Toy Gun Buy-back program in Kalifornia

Exactly how do kids kill other kids with cap guns or water guns? This has gone absolutely too far. Gangs I can understand, but kids? Really? What's more dangerous, kids or politicians?

They want to get the kids not thinking about guns and the gang culture.


Perhaps the parents should be doing that, don't you think?

Yes I agree, but that is not how it always is. People expect the schools to teach their kids everything. I know this because I was once a teacher.
They want to get the kids not thinking about guns and the gang culture.


Perhaps the parents should be doing that, don't you think?

Yes I agree, but that is not how it always is. People expect the schools to teach their kids everything. I know this because I was once a teacher.

"I know this because I was once a teacher."

And therein we find the explanation for the state of education.....
What is wrong with gangs having guns? What is wrong with you?

apparently you see any of the Anti-gun nutters talking about them?.....i sure as hell dont....and these guys are the REAL gun nuts.....not the NRA member down the street.....

An I not talking about them?

Nukes.. unfortunately...slobs like you and me talking means shit.....the people at the top doing all the screaming about guns is who i am talking about.....these guys are more afraid of Joe Citizen down the street who is an NRA member who owns a few guns and is over reacting to the over reacting by the anti-gun people...meanwhile in the inner cities the REAL gun nuts are killing more and more people every day.....and you hardly hear anything at all about it from them......i guess poor black,brown and white kids aint worth the effort....
I guess youths running the streets shooting each other and innocent people is fine with you. Do you condone it in your neighborhood.

FlBiker says you sound like an idiot.

Exactly how do kids kill other kids with cap guns or water guns? This has gone absolutely too far. Gangs I can understand, but kids? Really? What's more dangerous, kids or politicians?

They want to get the kids not thinking about guns and the gang culture. long as those kids have got to put up with the Gangs everyday just getting to and from are they going to forget about it?....
Exactly how do kids kill other kids with cap guns or water guns? This has gone absolutely too far. Gangs I can understand, but kids? Really? What's more dangerous, kids or politicians?

They want to get the kids not thinking about guns and the gang culture. long as those kids have got to put up with the Gangs everyday just getting to and from are they going to forget about it?....

Reality rears its ugly head!
Exactly how do kids kill other kids with cap guns or water guns? This has gone absolutely too far. Gangs I can understand, but kids? Really? What's more dangerous, kids or politicians?

They want to get the kids not thinking about guns and the gang culture. long as those kids have got to put up with the Gangs everyday just getting to and from are they going to forget about it?....

Most certainly not with the Crips, Bloods, and SUR13's running around.
Any particular reason why you omitted my simple request: " me the evidence that either toy guns 'desensitize little boys to violence,' or that real gun-buy-backs have any effect on violence."

Lefty parent won't let Johnny have a toy gun and run around outside expending energy. This will cause Johnny to be desensitized to gun violence.

Instead the lefty parents buy Johnny an XBox 360 with copies of Gears of War and Modern Warfare 3 to spend his time with......
Exactly how do kids kill other kids with cap guns or water guns? This has gone absolutely too far. Gangs I can understand, but kids? Really? What's more dangerous, kids or politicians?

They want to get the kids not thinking about guns and the gang culture. long as those kids have got to put up with the Gangs everyday just getting to and from are they going to forget about it?....

Are you saying that no one should attempt to teach these kids that they should attempt to stay away from the gang scene? I have not said that this program was a good idea. I played with nothing but guns and swords as a kid, and I am as peaceful a person that you will ever meet, so I obviously do not subscribe to the idea that toy guns lead to violence. My son had plenty of toy guns. I just think that starting a thread criticizing someone who is attempting to make a difference is really out of line. Especially since PC probably does absolutely nothing to make a difference.

Perhaps the parents should be doing that, don't you think?

Yes I agree, but that is not how it always is. People expect the schools to teach their kids everything. I know this because I was once a teacher.

"I know this because I was once a teacher."

And therein we find the explanation for the state of education.....

There you go.

I taught some classes of emotionally disturbed children, perhaps you were in one of my classes.
We ought to get rid of toy weapons and water guns, too.
Yes I agree, but that is not how it always is. People expect the schools to teach their kids everything. I know this because I was once a teacher.

"I know this because I was once a teacher."

And therein we find the explanation for the state of education.....

There you go.

I taught some classes of emotionally disturbed children, perhaps you were in one of my classes.

Now we know you weren't a teacher. Low blow if I ever did see one.
Yes I agree, but that is not how it always is. People expect the schools to teach their kids everything. I know this because I was once a teacher.

"I know this because I was once a teacher."

And therein we find the explanation for the state of education.....

There you go.

I taught some classes of emotionally disturbed children, perhaps you were in one of my classes.

Wuz not!

Mom had me tested!
Any particular reason why you omitted my simple request: " me the evidence that either toy guns 'desensitize little boys to violence,' or that real gun-buy-backs have any effect on violence."

Lefty parent won't let Johnny have a toy gun and run around outside expending energy. This will cause Johnny to be desensitized to gun violence.

Instead the lefty parents buy Johnny an XBox 360 with copies of Gears of War and Modern Warfare 3 to spend his time with......

It never ends.

