Toy Gun Buy-back program in Kalifornia

Heaven forbid that a principal in a bad area do something in an attempt to steer kids away from violence. Conservatives are so pro gun that they will give this guy a hard time when he is attempting to do something good. Conservatives think that the problem in America is liberalism, how fucking thick are they?
you think doing this will work?.....he can get those kids to give away all the toy guns they have....they still have to put up with the gangs they live around.....and they have real weapons....

Harry....they give up the toy guns.... the bicycles.....

....can outrun the gangs!!

Get it.

Or...sell the bikes, use the bucks to get real guns, shoot it out with the gangs....

Not sure which.....

until the gangs steal their bikes.....
California is the laughing stock of the nation.......its should be home for all far left k00ks. They'd feel right at home!!!
Geologists ay its only a matter of time 'till it falls into the ocean, which really would be what you'd call mercy killings. Remember "Escape From New York" with Curt Russell? The sequel will be shot in California in real life in about a decade!! No actors will be needed.:2up:
the laughing stock of the Nation?.....i bet this States Economy makes yours look like a laughing stock....still riding our coat tails?.....picking up any left overs?.....

Actually s0n......New York is neck and neck with CAlifornia as amongst the most laughable as both are going into the shitter. Its not even dabatable anymore......but California is still the first choice to make a B-Line for all the social oddballs. What a shithole.:eusa_dance:

you are getting to be more like Mr.Sheman every day.......he is from your neck of the woods too....
On its own? No

But the school had the "buy-back" which included a focus on gun safety given by a local police officer who talked about gun violence, how toy guns can be mistaken for real guns and vise versa and the dangers.
still doesn't address the real danger many kids face daily...namely GANGS.....
I suppose I assume talking about "gun violence" in a high crime area meant addressing gangs.

what i am saying Amy is can tell these kids all you want about the dangers of guns......many of them already know....some of their friends have been shot......the cops are talking to the wrong "kids".....
Heaven forbid that a principal in a bad area do something in an attempt to steer kids away from violence. Conservatives are so pro gun that they will give this guy a hard time when he is attempting to do something good. Conservatives think that the problem in America is liberalism, how fucking thick are they?

".... in an attempt...."

1. There it is....the difference between us 'thick conservatives,' who actually seek efficacy...

...and child-like liberals for whom wishes equal reality.

a. Liberals and Conservatives differ in the way to proceed. For Conservatives, data informs policy. (“More Guns, Less Crime” and “Mass murderers apparently can’t read, since they are constantly shooting up ‘gun-free zones.’”- Coulter) We use Conservative principles to the best of our ability, but when confronting new and original venues, we believe in testing, and analysis of the results of the tests. For liberals, feeling passes for knowing; it is based on emotion often to the exclusion of thinking.

2. “There are mature and immature people all across the political spectrum. But Leftist positions are unusually childlike – because Left-wing positions are nearly all based on identifying one’s wishes with reality. ..The Left would like to believe that people are basically good. Therefore the Left declares people to be basically good…..The Left would like to believe that all countries, cultures, and individuals want the same things-a peaceful, tolerant, open, free society. Therefore, they believe it." Dennis Prager?s ?Still the Best Hope? reviews the Evils of the Hysterical American Left | MN Prager Discussion Group

Here is the Cliff Notes version: toy gun buy-back isn't the answer....

.....teaching values and morality is.

Sitting and criticizing someone who is attempting to do something good is the way to go? The right wing way? You are the ones with no values and morality.

Would you have any links to studies that this is a good deterrent?
This is a unique approach, I like it. Purely voluntary, but it sends a good message about gun safety.

No it doesn't. It sends a message that guns are something to be afraid of. We played with toy guns all through elementary school and no one ever used them to commit illegal acts in adulthood. We were taught how to use guns properly. But then again, this is CA so I would expect the pampering to continue with horrible results.

It sends the message that it's not a toy. #1 rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun as loaded...hard to play with a toy you shouldn't point, but must be pointed. :lol:
Before the turns into a "evil liberal teachers" thread. I wonder if the OP has any experience in the life of say a 4th grader in an inner city community.

You can't teach a child to read, if they don't come to school because they get sidetracked by the local gang. You can't only focus on the basics and ignore gangs, prostitution and crime, and expect the children to learn anything.

I lived 3 blocks from my elementary school, and every afternoon I rode the school bus home. A 5 min. walk turned into a 45 min drive as I was the last child dropped off before the bus went back to the school. Why? Because it wasn't safe for me to walk those 3 blocks home.

toy guns was not the reason for your 45 min ride

more likely a culture of immorality, selfishness and entitlement
Before the turns into a "evil liberal teachers" thread. I wonder if the OP has any experience in the life of say a 4th grader in an inner city community.

