Toy Gun Buy-back program in Kalifornia

So, instead of teaching the kids to stand up on their hind legs and go like men, they are taught to cower in their caves in terror, fearful that the psychopathic criminals allowed to roam the streets like packs of rabid animals will cause them harm, hoping in vain that the all-powerful govmint will somehow provide the protection they should provide themselves?

I don't think that's whats being taught.

What lesson do you think was intended?

Well, lets review... the toy gun buy back was part of a larger event, which included a fire safety lesson by the local fire station, and a gun safety lesson given by a local police officer, and at the gun safety talk the cop discussed the dangers of toy guns being mistaken for real gun and vise versa.

So, I think the lesson being taught is "gun safety".
I don't think that's whats being taught.

What lesson do you think was intended?

Well, lets review... the toy gun buy back was part of a larger event, which included a fire safety lesson by the local fire station, and a gun safety lesson given by a local police officer, and at the gun safety talk the cop discussed the dangers of toy guns being mistaken for real gun and vise versa.

So, I think the lesson being taught is "gun safety".

the next thing we'll see is criminals painting the tips of their guns brigh orange so cops mistake them for toys
What lesson do you think was intended?

Well, lets review... the toy gun buy back was part of a larger event, which included a fire safety lesson by the local fire station, and a gun safety lesson given by a local police officer, and at the gun safety talk the cop discussed the dangers of toy guns being mistaken for real gun and vise versa.

So, I think the lesson being taught is "gun safety".

the next thing we'll see is criminals painting the tips of their guns brigh orange so cops mistake them for toys
"“They’ll paint them black to make them look like real guns,” said Officer Braydon Wilson of the Hayward Police Department. “And sometimes people will take a real gun and paint the tip orange to make it seem as if it’s a fake gun.”

Hayward School Holds Buyback For Toy Guns « CBS San Francisco
Well, lets review... the toy gun buy back was part of a larger event, which included a fire safety lesson by the local fire station, and a gun safety lesson given by a local police officer, and at the gun safety talk the cop discussed the dangers of toy guns being mistaken for real gun and vise versa.

So, I think the lesson being taught is "gun safety".

the next thing we'll see is criminals painting the tips of their guns brigh orange so cops mistake them for toys
"“They’ll paint them black to make them look like real guns,” said Officer Braydon Wilson of the Hayward Police Department. “And sometimes people will take a real gun and paint the tip orange to make it seem as if it’s a fake gun.”

Hayward School Holds Buyback For Toy Guns « CBS San Francisco

see that. i'm even smarter then i thought lol
Even if you think it is a stupid plan, you should give the guy credit for attempting to get the kids away from the gun/gang culture.

whats wrong with a gun culture?

What is wrong with gangs having guns? What is wrong with you?

apparently you see any of the Anti-gun nutters talking about them?.....i sure as hell dont....and these guys are the REAL gun nuts.....not the NRA member down the street.....
I don't think that's whats being taught.

What lesson do you think was intended?

Well, lets review... the toy gun buy back was part of a larger event, which included a fire safety lesson by the local fire station, and a gun safety lesson given by a local police officer, and at the gun safety talk the cop discussed the dangers of toy guns being mistaken for real gun and vise versa.

So, I think the lesson being taught is "gun safety".

Really? That wouldn't fly in Alaska as "gun safety". Here, we actually teach the kids how to safely handle firearms. I teach NRA sponsored gun safety classes and I can assure you, we take a lot more time than what I saw represented in the article. "Guns bad, be afraid" doesn't teach safety.
I don't think that's whats being taught.

What lesson do you think was intended?

Well, lets review... the toy gun buy back was part of a larger event, which included a fire safety lesson by the local fire station, and a gun safety lesson given by a local police officer, and at the gun safety talk the cop discussed the dangers of toy guns being mistaken for real gun and vise versa.

So, I think the lesson being taught is "gun safety".

which still has nothing to do with the fact that many of these kids have to encounter gangs every day....gun safety lessons will not help them there.....
Sitting and criticizing someone who is attempting to do something good is the way to go? The right wing way? You are the ones with no values and morality.

I don't say the principle has " no values and morality."

I say he's stupid.


Even if you think it is a stupid plan, you should give the guy credit for attempting to get the kids away from the gun/gang culture.

its hard to keep these kids away from that culture when those gangs fuck with them just about everyday.....if they dont do something about the gangs all this shit is just talk....nothing more....
Sitting and criticizing someone who is attempting to do something good is the way to go? The right wing way? You are the ones with no values and morality.

I don't say the principle has " no values and morality."

I say he's stupid.


Even if you think it is a stupid plan, you should give the guy credit for attempting to get the kids away from the gun/gang culture.

NoNoodles, you, more than anyone, should know that I don't suffer fools gladly.

He is me the evidence that either toy guns 'desensitize little boys to violence,' or that real gun-buy-backs have any effect on violence.

His job is to educate the little ones so that they grow up to be good citizens, moral and responsible, and recognize that this nation is the shining city on the hill.
....not make up utopian fantasies that feel good, but waste time and effort, i.e., become Liberals.

I've learned to shrug and accept so very many of the insane and inane beliefs and programs that Liberals come up with to find Utopia here on earth...or at least in California.

