Town hall chaos exposes the left for who they are

You sound like such a pussy.

At least these people have a legitimate cause, unlike all the impotent rage of the Tea Baggers.
They (the bagger nation) marched on Washington 6 months into Obama's first term (before he had a chance to do anything worth protesting), for no apparent reason.
He got obamacare into law right out of the gate. And you are confused between peaceful marches and disrupting others' freedom to speak. You must be one of those that can only learn through pain compliance.
Millions of red sta
You sound like such a pussy.

At least these people have a legitimate cause, unlike all the impotent rage of the Tea Baggers.
They (the bagger nation) marched on Washington 6 months into Obama's first term (before he had a chance to do anything worth protesting), for no apparent reason.
He got obamacare into law right out of the gate. And you are confused between peaceful marches and disrupting others' freedom to speak. You must be one of those that can only learn through pain compliance.
Millions of red state conservatives sure love the Obama Care/ACA. Hell even TEA PARTY terrorist love they're Obmacare!!!! Paul Rayan-Trump Care healthcare will be an overreach!!!!!
The liberal democrats are exposing themselves every day with their hysteria. The only thing I will add is that I think the republican office holders should hold the town halls and allow them to just go nuts. Yes, it will make news and there is a risk. But there is also a huge upside.

Now that the Democrats are telling us who they really are, they should openly run on their "protest" agenda... I challenge them...

- Open borders
- Illegal immigration
- Failing, state-run healthcare
- Higher taxes
- More regulations (which they are suddenly calling "protections")
- Transgender bathrooms

As I shared in this article, the democrats are just setting themselves up for failure: 7 Ways Democrats are Setting Themselves Up for Failure
Obama Care-ACA will eventually lead to Medicare-Medicaid FOR ALL from cradle to grave.
You feel shouted down when you log in to a website and read disagreement?
Talking about busting some heads, or driving people out of the country, goes way beyond a mere disagreement. You don't normally call people who disagree with you, the "enemy".
Anyone that seeks to deprive citizens of their rights is an enemy of America. Leftist shout people down, disrupt town halls, block traffic and worse. You don't see that on the right and you are disingenuous to pretend the right is suppressing "free speech".
GOP Interstate CrossChecking declared democrat voters as enemies of the state and purged and suppress democrat voters from the voting rolls.
Make an example of a few of them with baseball bats.

Do you struggle about what to wear in the morning between a brown shirt or a white robe and pointed hood ?.....LOL
I wear work clothes because ...I work. I don't have the time or desire to go somewhere to deny someone their rights. Many here have proven they are too stupid to understand other people have rights too, so that only leaves one way to teach them. They won't learn until they can associate pain (physical and financial) with the misdeeds.
Are you one of the ones who administers the pain?
Cops wear uniforms, not work clothes. Pop your head out of your ass, you know nothing.
Cops who vote republican are racist corrupt Brown Shirt Cops!!!!
Very funny to see the Right now have to flip flop and condemn and ridicule the strategy they once enthusiastically championed:

Tea Party Town Hall Strategy: "Rattle Them," "Stand Up And Shout"
When did "the right" say that? You just made it up. I'm against shouting people down, period but I don't remember the TEA party rioting, blocking traffic and all the other nonsense.

So you wish to claim that you've never generalized about 'the left' on this forum?

I was talking to you, not the left wing. Of course there are generalizations on both sides that are true, problem is you can't make the distinctions. I say something specific, you counter with what "the right" says if it suits you.
The liberal democrats are exposing themselves every day with their hysteria. The only thing I will add is that I think the republican office holders should hold the town halls and allow them to just go nuts. Yes, it will make news and there is a risk. But there is also a huge upside.

Now that the Democrats are telling us who they really are, they should openly run on their "protest" agenda... I challenge them...

- Open borders
- Illegal immigration
- Failing, state-run healthcare
- Higher taxes
- More regulations (which they are suddenly calling "protections")
- Transgender bathrooms

As I shared in this article, the democrats are just setting themselves up for failure: 7 Ways Democrats are Setting Themselves Up for Failure
We learned from the right

Very funny to see the Right now have to flip flop and condemn and ridicule the strategy they once enthusiastically championed:

Tea Party Town Hall Strategy: "Rattle Them," "Stand Up And Shout"
When did "the right" say that? You just made it up. I'm against shouting people down, period but I don't remember the TEA party rioting, blocking traffic and all the other nonsense.

So you wish to claim that you've never generalized about 'the left' on this forum?

I was talking to you, not the left wing. Of course there are generalizations on both sides that are true, problem is you can't make the distinctions. I say something specific, you counter with what "the right" says if it suits you.
Please keep in mind YOU are a Weasel with out a moral compass.
I'm wondering where ID's are required for townhalls, someone else brought it up saying that ID's were required it's valid to the discussion.
You feel shouted down when you log in to a website and read disagreement?
Talking about busting some heads, or driving people out of the country, goes way beyond a mere disagreement. You don't normally call people who disagree with you, the "enemy".
Right? And yet that's exactly what Barack Obama did as president. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine if Donald Trump called Dumbocrats the "enemy". And then Obama took it one step further and said "punish them". That shows you the mindset of the ignorant, intolerant left.
Make an example of a few of them with baseball bats.

