Trafficking in conspiracy theories.

Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

CNN isn't trafficking in conspiracy theories. They just pointed out that the right wing does. And it's scary that a lot of Republican politicians subscribe to these theories too. When you have the occupant of the White House parroting these lies, it's easy to see why the lemmings open their mouths and swallow it whole.

What lies would those be? That child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar a year business? That there indeed a "deep state" that works on behalf of the shadow government that is actually a corporate entity and has remained in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since March of 1933?

Debate me, dipshit........allow me to expose you for the lightweight you most certainly are. Stupid commie fucks like yourself believe that the only conspiracies that exist are the ones keep the commie faction out of their rightful place in power.

Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

This from the "Russian Collusion" nuts who still cant let it go (or accept that it was Hillary/Obama colluding with the Russians)
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

CNN isn't trafficking in conspiracy theories. They just pointed out that the right wing does. And it's scary that a lot of Republican politicians subscribe to these theories too. When you have the occupant of the White House parroting these lies, it's easy to see why the lemmings open their mouths and swallow it whole.

What lies would those be? That child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar a year business? That there indeed a "deep state" that works on behalf of the shadow government that is actually a corporate entity and has remained in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since March of 1933?

Debate me, dipshit........allow me to expose you for the lightweight you most certainly are. Stupid commie fucks like yourself believe that the only conspiracies that exist are the ones keep the commie faction out of their rightful place in power.

If you have anything cogent to say, feel free to bring it up. If you're gonna start with Pizzagate and the Deep State, get lost.

Or what, Jack-off? Gonna hold your breath until you pass out? I wouldn't suggest can't afford to lose what few remaining brain cells that are left. I guaran-fucking-tee you that I have a thousand times better grasp as to what is going on than you do. Your frail, fragile shoulders would collapse under the weight of being "awake". It's a pretty fucking grim outlook and that is an understatement. HOLY fuck but are you gonna have your entire world view shaken to the core. Spare me a thought when you are sitting on the curb with your little head in your hands waiting for "gubermint" to came to the rescue as your family suffers from hunger and has to go outside to take a shit.
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

He doesn't.

Keep digging.

Look dude, you are a fucking joke.
I don't care how much education that you may claim to have.
You ability to form rational thoughts that aren't fed to you by the Democratic media is either gone, broken or never existed.

Citygator claims to be "educated"? About what? Indoctrinated? Likely....but "educated" on how things really work? Not even slightly.....
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

CNN isn't trafficking in conspiracy theories. They just pointed out that the right wing does. And it's scary that a lot of Republican politicians subscribe to these theories too. When you have the occupant of the White House parroting these lies, it's easy to see why the lemmings open their mouths and swallow it whole.

What lies would those be? That child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar a year business? That there indeed a "deep state" that works on behalf of the shadow government that is actually a corporate entity and has remained in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since March of 1933?

Debate me, dipshit........allow me to expose you for the lightweight you most certainly are. Stupid commie fucks like yourself believe that the only conspiracies that exist are the ones keep the commie faction out of their rightful place in power.

If you have anything cogent to say, feel free to bring it up. If you're gonna start with Pizzagate and the Deep State, get lost.

Or what, Jack-off? Gonna hold your breath until you pass out? I wouldn't suggest can't afford to lose what few remaining brain cells that are left. I guaran-fucking-tee you that I have a thousand times better grasp as to what is going on than you do. Your frail, fragile shoulders would collapse under the weight of being "awake". It's a pretty fucking grim outlook and that is an understatement. HOLY fuck but are you gonna have your entire world view shaken to the core. Spare me a thought when you are sitting on the curb with your little head in your hands waiting for "gubermint" to came to the rescue as your family suffers from hunger and has to go outside to take a shit.

You remind me of a dog tied up in the back yard drinking out of the leech field of a leaky septic tank. What does it take to become this foaming at the mouth? You're not one of those old guys sitting on your porch yelling at the kids to get off your lawn are you? You don't seem to have a grasp on anything...except crazy. Belief in conspiracy theories are for minds that are weak, that are malleable, they can molded and shaped. Try to stay on the topic. This is about Trump trafficking in conspiracy theories..which he does. None of which helps the country move forward or solve problems. But they do give sustenance to people like you.
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

CNN isn't trafficking in conspiracy theories. They just pointed out that the right wing does. And it's scary that a lot of Republican politicians subscribe to these theories too. When you have the occupant of the White House parroting these lies, it's easy to see why the lemmings open their mouths and swallow it whole.

What lies would those be? That child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar a year business? That there indeed a "deep state" that works on behalf of the shadow government that is actually a corporate entity and has remained in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since March of 1933?

Debate me, dipshit........allow me to expose you for the lightweight you most certainly are. Stupid commie fucks like yourself believe that the only conspiracies that exist are the ones keep the commie faction out of their rightful place in power.

If you have anything cogent to say, feel free to bring it up. If you're gonna start with Pizzagate and the Deep State, get lost.

Or what, Jack-off? Gonna hold your breath until you pass out? I wouldn't suggest can't afford to lose what few remaining brain cells that are left. I guaran-fucking-tee you that I have a thousand times better grasp as to what is going on than you do. Your frail, fragile shoulders would collapse under the weight of being "awake". It's a pretty fucking grim outlook and that is an understatement. HOLY fuck but are you gonna have your entire world view shaken to the core. Spare me a thought when you are sitting on the curb with your little head in your hands waiting for "gubermint" to came to the rescue as your family suffers from hunger and has to go outside to take a shit.