But when I read this on, I just shook my head ...

1. "Strobridge Elementary Principal Charles Hill has a brilliant idea: he’s holding a toy gun exchange next Saturday in which students of the Hayward, CA school can turn in a toy gun to receive a book and a raffle ticket to win one of four bicycles.

2. “Playing with toy guns, saying ‘I’m going to shoot you,’ desensitizes them, so as they get older, it’s easier for them to use a real gun,” he claims.

3. At Strobridge Elementary Safety Day, a local policeman will demonstrate bicycle and gun safety, (does he get to use a real gun?),....

4. Hill, defending his take-away program, asserted that police are justifiably afraid when they face armed suspects, and toy guns have been mistaken for real ones.

5. ...Yih-Chau Chang, spokesman for Responsible Citizens of California, said, ”Having a group of children playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians is a normal part of growing up.”
Elementary School Beginning Toy Gun Turn-In Program

Before any say it's a fine idea....

....even a buy-back for real guns:

6. “Researchers who have evaluated gun control strategies say buybacks – despite their popularity – are among the least effective ways to reduce gun violence. “Gun buybacks popular but ineffective, experts say John Lott states that the vast majority are old or inoperable.

How is it that educrats seem oblivious to any real data, and eschew scholarship for feel-good plans?

Could this be the explanation for the horrid job they do?

Stay back! I got a Super Soaker 5000 and I ain't afraid to use it!!!
What is wrong with gangs having guns? What is wrong with you?

i'l ask again. what is wrong with a gun culture?

I guess youths running the streets shooting each other and innocent people is fine with you. Do you condone it in your neighborhood.

FlBiker says you sound like an idiot.

Exactly how do kids kill other kids with cap guns or water guns? This has gone absolutely too far. Gangs I can understand, but kids? Really? What's more dangerous, kids or politicians?
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i'l ask again. what is wrong with a gun culture?

I guess youths running the streets shooting each other and innocent people is fine with you. Do you condone it in your neighborhood.

FlBiker says you sound like an idiot.

Exactly how do kids kill other kids with cap guns or water guns? This has gone absolutely too far. Gangs I can understand, but kids? Really? What's more dangerous, kids or politicians?

They want to get the kids not thinking about guns and the gang culture.
I don't say the principle has " no values and morality."

I say he's stupid.


Even if you think it is a stupid plan, you should give the guy credit for attempting to get the kids away from the gun/gang culture.

NoNoodles, you, more than anyone, should know that I don't suffer fools gladly.

He is me the evidence that either toy guns 'desensitize little boys to violence,' or that real gun-buy-backs have any effect on violence.

His job is to educate the little ones so that they grow up to be good citizens, moral and responsible, and recognize that this nation is the shining city on the hill.
....not make up utopian fantasies that feel good, but waste time and effort, i.e., become Liberals.


He is trying to educate the children, that is what the whole program is about. Seeing that he works with these kids, he might know a bit more about how to get through to them than you and I do. At least he is making an attempt.
Even if you think it is a stupid plan, you should give the guy credit for attempting to get the kids away from the gun/gang culture.

NoNoodles, you, more than anyone, should know that I don't suffer fools gladly.

He is me the evidence that either toy guns 'desensitize little boys to violence,' or that real gun-buy-backs have any effect on violence.

His job is to educate the little ones so that they grow up to be good citizens, moral and responsible, and recognize that this nation is the shining city on the hill.
....not make up utopian fantasies that feel good, but waste time and effort, i.e., become Liberals.


He is trying to educate the children, that is what the whole program is about. Seeing that he works with these kids, he might know a bit more about how to get through to them than you and I do. At least he is making an attempt.

Any particular reason why you omitted my simple request: " me the evidence that either toy guns 'desensitize little boys to violence,' or that real gun-buy-backs have any effect on violence."
NoNoodles, you, more than anyone, should know that I don't suffer fools gladly.

He is me the evidence that either toy guns 'desensitize little boys to violence,' or that real gun-buy-backs have any effect on violence.

His job is to educate the little ones so that they grow up to be good citizens, moral and responsible, and recognize that this nation is the shining city on the hill.
....not make up utopian fantasies that feel good, but waste time and effort, i.e., become Liberals.


He is trying to educate the children, that is what the whole program is about. Seeing that he works with these kids, he might know a bit more about how to get through to them than you and I do. At least he is making an attempt.

Any particular reason why you omitted my simple request: " me the evidence that either toy guns 'desensitize little boys to violence,' or that real gun-buy-backs have any effect on violence."

I thought Terminator and Rambo were the coolest things as a kid, Power Rangers and Walker, Texas Ranger too. I played Duke Nukem, Vectorman and Super Metroid. Do I look like a violent psychopath to any of you? ;)
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I guess youths running the streets shooting each other and innocent people is fine with you. Do you condone it in your neighborhood.

FlBiker says you sound like an idiot.

Exactly how do kids kill other kids with cap guns or water guns? This has gone absolutely too far. Gangs I can understand, but kids? Really? What's more dangerous, kids or politicians?

They want to get the kids not thinking about guns and the gang culture.


Perhaps the parents should be doing that, don't you think?

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