You can't teach a child to read, if they don't come to school because they get sidetracked by the local gang. You can't only focus on the basics and ignore gangs, prostitution and crime, and expect the children to learn anything.

I lived 3 blocks from my elementary school, and every afternoon I rode the school bus home. A 5 min. walk turned into a 45 min drive as I was the last child dropped off before the bus went back to the school. Why? Because it wasn't safe for me to walk those 3 blocks home.

toy guns was not the reason for your 45 min ride

more likely a culture of immorality, selfishness and entitlement

Not to mention an epic failure of the police department at your location.
This is a unique approach, I like it. Purely voluntary, but it sends a good message about gun safety.

No it doesn't. It sends a message that guns are something to be afraid of. We played with toy guns all through elementary school and no one ever used them to commit illegal acts in adulthood. We were taught how to use guns properly. But then again, this is CA so I would expect the pampering to continue with horrible results.

It sends the message that it's not a toy. #1 rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun as loaded...hard to play with a toy you shouldn't point, but must be pointEveed. :lol:

Not really. We pointed cap guns at each other's head.....and pulled the trigger, gasp. It wasn't difficult to play with toy guns and know the difference between a toy and a gun. We even pointed the toy gun at the principal and pulled the trigger. No big deal. In middle school, we brought a real rifle in for show and tell for a communications class. No big deal.
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Children at a California elementary school were able to turn in their toy guns for books and raffle tickets on Saturday.

School Principal Charles Hill, who came up with “Strobridge Elementary Safety Day,” said toy guns teach kids to not take real guns seriously, San Jose Mercury News reported.

“Playing with toys guns, saying ‘I’m going to shoot you,’ desensitizes them, so as they get older, it’s easier for them to use a real gun,” Mr. Hill said.

Read more: Calif. elementary school offers toy gun buyback - Washington Times

You just can't make this shit up.
You could, but nobody would believe you.
HOLY SHIT, it's real.

If a kid chews on a poptart until it is in the shape of a gun, can he turn it in for a book?
What if a kid brings in a long stick and pretends it is a toy rifle, can he get a book? What if he brings in an "arsenal" of 50 sticks, can he get a library?

I think this program should be expanded to other things....... <sarcasm intended>

Bring in a candy cigarette or chocolate cigar and you can get celery or asparagus.

How about books for Barbies? After all, Barbie can give little girls a sense of not being beautiful enough. Or maybe we just give a free self-esteem lesson if you turn in a Barbie doll.

Got a pocket knife? Turn it in for a free bagel with a plastic knife that can cut the bagel and spread cream cheese on it.
Children at a California elementary school were able to turn in their toy guns for books and raffle tickets on Saturday.

School Principal Charles Hill, who came up with “Strobridge Elementary Safety Day,” said toy guns teach kids to not take real guns seriously, San Jose Mercury News reported.

“Playing with toys guns, saying ‘I’m going to shoot you,’ desensitizes them, so as they get older, it’s easier for them to use a real gun,” Mr. Hill said.

Read more: Calif. elementary school offers toy gun buyback - Washington Times

You just can't make this shit up.
You could, but nobody would believe you.
HOLY SHIT, it's real.

If a kid chews on a poptart until it is in the shape of a gun, can he turn it in for a book?
What if a kid brings in a long stick and pretends it is a toy rifle, can he get a book? What if he brings in an "arsenal" of 50 sticks, can he get a library?

I think this program should be expanded to other things....... <sarcasm intended>

Bring in a candy cigarette or chocolate cigar and you can get celery or asparagus.

How about books for Barbies? After all, Barbie can give little girls a sense of not being beautiful enough. Or maybe we just give a free self-esteem lesson if you turn in a Barbie doll.

Got a pocket knife? Turn it in for a free bagel with a plastic knife that can cut the bagel and spread cream cheese on it.

Dumbing them down to primordial stew.
This is a unique approach, I like it. Purely voluntary, but it sends a good message about gun safety.

No it doesn't. It sends a message that guns are something to be afraid of. We played with toy guns all through elementary school and no one ever used them to commit illegal acts in adulthood. We were taught how to use guns properly. But then again, this is CA so I would expect the pampering to continue with horrible results.

It sends the message that it's not a toy. #1 rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun as loaded...hard to play with a toy you shouldn't point, but must be pointed. :lol:

i think they know the difference......many of their friends may have been shot or have heard the shots at night.....they know that water pistol aint going to hurt anyone....
No it doesn't. It sends a message that guns are something to be afraid of. We played with toy guns all through elementary school and no one ever used them to commit illegal acts in adulthood. We were taught how to use guns properly. But then again, this is CA so I would expect the pampering to continue with horrible results.

