Trafficking in conspiracy theories.

Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

I see stuff on Facebook that is just fucking mind-blowing. And worse, the Trumpsters (a) believe it completely, and (b) get EXTREMELY agitated about it.

I've tried a couple of times to point out that the stories are clearly fantasy, and why, but then the "commie" stuff starts. And they're extremely agitated again.

I've never seen anything like this.

My favorite recent one is this:

View attachment 365996

Zero citation for where this allegation comes from; zero credibility.

Do blob supporters actually think that a county clerk somewhere will just count the ballots without any verification?

Wanna bet? Leftards believe in "voting early and often" and there are no safeguards put in place to insure that the ones voting are actually registered or even alive. Leftard commie fucks have no line in the sand they will not cross. They will cheat and lie if it contributes to their communist goals and they are morally bankrupt in every way. It's just one of many reasons as to why those like yourself disgust and sicken me. Thankfully, I am not subjected to commie fucks here in Texas where I live and what few there are? Let's just say that they keep a low profile. We have zero use for them and their marxist views.

There is no evidence of Democratic voter fraud. In fact it’s overall a small amount but almost all the cases over the last decade have been Republican.

You’ll need to find a new state to live in.

Laughable you China asset.
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

View attachment 366003

Trump victory in 2016 was a complete rejection of Obama legacy.

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