"Seduction of the Innocent is a book by German-American psychiatrist Fredric Wertham, published in 1954, that warned that comic books were a negative form of popular literature and a serious cause of juvenile delinquency. The book was a minor bestseller that created alarm in parents and galvanized them to campaign for censorship. At the same time, a U.S. Congressional inquiry was launched into the comic book industry. Subsequent to the publication of Seduction of the Innocent, the Comics Code Authority was voluntarily established by publishers to self-censor their titles."
Seduction of the Innocent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Wertham manipulated, falsified, overstated, and created evidence in support of the contentions expressed in "Seduction of the Innocent."
Carol L. Tilley. (2012). Seducing the Innocent: Fredric Wertham and the Falsifications that Helped Condemn Comics. Information & Culture: A Journal of History. 47 (4), 383 - 413. long as those kids have got to put up with the Gangs everyday just getting to and from are they going to forget about it?....

Reality rears its ugly head!

And I can't keep my eyes off that sick guitar design on Harry's avatar. :clap2:

that is the Album "Axe Victim"....from 1974 by Be-Bop Deluxe.....Bill Nelsons group....he was pretty decent Guitar player in that time.....:eusa_angel:
They want to get the kids not thinking about guns and the gang culture. long as those kids have got to put up with the Gangs everyday just getting to and from are they going to forget about it?....

Are you saying that no one should attempt to teach these kids that they should attempt to stay away from the gang scene?
I have not said that this program was a good idea. I played with nothing but guns and swords as a kid, and I am as peaceful a person that you will ever meet, so I obviously do not subscribe to the idea that toy guns lead to violence. My son had plenty of toy guns. I just think that starting a thread criticizing someone who is attempting to make a difference is really out of line. Especially since PC probably does absolutely nothing to make a difference.

no i am not....i am saying as long as the kids your are talking too have to put up with the gangs fucking with them,trying to get them to join.....basically terrorizing them just going to school..... its going to be hard for them to forget about these guys.....especially when they see these guys ruling their streets and very little Police presence....a Cop can stand up there and talk till he is blue in the face about how bad gangs are.....those kids are thinking...."where the hell were you when i was getting my ass those gangs?".....
Any particular reason why you omitted my simple request: " me the evidence that either toy guns 'desensitize little boys to violence,' or that real gun-buy-backs have any effect on violence."

Lefty parent won't let Johnny have a toy gun and run around outside expending energy. This will cause Johnny to be desensitized to gun violence.

Instead the lefty parents buy Johnny an XBox 360 with copies of Gears of War and Modern Warfare 3 to spend his time with......

This is the connection I have rallied about on all the blame the gun threads. Kids today are exposed to disgusting violence that is glorified by the mass media and gaming industry. The imagery is quite vile for a young mind that cannot separate reality from fantasy. Some of these games(including Gears of War) have hidden codes where you can rape another player after capturing or injuring them. This is simply sick shit.

Any who deny media culpability tend to forget that the Columbine shooters thought they were living in the Matrix and dressed and acted accordingly. I also blame the drugging of our youth with legal narcotics by lazy parents and doctors because kids are acting up. It used to be that a wooden spoon or a belt across the ass kept their attention and kept them respectful of elders.

Kids have played with toy guns for years with no ill effect, but the images put out by the media in the last 20 years should not be viewed by a youngster.
Last edited: long as those kids have got to put up with the Gangs everyday just getting to and from are they going to forget about it?....

Are you saying that no one should attempt to teach these kids that they should attempt to stay away from the gang scene?
I have not said that this program was a good idea. I played with nothing but guns and swords as a kid, and I am as peaceful a person that you will ever meet, so I obviously do not subscribe to the idea that toy guns lead to violence. My son had plenty of toy guns. I just think that starting a thread criticizing someone who is attempting to make a difference is really out of line. Especially since PC probably does absolutely nothing to make a difference.

no i am not....i am saying as long as the kids your are talking too have to put up with the gangs fucking with them,trying to get them to join.....basically terrorizing them just going to school..... its going to be hard for them to forget about these guys.....especially when they see these guys ruling their streets and very little Police presence....a Cop can stand up there and talk till he is blue in the face about how bad gangs are.....those kids are thinking...."where the hell were you when i was getting my ass those gangs?".....

This has nothing to do with someone attempting to help them get their heads in the right place. In fact, it should be of some assistance to the said person.

Are you saying that no one should attempt to teach these kids that they should attempt to stay away from the gang scene?
I have not said that this program was a good idea. I played with nothing but guns and swords as a kid, and I am as peaceful a person that you will ever meet, so I obviously do not subscribe to the idea that toy guns lead to violence. My son had plenty of toy guns. I just think that starting a thread criticizing someone who is attempting to make a difference is really out of line. Especially since PC probably does absolutely nothing to make a difference.

no i am not....i am saying as long as the kids your are talking too have to put up with the gangs fucking with them,trying to get them to join.....basically terrorizing them just going to school..... its going to be hard for them to forget about these guys.....especially when they see these guys ruling their streets and very little Police presence....a Cop can stand up there and talk till he is blue in the face about how bad gangs are.....those kids are thinking...."where the hell were you when i was getting my ass those gangs?".....

This has nothing to do with someone attempting to help them get their heads in the right place. In fact, it should be of some assistance to the said person.

i dont think you understand what it is like to have to face Gang guys who are older than you are every day....

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