Toys: Consumerism Creole


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will consumerism revolutionize 'sanity storytelling' (e.g., Toys)?

How will archaeologists of the future evaluate 'capitalism aesthetics' (e.g., Jurassic Park)?

Signing off,


Consumerism was global, and archaeologists were talking about the symbolic/representative civilization gadgets, tools, and toys that had shaped and were shaping modern pedestrianism aesthetics consciousness (e.g., Apple iMac, Ninja Blender, eTrade, etc.). One archaeologist and Wiccan named Shelbye Harris was studying the geopolitical relevance of social development of gender psychology in India and how the use of the rustic and basic Indian boti (a blade-and-board kitchen-floor item used by many women to cut foods on the floor with hand-and-foot) reflected a species-wide modern focus on 'utilitarian etiquette' (e.g., Crate & Barrel). Shelbye was visited in her dream (while napping) by the feminist-Wiccan spirit Pythona (a snake-woman) who wanted to talk to Shelbye about her work with the boti.


Pythona explained that the boti was both rustic and glaringly symbolic of the labors expected of women in the modern age of convenience-goods production and delivery (Wal-Mart, Wall Street). She explained to Shelbye that botis, like blenders and butter-knives, had to be viewed through the lens of 'pedestrian teamwork' and if they weren't, they may be re-construed as 'vanity items' of technological development arrogance. Pythona told Shelbye that if the men of this generation did not appreciate the labors of women in the kitchen, wartime wisdom/counsel for men using dangerous 'toys' (i.e., nuclear weapons) may feel...futile. After all, how can a nation defend fertility while neglecting the metaphysical contributions of the women who ornament the harvest?

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When Shelbye awoke, she decided to write an editorial in the New Yorker (which often accepted writing-submissions by college professors) about the modern need for 'consumerism knights' who cared seriously about the aesthetics etiquette of new age commerce-based culture-exchange (e.g., Taco Bell, Chinatown, Mercedes-Benz, etc.). These 'knights' would address the gaps in society which consistently neglected both the psychological history of tool-use treaties and the gender history of labor platforms. The knights would have to evaluate consumerism frills (e.g., eBay) as well as consumerism trophies (e.g., QVC). This would be the only way to assure a more holistic understanding of aesthetics-based idolatry (e.g., IKEA).


Shelbye's writings in the New Yorker caused quite a stir, and soon, feminists from around the country were talking about nouveau-romance storytelling in which 'gallant modernism musketeers' (or centurions!) would 'court' women's need for labor-centric chivalry statements such as, "Women's kitchen-tools are as symbolic to civilization-development as war-tools!" One feminist names Suzannah Lemon even went so far as to claim that accidents in the kitchen were great discussion-points for modern society's interests in sector-based labor historianship. I mean, did modern social critics truly care as much about the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as they did about the United Nations Security Council? When the needs and labors and suffering of women were neglected, the species was dangerously neglecting its own 'psychological vitality' --- this was the message of the 'new feminism.'


A nihilism-protester and taxi-driver named Kyle read Shelbye's writings in the New Yorker and believed that modern pro-populism media 'propaganda' and leftist politics were allowing too many 'democracy idealists' who would divert attention away from America's historical interests in war-based imagination. Kyle wanted the Indian boti to take a 'pedagoguery back-seat' to macho-power interests (e.g., NRA). Kyle had no concern for the needs and suffering of women in the kitchen in this new age of tool-based showboating (e.g., RadioShack). The stage was set for an intriguing 'evolutionary gender arena' (between Shelbye the feminist and Kyle the Devil's Advocate). U.S. President Donald Trump liked Kyle but U.S. First Lady Melania Trump liked Shelbye.



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