff

At a town hall in in Colorado, citizens hold up their state IDs to prove to GOP that they are 100% real constituents

9:13 PM - 21 Feb 2017

Well done sir, you've exposed the left for what they are!
How many of you have actually been to a town hall meeting lately? They usually ask for ID to show you live in that area, to show you are a constituent. So, how many of you have gone? Has Michael Savage actually gone? What proof does he or you have that these are just lefties disrupting. Looking at videos available, if we take you at your word, these "lefties" are middle aged and elderly white people complaining about health care...certainly your OWS and BLM crowd, eh?
How dare they practice free speech!

Well, so much for the OP's understanding of our Constitution - and how it applies to everyone.
Snowflake...the U.S. Constitution does not entitle you to be a lawless thug. You would know that if you ever actually took the time to read the document.
Another intellectual who has never read past the first page of the document, yet considers themselves an expert
Show us where your right to shut down others' speech is. I'll wait ...

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