Town In Italy Switches To Silent Fireworks To Reduce Anxiety In Animals

The problem is in the term "Dog parent".
Why is that a problem?

Because if you think you are parenting a dog, you think things like neighbors should not let off fireworks because the dog you are "parenting" is afraid.

It's good to take good care of your pet and enjoy your pet. When you cross over into parenting, to where your neighbors should not enjoy the 4th of July because Rover is
The term dog parent makes perfect sense.
Feed a child-feed a dog.
Bathe a child-bathe a dog
Take a child to the doctor-take a dog to the vet.

So you don't have kids. Right?
The problem is in the term "Dog parent".
Why is that a problem?

Because if you think you are parenting a dog, you think things like neighbors should not let off fireworks because the dog you are "parenting" is afraid.

It's good to take good care of your pet and enjoy your pet. When you cross over into parenting, to where your neighbors should not enjoy the 4th of July because Rover is
The term dog parent makes perfect sense.
Feed a child-feed a dog.
Bathe a child-bathe a dog
Take a child to the doctor-take a dog to the vet.

So you don't have kids. Right?
See post #20
The problem is in the term "Dog parent".
Why is that a problem?

Because if you think you are parenting a dog, you think things like neighbors should not let off fireworks because the dog you are "parenting" is afraid.

It's good to take good care of your pet and enjoy your pet. When you cross over into parenting, to where your neighbors should not enjoy the 4th of July because Rover is
The term dog parent makes perfect sense.
Feed a child-feed a dog.
Bathe a child-bathe a dog
Take a child to the doctor-take a dog to the vet.

You also feed a goldfish, and plants.

It's an animal. You're not raising it.

You raise children. You parent your children. Did you raise yours? I mean raise them. Honest question. Because if you didn't, this makes more sense.
The problem is in the term "Dog parent".
Why is that a problem?

Because if you think you are parenting a dog, you think things like neighbors should not let off fireworks because the dog you are "parenting" is afraid.

It's good to take good care of your pet and enjoy your pet. When you cross over into parenting, to where your neighbors should not enjoy the 4th of July because Rover is
The term dog parent makes perfect sense.
Feed a child-feed a dog.
Bathe a child-bathe a dog
Take a child to the doctor-take a dog to the vet.

You also feed a goldfish, and plants.

It's an animal. You're not raising it.

You raise children. You parent your children. Did you raise yours? I mean raise them. Honest question. Because if you didn't, this makes more sense.
I doubt he did.

Not all dogs bark over anything....Mine tattles. Pet Parents know what they kids are trying to tell them.
No, I agree with you.

Some do, some don't.

. . . and not all dogs are chicken shit of loud noises or fireworks either.

I had a dog that didn't whine and cry over them. I had a dog used to watch my light off fireworks.
These responses are pretty much what I expected.

I agree, but not in the way you think. Caring for animals more than for people has long been a sign for what a downward trajectory we are on, as a society.
This thread is not about people. It's about caring for your dog and not wanting them to be traumatized by the loud sounds of fireworks.
If you don't want your pet to be traumatized by fireworks? When you get them as a youngin'? Realize that fireworks are a part of American culture, so when they are less than a year old, go out and get some fireworks. . . take them to a field, and light some fireworks off with them around.

Do this at every national holiday, do it at the 4th, memorial day, labor day, News Year Eve. . . all in their first year of life.

Hell, I did it when it when it wasn't even legal to do it. . . I did it all summer long in remote places.

I GUARANTEE. . . they will never be afraid or upset of fireworks for the remainder of their life.

If they are upset of, or startled by fireworks? IT IS YOUR FAULT AS THEIR CAREGIVER AND OWNER, for not acclimatizing them, when they were newly brought into this world.

YOU are the cause of this, not the rest of the world.
Realize that fireworks are a part of American culture,
Italy dude. Italy.
This is a great idea. Every dog owner I know hates the fact that fireworks upsets their pets so.
. . . I thought you were proposing it for here, that was the implication with your last line, and your subsequent posting.

I wasn’t. I thought it was good idea. Nothing more.
"If you’re a dog parent, there’s probably one thing you dread about holidays like New Year’s Eve or the Fourth of July. Fireworks scare dogs.

Imagine you have no idea what fireworks are. Suddenly you see bright lights and hear explosions coming from the sky. You’d be pretty terrified, too.
Fireworks can wreak havoc on animals, and vet visits skyrocket around holidays where fireworks are common. Dogs, with their sensitive hearing, are especially vulnerable, and many hurt themselves trying to escape or hide. They can run and risk getting lost or hit by cars.
One town in Italy is taking a big step to reduce the fear of fireworks in their non-human population. The local government of Collecchio made a law that fireworks in their town must be silent.
It’s a way of reducing the stress that the loud noises cause to animals — not just pets, but wildlife, as well. There’s a company called Setti Fireworks that makes these silent explosives and can customize them for each event."

This is a great idea. Every dog owner I know hates the fact that fireworks upsets their pets so.

Are they going to make thunder quiet and lightening dim?

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