Toy Gun Buy-back program in Kalifornia

Oh, yeah. My parents kept loaded guns in the house. We children knew exactly where they were. Two things kept us from ever wanting to mess with them: they were in my parents' bedroom, which was strictly off limits. We respected that boundary. The other was, we knew if we violated that boundary, or messed with the guns without permission, we'd get our asses beat.

My father was a cop, and we had loaded guns in the house. Did we mess with them when my parents were not around, hell yes? We were lucky that there were never any incidents.
Lets face it......the most absurd stuff is coming out of California these days. It is the state for social oddballs, extreme non-conformists, nutters, the perpetually immature and communists. Most people are ssecretly hoping it does drop into the sea like the geologists say it will so the rest of us become free of bailing them out for all of their idiot social experiments.

If you are a regular tradtional American stuck in California for some reason, Id urge you to make sure you have a small arsenal on hand with lots of ammo.......because the SHTF dynamic is going to hit there first. Time to mothball the wiffle ball bat home defense system s0ns.......
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Lets face it......the most absurd stuff is coming out of California these days. It is the state for social oddballs, extreme non-conformists, nutters, the perpetually immature and communists. Most people are ssecretly hoping it does drop into the sea like the geologists say it will so the rest of us become free of bailing them out for all of their idiot social experiments.

If you are a regular tradtional American stuck in California for some reason, Id urge you to make sure you have a small arsenal on hand with lots of ammo.......because the SHTF dynamic is going to hit there first. Time to mothball the wiffle ball bat home defense system s0ns.......

hey "s0n".....lets see you back up this claim you keep on making....
Sitting and criticizing someone who is attempting to do something good is the way to go? The right wing way? You are the ones with no values and morality.

I don't say the principle has " no values and morality."

I say he's stupid.


Even if you think it is a stupid plan, you should give the guy credit for attempting to get the kids away from the gun/gang culture.

whats wrong with a gun culture?
Oh, yeah. My parents kept loaded guns in the house. We children knew exactly where they were. Two things kept us from ever wanting to mess with them: they were in my parents' bedroom, which was strictly off limits. We respected that boundary. The other was, we knew if we violated that boundary, or messed with the guns without permission, we'd get our asses beat.

My father was a cop, and we had loaded guns in the house. Did we mess with them when my parents were not around, hell yes? We were lucky that there were never any incidents.

my father had a loaded gun sitting in his drawer next to the bed. We knew it was there. there was no lock, nothing preventing us from touching it. But we never did because we were told in very clear terms - hands off. So we had a loaded gun sitting in easy access, but we never touched it. maybe the problem is not the gun, it's you. you are the one who was not sensible, not the gun.
Oh, yeah. My parents kept loaded guns in the house. We children knew exactly where they were. Two things kept us from ever wanting to mess with them: they were in my parents' bedroom, which was strictly off limits. We respected that boundary. The other was, we knew if we violated that boundary, or messed with the guns without permission, we'd get our asses beat.

My father was a cop, and we had loaded guns in the house. Did we mess with them when my parents were not around, hell yes? We were lucky that there were never any incidents.

my father had a loaded gun sitting in his drawer next to the bed. We knew it was there. there was no lock, nothing preventing us from touching it. But we never did because we were told in very clear terms - hands off. So we had a loaded gun sitting in easy access, but we never touched it. maybe the problem is not the gun, it's you. you are the one who was not sensible, not the gun.

Most kids are not as terrified of their parents as you obviously were.
This is a unique approach, I like it. Purely voluntary, but it sends a good message about gun safety.

No it doesn't. It sends a message that guns are something to be afraid of. We played with toy guns all through elementary school and no one ever used them to commit illegal acts in adulthood. We were taught how to use guns properly. But then again, this is CA so I would expect the pampering to continue with horrible results.

It sends the message that it's not a toy. #1 rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun as loaded...hard to play with a toy you shouldn't point, but must be pointed. :lol:

we grew up with all kinds of toy guns. most didn't shoot anything, at most a dart. we still pointed them at each other, played cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, war. I remember we even had pop guns. you cock the handle and it would shoot out a blast of air. we'd push it into the dirt and when you shot it you could pelt your buddy with a little wad of dirt if he was with in 5 feet. No one i know ever went on to shoot anyone. those toy guns did not make us killers.

I look at my kids. most of the guns they grew up sis shoot stuff. starting with nerf guns when they were young. then paintball guns as they got older an eventually airsoft guns that shoot plastic bb's. when they play their war games they are actually shooting at each other with a projectile. but none of them became murderers as a result. toy guns didn't make them killers.

my youngest son now has over 25 real guns. assault weapons with large capacity magazines. i'm talking some serious stuff. it hasn't made him a killer.

the problem is not the gun and never was. even a toy. but all of our attention is constantly focused on the object that is not even the problem.
My father was a cop, and we had loaded guns in the house. Did we mess with them when my parents were not around, hell yes? We were lucky that there were never any incidents.

my father had a loaded gun sitting in his drawer next to the bed. We knew it was there. there was no lock, nothing preventing us from touching it. But we never did because we were told in very clear terms - hands off. So we had a loaded gun sitting in easy access, but we never touched it. maybe the problem is not the gun, it's you. you are the one who was not sensible, not the gun.

Most kids are not as terrified of their parents as you obviously were.

But maybe they should be. Maybe they should know when there is a line you can not cross. my father also said don't sneak out of the house at night and walk the streets. we still did. got in trouble for it too. but it was a crossable line. and we knew the difference
Oh, yeah. My parents kept loaded guns in the house. We children knew exactly where they were. Two things kept us from ever wanting to mess with them: they were in my parents' bedroom, which was strictly off limits. We respected that boundary. The other was, we knew if we violated that boundary, or messed with the guns without permission, we'd get our asses beat.