Do you struggle about what to wear in the morning between a brown shirt or a white robe and pointed hood ?.....LOL
I wear work clothes because ...I work. I don't have the time or desire to go somewhere to deny someone their rights. Many here have proven they are too stupid to understand other people have rights too, so that only leaves one way to teach them. They won't learn until they can associate pain (physical and financial) with the misdeeds.
Are you one of the ones who administers the pain?
Cops wear uniforms, not work clothes. Pop your head out of your ass, you know nothing.
Just checking. Some guys talk tough but don't do diddly squat about anything. I guess I misunderstood you. Carry on.
I'm wondering where ID's are required for townhalls, someone else brought it up saying that ID's were required it's valid to the discussion.
It might come to that since the radical left-wing dirt-bags are shipping in protestors and paying them just to cause trouble. Sad. But it's a glaring indication that they can't win the hearts and the minds of the masses. They just bus whatever supporters they do have all around to make it look like they have supporters.
You know....after Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats starting with some extremely unconstitutional nonsense (such as Obamacare), the Tea Party rallied across the nation. But they never acted like thugs. They were always grown adults. They conducted themselves as peaceful, law abiding citizens.
Like the Tea Party guy who spit on Democrat congressman?
That was fake news.
Make an example of a few of them with baseball bats.

Do you struggle about what to wear in the morning between a brown shirt or a white robe and pointed hood ?.....LOL
I wear work clothes because ...I work. I don't have the time or desire to go somewhere to deny someone their rights. Many here have proven they are too stupid to understand other people have rights too, so that only leaves one way to teach them. They won't learn until they can associate pain (physical and financial) with the misdeeds.
Are you one of the ones who administers the pain?
Cops wear uniforms, not work clothes. Pop your head out of your ass, you know nothing.
Just checking. Some guys talk tough but don't do diddly squat about anything. I guess I misunderstood you. Carry on.
No one will mistake you for having critical thinking skills. You thought I was saying I was going to cause the pain when I said no such thing. You take dumbfuckery to new depths.
Pathetic - representative hosts a Town Hall to discuss with her constituents how to provide the services this nation owes to our veterans and the left busses in thugs just to disrupt the Town Hall.

Moving forward - law enforcement (and conservatives) need to have a zero tolerance policy with these thugs. If you can't sit quietly in a Town Hall and wait your turn to speak, then we plant your face into the ground, allow you to have a few bites of cement, and then we take you away for booking and subsequent charges of civil unrest, disturbing the peace, intimidation, etc.

Hegseth: Town hall chaos exposes the left for who they are


Dejas vous...again...remember the Tea Party disruptions of town they shouted down people trying to ask legitimate questions about services? I do.

Pathetic - representative hosts a Town Hall to discuss with her constituents how to provide the services this nation owes to our veterans and the left busses in thugs just to disrupt the Town Hall.

Moving forward - law enforcement (and conservatives) need to have a zero tolerance policy with these thugs. If you can't sit quietly in a Town Hall and wait your turn to speak, then we plant your face into the ground, allow you to have a few bites of cement, and then we take you away for booking and subsequent charges of civil unrest, disturbing the peace, intimidation, etc.

Hegseth: Town hall chaos exposes the left for who they are


Dejas vous...again...remember the Tea Party disruptions of town they shouted down people trying to ask legitimate questions about services? I do.

You should have watched the videos first Coyote! :laugh:

The big "crime" here is a man standing up and saying "you are taking our constitutional rights". Whoah!
Do you struggle about what to wear in the morning between a brown shirt or a white robe and pointed hood ?.....LOL
I wear work clothes because ...I work. I don't have the time or desire to go somewhere to deny someone their rights. Many here have proven they are too stupid to understand other people have rights too, so that only leaves one way to teach them. They won't learn until they can associate pain (physical and financial) with the misdeeds.
Are you one of the ones who administers the pain?
Cops wear uniforms, not work clothes. Pop your head out of your ass, you know nothing.
Just checking. Some guys talk tough but don't do diddly squat about anything. I guess I misunderstood you. Carry on.
No one will mistake you for having critical thinking skills. You thought I was saying I was going to cause the pain when I said no such thing. You take dumbfuckery to new depths.
I don't believe you know what critical thinking is. I believe you confuse critical theory for critical thinking. They are two different things. Critical theory is the deceitful practice of criticizing everything you don't believe to rationalize what you do believe without ever critically examining what you do believe. This is a socialist tactic which was codeified by cultural marxists. Critical thinking is when you critically challenge what you do believe to test it. When it comes to Christianity you criticize the flaws of its adherents without ever objectively evaluating their good. You do so to justify your atheism, but you never critically analyze atheism. If you had, you would see that militant atheists are no better and in many ways worse than militant Christians. Now I don't really give a damn if you are an atheist or not but when you cross the line to militant atheism, then that's a problem because we live in a shared society and history and reason tell us that militant atheism may very well be the worst evil in the history of mankind.

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