Town hall chaos exposes the left for who they are

Electing Trump has brought the pro-Republican swing of the pendulum to an end.
Remember when you also predicted that Hitlery Clinton would win a "landslide" election against Donald Trump? :laugh:

I predicted Clinton would win the popular vote by 5 points.
Electing Trump has brought the pro-Republican swing of the pendulum to an end.
We can take solace in the fact that all your predictions have been false.

That wasn't a prediction. It was,and is, a fact.
Electing Trump has brought the pro-Republican swing of the pendulum to an end.
Remember when you also predicted that Hitlery Clinton would win a "landslide" election against Donald Trump? :laugh:

I predicted Clinton would win the popular vote by 5 points.
Electing Trump has brought the pro-Republican swing of the pendulum to an end.
We can take solace in the fact that all your predictions have been false.

That wasn't a prediction. It was,and is, a fact.
LOL, you think a 48% to 46% spread is 5 points. Thanks Sparky!
Pathetic - representative hosts a Town Hall to discuss with her constituents how to provide the services this nation owes to our veterans and the left busses in thugs just to disrupt the Town Hall.

Moving forward - law enforcement (and conservatives) need to have a zero tolerance policy with these thugs. If you can't sit quietly in a Town Hall and wait your turn to speak, then we plant your face into the ground, allow you to have a few bites of cement, and then we take you away for booking and subsequent charges of civil unrest, disturbing the peace, intimidation, etc.

Hegseth: Town hall chaos exposes the left for who they are

You sound like such a pussy.

At least these people have a legitimate cause, unlike all the impotent rage of the Tea Baggers.
You sound like such a pussy.

At least these people have a legitimate cause, unlike all the impotent rage of the Tea Baggers.
They (the bagger nation) marched on Washington 6 months into Obama's first term (before he had a chance to do anything worth protesting), for no apparent reason.
Show us where your right to shut down others' speech is. I'll wait ...
Take a look at the posts in a few threads in this forum and you will see 75% of the people shouting at other posters are right wingers.
First of all genius....this is a website. We literally cannot shout - much less shout over someone else. All we can do is post. And we cannot prevent you from posting.

Would you like to try again - because that one was an epic fail.
First of all genius....this is a website. We literally cannot shout - much less shout over someone else. All we can do is post. And we cannot prevent you from posting.
If you could, would you?

BTW, I apologize for not being clear. The "shouting" was figurative.
First of all genius....this is a website. We literally cannot shout - much less shout over someone else. All we can do is post. And we cannot prevent you from posting.

Would you like to try again - because that one was an epic fail.
I need to revisit this post of yours and pay it its fair due. You deserve kudo's for that one. It's normal and lucid.
You sound like such a pussy.

At least these people have a legitimate cause, unlike all the impotent rage of the Tea Baggers.
They (the bagger nation) marched on Washington 6 months into Obama's first term (before he had a chance to do anything worth protesting), for no apparent reason.
He got obamacare into law right out of the gate. And you are confused between peaceful marches and disrupting others' freedom to speak. You must be one of those that can only learn through pain compliance.
How dare they practice free speech!
There is a monumental difference between "free speech" and acting like a thug. They can be respectful, peaceful, and orderly and still exercise their right to free speech. In fact, all of those things would further their exercise of free speech.

Stop being disingenuous Timmy. It's very counterproductive.

Yes, those working class people totally need to sit around politely while Representative Douchebag (R-Koch Bros.) tries to pull their granny's chemotherapy treatments.

Guess what, you don't get "polite' when you steal elections and try to force policies down out throat we don't want. And Republicans are getting the message.

Former House speaker predicts 'Obamacare' won't be repealed
Snowflake...the U.S. Constitution does not entitle you to be a lawless thug. You would know that if you ever actually took the time to read the document.

The Constitution isn't holy writ. The reason why your boys are in so much trouble is all the dumb white trash who voted for Trump after reading fake Russian news are starting to figure out they are going to lose their health coverage if people like you get their way.
You feel shouted down when you log in to a website and read disagreement?
Talking about busting some heads, or driving people out of the country, goes way beyond a mere disagreement. You don't normally call people who disagree with you, the "enemy".

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