My father was a cop, and we had loaded guns in the house. Did we mess with them when my parents were not around, hell yes? We were lucky that there were never any incidents.

Then you parents did a pretty poor job of instilling a sense of respect and self-discipline in their offspring. I would attribute the lack of "incidents" to pure dumb luck, given the evident failure to train you otherwise, I doubt your parents were bright enough to teach their children proper gun safety.
I taught my daughters firearm safety by having them fire a rifle and shoot a pumpkin to see what it does..

A toy gun buyback seems to be nothing ore than getting them used to government intervention and confiscation
No it doesn't. It sends a message that guns are something to be afraid of. We played with toy guns all through elementary school and no one ever used them to commit illegal acts in adulthood. We were taught how to use guns properly. But then again, this is CA so I would expect the pampering to continue with horrible results.

It sends the message that it's not a toy. #1 rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun as loaded...hard to play with a toy you shouldn't point, but must be pointed. :lol:

we grew up with all kinds of toy guns. most didn't shoot anything, at most a dart. we still pointed them at each other, played cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, war. I remember we even had pop guns. you cock the handle and it would shoot out a blast of air. we'd push it into the dirt and when you shot it you could pelt your buddy with a little wad of dirt if he was with in 5 feet. No one i know ever went on to shoot anyone. those toy guns did not make us killers.

I look at my kids. most of the guns they grew up sis shoot stuff. starting with nerf guns when they were young. then paintball guns as they got older an eventually airsoft guns that shoot plastic bb's. when they play their war games they are actually shooting at each other with a projectile. but none of them became murderers as a result. toy guns didn't make them killers.

my youngest son now has over 25 real guns. assault weapons with large capacity magazines. i'm talking some serious stuff. it hasn't made him a killer.

the problem is not the gun and never was. even a toy. but all of our attention is constantly focused on the object that is not even the problem.

Did you ever make rubber band guns? We had handgun and long gun rubber band guns.
Same with us growing up. We also got to handle real guns, on the range and under supervision. We were required to help break them down and clean them when we go home. But we still left them alone otherwise. Perhaps because we had play guns we felt far less temptation to resort to the real ones to play with. Of course, there is now a "culture of fear" rising predominant in large swatches of the population. The parents fear firearms and so their children are raised with that fear, too. I wonder what it's like, cowering in your little cave, afraid to bestir yourself for fear of the evil guns roving the streets?
whats wrong with a gun culture?

What is wrong with gangs having guns? What is wrong with you?

i'l ask again. what is wrong with a gun culture?

Before he could answer that, I suppose he would have to define "gun culture". Right now, the phrase "gun culture" is just another liberal slogan, void of any true meaning but rife with emotional impact. It can be used to label anyone who favors individual ownership and responsible use of firearms.
Just a reminder, this elementary school is not in a nice safe suburban area. But a high crime, violent, gang infested area.

So, instead of teaching the kids to stand up on their hind legs and go like men, they are taught to cower in their caves in terror, fearful that the psychopathic criminals allowed to roam the streets like packs of rabid animals will cause them harm, hoping in vain that the all-powerful govmint will somehow provide the protection they should provide themselves?
Just a reminder, this elementary school is not in a nice safe suburban area. But a high crime, violent, gang infested area.

So, instead of teaching the kids to stand up on their hind legs and go like men, they are taught to cower in their caves in terror, fearful that the psychopathic criminals allowed to roam the streets like packs of rabid animals will cause them harm, hoping in vain that the all-powerful govmint will somehow provide the protection they should provide themselves?

I don't think that's whats being taught.
Just a reminder, this elementary school is not in a nice safe suburban area. But a high crime, violent, gang infested area.

So, instead of teaching the kids to stand up on their hind legs and go like men, they are taught to cower in their caves in terror, fearful that the psychopathic criminals allowed to roam the streets like packs of rabid animals will cause them harm, hoping in vain that the all-powerful govmint will somehow provide the protection they should provide themselves?

I don't think that's whats being taught.

What lesson do you think was intended?
It sends the message that it's not a toy. #1 rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun as loaded...hard to play with a toy you shouldn't point, but must be pointed. :lol:

we grew up with all kinds of toy guns. most didn't shoot anything, at most a dart. we still pointed them at each other, played cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, war. I remember we even had pop guns. you cock the handle and it would shoot out a blast of air. we'd push it into the dirt and when you shot it you could pelt your buddy with a little wad of dirt if he was with in 5 feet. No one i know ever went on to shoot anyone. those toy guns did not make us killers.

I look at my kids. most of the guns they grew up sis shoot stuff. starting with nerf guns when they were young. then paintball guns as they got older an eventually airsoft guns that shoot plastic bb's. when they play their war games they are actually shooting at each other with a projectile. but none of them became murderers as a result. toy guns didn't make them killers.

my youngest son now has over 25 real guns. assault weapons with large capacity magazines. i'm talking some serious stuff. it hasn't made him a killer.

the problem is not the gun and never was. even a toy. but all of our attention is constantly focused on the object that is not even the problem.

Did you ever make rubber band guns? We had handgun and long gun rubber band guns.
Same with us growing up. We also got to handle real guns, on the range and under supervision. We were required to help break them down and clean them when we go home. But we still left them alone otherwise. Perhaps because we had play guns we felt far less temptation to resort to the real ones to play with. Of course, there is now a "culture of fear" rising predominant in large swatches of the population. The parents fear firearms and so their children are raised with that fear, too. I wonder what it's like, cowering in your little cave, afraid to bestir yourself for fear of the evil guns roving the streets?

yea, i remember having a very cheap one. i either lost it or it broke quickly

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