It sends the message that it's not a toy. #1 rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun as loaded...hard to play with a toy you shouldn't point, but must be pointed. :lol:

i think they know the difference......many of their friends may have been shot or have heard the shots at night.....they know that water pistol aint going to hurt anyone....

Cops don't..
Hayward CA crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout

Hayward California is a scary place to raise a child. I know every time you see the word gun, you tense up, but it sounds like he's trying to combat a violent culture and teach younger kids who are surrounded by gang violence that it isn't the answer.

Heaven forbid that a principal in a bad area do something in an attempt to steer kids away from violence. Conservatives are so pro gun that they will give this guy a hard time when he is attempting to do something good. Conservatives think that the problem in America is liberalism, how fucking thick are they?
We all know that no matter what, kids are going to have sex, so lets give them condoms, Plan-B and sex education.
Let's use the same logic and give them guns, bullets and firearm training.
It sends the message that it's not a toy. #1 rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun as loaded...hard to play with a toy you shouldn't point, but must be pointed. :lol:

i think they know the difference......many of their friends may have been shot or have heard the shots at night.....they know that water pistol aint going to hurt anyone....

Cops don't..


I love this one,
On January 6, 2008, in Belleville, Illinois, a 39-year-old man was shot by police when the man pulled out a gray toy pistol, which looked real, from his waistband.
Sorry, but if one is stupid enough to pull a toy gun on a cop we really don't need him in the gene pool anymore. If he wasn't killed, I at least hope that his testicles were destroyed.
It sends the message that it's not a toy. #1 rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun as loaded...hard to play with a toy you shouldn't point, but must be pointed. :lol:

i think they know the difference......many of their friends may have been shot or have heard the shots at night.....they know that water pistol aint going to hurt anyone....

Cops don't..


they live in Hayward aint can talk to them all you want about guns.....but MANY of those kids have to face the Gangs in the area every day......and Gangs dont give a shit about Gun Safety....what is being done about that?....
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I've learned to shrug and accept so very many of the insane and inane beliefs and programs that Liberals come up with to find Utopia here on earth...or at least in California.

But when I read this on, I just shook my head ...

1. "Strobridge Elementary Principal Charles Hill has a brilliant idea: he&#8217;s holding a toy gun exchange next Saturday in which students of the Hayward, CA school can turn in a toy gun to receive a book and a raffle ticket to win one of four bicycles.

2. &#8220;Playing with toy guns, saying &#8216;I&#8217;m going to shoot you,&#8217; desensitizes them, so as they get older, it&#8217;s easier for them to use a real gun,&#8221; he claims.

3. At Strobridge Elementary Safety Day, a local policeman will demonstrate bicycle and gun safety, (does he get to use a real gun?),....

4. Hill, defending his take-away program, asserted that police are justifiably afraid when they face armed suspects, and toy guns have been mistaken for real ones.

5. ...Yih-Chau Chang, spokesman for Responsible Citizens of California, said, &#8221;Having a group of children playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians is a normal part of growing up.&#8221;
Elementary School Beginning Toy Gun Turn-In Program

Before any say it's a fine idea....

....even a buy-back for real guns:

6. &#8220;Researchers who have evaluated gun control strategies say buybacks &#8211; despite their popularity &#8211; are among the least effective ways to reduce gun violence. &#8220;Gun buybacks popular but ineffective, experts say John Lott states that the vast majority are old or inoperable.

How is it that educrats seem oblivious to any real data, and eschew scholarship for feel-good plans?

Could this be the explanation for the horrid job they do?

They can pry my Toy Army figures from my cold dead fingers.

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Me and virtually every guy I ever played with as a kid shot play or imaginary guns at one another or other cops, robbers, cowboys, indians, etc., yet to my knowledge this day none of us has committed a criminal act with a gun.

Liberalism is fantasy land.

".... this day none of us has committed a criminal act with a gun."

I don't know how old you are....but you still have time......

One does not have to actually commit a crime with a toy gun although there have been cases where that's exactly what happened.

There were toy guns in my house too. Real guns too. But, times are different. The guy standing next to you in the grocery store line wasn't carrying a loaded gun. Now he is.

The nutters want everyone armed and we have no way of knowing who is carrying a loaded gun and hoping for the opportunity to use it.

Think Trayvon Martin or the froot loop who was fighting with his wife/girlfriend when the cops shot him.

If the nutters want everyone to be packing, they will have to understand when the rest of us figure that every one is packing.

You can never again trust that the guy standing next to you isn't gonna shoot you.

Its that simple.

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