Trade Puerto Rico for Greenland


Danes get a Caribbean destination that loves leftist socialism.

We gain a resource rich landmass that we have the money to utilize. And lose a socialist loving pain in the ass.

But but the global warming nuts all say that Greenland is melting away. But still zero is better than a negative so let's do it.
The question is the tectonic direction of the plate under Greenland, which had moved NW for tens of millions of years, but may now be moving WSW because the growth of the Arctic Ocean is now faster than the growth of the Atlantic. Tough call, and the direction may change, but if Greenland is indeed moving South, it will eventually melt.

Co2 has no correlation with Earth temps, and in the past million years Greenland froze while North America thawed....
We should just give Puerto Rico away, or set them free to be their own country.

All Puerto Rico does is stick their hand out, demand more money, and race bait if they don't get what they want.

All islands down there get hit by canes. All know how to deal with canes except PR, which uses canes to BILK THE US TAXPAYER OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

They are not just surrounded by water. It is BIG water, OCEAN water
Still not seeing a point here. Puerto Rico and Greenland are both islands.
So friggin' what?

You obviously don’t understand the significance of islands to our president.

Because they are surrounded by water, big water, ocean is impossible to supply them
Helping people is one thing. Being a constant sucker is another. The waste of financial resources on that island is a disgrace. Other islands with the same demographics should be so lucky. They won the lottery and blew the pot of money.
It was wrong how Puerto Rico forced us to make them one of our territories....I am sure they did it gunpoint too

Danes get a Caribbean destination that loves leftist socialism.

We gain a resource rich landmass that we have the money to utilize. And lose a socialist loving pain in the ass.
The greenlanders who are autonomous are not interested in your orange clown's idiocy.
The question is the tectonic direction of the plate under Greenland, which had moved NW for tens of millions of years, but may now be moving WSW because the growth of the Arctic Ocean is now faster than the growth of the Atlantic. Tough call, and the direction may change, but if Greenland is indeed moving South, it will eventually melt.

Co2 has no correlation with Earth temps, and in the past million years Greenland froze while North America thawed
It hilarious when someone does not dispute a single point. They cannot dispute a single point yet something far beyond their understanding is rated "funny" by troll know nothings.

It is funny. I have to agree there. But not in the way they intended. It's hilarious in the sense they are passing judgement on something far beyond their ability to comprehend. Funny indeed.

Danes get a Caribbean destination that loves leftist socialism.

We gain a resource rich landmass that we have the money to utilize. And lose a socialist loving pain in the ass.
If you've never been to Greenland or have no plans to go there, just spend half an hour at the railway station in Copenhagen. That should cure you.
I don’t know if Trump realizes Greenland is an island
An island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water
On the good side, no Hispanics in Greenland.
Well, if you are familiar with the worst prejudices & stereotypes of the Navajo Indians and their booze then you might want to rethink your statement about the Inuit people of Greenland. How should I call it ..... great "similarities"?

They are not just surrounded by water. It is BIG water, OCEAN water
Still not seeing a point here. Puerto Rico and Greenland are both islands.
So friggin' what?

You obviously don’t understand the significance of islands to our president.

Because they are surrounded by water, big water, ocean is impossible to supply them
Helping people is one thing. Being a constant sucker is another. The waste of financial resources on that island is a disgrace. Other islands with the same demographics should be so lucky. They won the lottery and blew the pot of money.
It was wrong how Puerto Rico forced us to make them one of our territories....I am sure they did it gunpoint too
It is wrong that I and most of this nation are forced to pay for all of the sexual diseases. And they have done it at gunpoint. This is about corruption. Massive corruption. And it exists in both issues. Puerto Rico and our sexual morals.

Danes get a Caribbean destination that loves leftist socialism.

We gain a resource rich landmass that we have the money to utilize. And lose a socialist loving pain in the ass.
The greenlanders who are autonomous are not interested in your orange clown's idiocy.
Greenlanders diet mainly consists of whale blubber and arctic oxen.

Just put a Chick-Fil-A in and after a month threaten to close it unless they agree to be a territory.

Danes get a Caribbean destination that loves leftist socialism.

We gain a resource rich landmass that we have the money to utilize. And lose a socialist loving pain in the ass.

Swap California for Greenland, even Steven.

Danes get a Caribbean destination that loves leftist socialism.

We gain a resource rich landmass that we have the money to utilize. And lose a socialist loving pain in the ass.
The greenlanders who are autonomous are not interested in your orange clown's idiocy.
Greenlanders diet mainly consists of whale blubber and arctic oxen.

Just put a Chick-Fil-A in and after a month threaten to close it unless they agree to be a territory.
Chick-Fil-A is closed Sunday
They would starve
There is not much that you can do with Greenland. It only can be turn into a tourist spot or seaport. They has a lot of natural untouched resource.

As the Arctic ice continues to melt due to global warming, Greenland’s mineral and energy resources – including iron ore, lead, zinc, diamonds, gold, rare earth elements, uranium and oil – are becoming more accessible. The Greenland Gold Rush: Promise and Pitfalls of Greenland’s Energy and Mineral Resources

Will mining save or ruin Greenland?

Greenland closer to building world’s fifth-largest uranium mine

Greenland is believed by some geologists to have some of the world’s largest remaining oil resources.[12] Prospecting is taking place under the auspices of NUNAOIL, a partnership between the Greenland Home Rule Government and the Danish state. U.S. Geological Survey found in 2001 that the waters off north-eastern Greenland, in the Greenland Sea north and south of the Arctic Circle, could contain up to 110 billion barrels Petroleum exploration in the Arctic - Wikipedia

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