You remind me of a dog tied up in the back yard drinking out of the leech field of a leaky septic tank. What does it take to become this foaming at the mouth? You're not one of those old guys sitting on your porch yelling at the kids to get off your lawn are you? You don't seem to have a grasp on anything...except crazy. Belief in conspiracy theories are for minds that are weak, that are malleable, they can molded and shaped. Try to stay on the topic. This is about Trump trafficking in conspiracy theories..which he does. None of which helps the country move forward or solve problems. But they do give sustenance to people like you.

Awwwwww, don't you fret about me, little fella. I am doing as well as one could expect given the "shut-down" of this deep state plannedemic and that is exactly what it is. I am not young but neither am I old and "crotchety". I am an accomplished musician, a humanitarian that dedicates 25 to 30% of my income to those that need it. I take in as many stray animals as I can until I can find homes for them...right now I have three thug cats that bug me constantly for those "Temptation" cat treats. As far as your comment about Trump? There was without as doubt a conspiracy to bring down Trump, a soft coup d'etat with a communist bent going on even as we speak. You would have to be a blind partisan commie shill not to see it. Conspiracies happen every day, people are sentenced to prison every day over conspiring. Only an idiot would believe that JFK was killed by a lone gunman, only an idiot would believe that two planes caused three high rise buildings to fall in freefall fashion. Only an idiot would believe that ANFO caused concrete encased rebar to be "powerdized" while leaving the air still breathable and that buy the ATF's story that three bombs that were found and didn't go off in strategic places in the Murrah building were there for "training purposes". False flags have been used since the beginning of time, the Hegelian Dialectic works time after time on an uneducated and too trusting citizenry. I am always happy to debate and you can attempt to show me that my information is incorrect.
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

CNN isn't trafficking in conspiracy theories. They just pointed out that the right wing does. And it's scary that a lot of Republican politicians subscribe to these theories too. When you have the occupant of the White House parroting these lies, it's easy to see why the lemmings open their mouths and swallow it whole.

What lies would those be? That child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar a year business? That there indeed a "deep state" that works on behalf of the shadow government that is actually a corporate entity and has remained in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since March of 1933?

Debate me, dipshit........allow me to expose you for the lightweight you most certainly are. Stupid commie fucks like yourself believe that the only conspiracies that exist are the ones keep the commie faction out of their rightful place in power.

If you have anything cogent to say, feel free to bring it up. If you're gonna start with Pizzagate and the Deep State, get lost.

Or what, Jack-off? Gonna hold your breath until you pass out? I wouldn't suggest can't afford to lose what few remaining brain cells that are left. I guaran-fucking-tee you that I have a thousand times better grasp as to what is going on than you do. Your frail, fragile shoulders would collapse under the weight of being "awake". It's a pretty fucking grim outlook and that is an understatement. HOLY fuck but are you gonna have your entire world view shaken to the core. Spare me a thought when you are sitting on the curb with your little head in your hands waiting for "gubermint" to came to the rescue as your family suffers from hunger and has to go outside to take a shit.

You remind me of a dog tied up in the back yard drinking out of the leech field of a leaky septic tank. What does it take to become this foaming at the mouth? You're not one of those old guys sitting on your porch yelling at the kids to get off your lawn are you? You don't seem to have a grasp on anything...except crazy. Belief in conspiracy theories are for minds that are weak, that are malleable, they can molded and shaped. Try to stay on the topic. This is about Trump trafficking in conspiracy theories..which he does. None of which helps the country move forward or solve problems. But they do give sustenance to people like you.

Weird how anything that doesn't support you leftists is now called a Conspiracy Theory.

Though you believe fantastical stories that you think support and give oxygen to your bubble.

CNN tried to call information that they didn't approve of Fake News -
President Trump turned that phrase right back on them to the point that they wish they had never brought that nonsense up.

CT's will be next.
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

He doesn't.

Keep digging.

Look dude, you are a fucking joke.
I don't care how much education that you may claim to have.
You ability to form rational thoughts that aren't fed to you by the Democratic media is either gone, broken or never existed.

Look. I posted a segment that highlighted how Trump is pushing specific conspiracy theories. It is an indictment in character and honesty. Nothing there is a democratic commercial other than the fact that they dont support Trump. So pull up your big boy pants and let me know what you think of Trump's support of:

Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

He doesn't.

Keep digging.

Look dude, you are a fucking joke.
I don't care how much education that you may claim to have.
You ability to form rational thoughts that aren't fed to you by the Democratic media is either gone, broken or never existed.

Look. I posted a segment that highlighted how Trump is pushing specific conspiracy theories. It is an indictment in character and honesty. Nothing there is a democratic commercial other than the fact that they dont support Trump. So pull up your big boy pants and let me know what you think of Trump's support of:

Only a few of them would I be "iffy" on. What was your point or did you have one?
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

I see stuff on Facebook that is just fucking mind-blowing. And worse, the Trumpsters (a) believe it completely, and (b) get EXTREMELY agitated about it.

I've tried a couple of times to point out that the stories are clearly fantasy, and why, but then the "commie" stuff starts. And they're extremely agitated again.

I've never seen anything like this.

Would be nice if you brought your alleged prowess as a debunker to this forum. Claiming "that has been debunked" without a credible website or source isn't "debunking".
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

He doesn't.

Keep digging.

Look dude, you are a fucking joke.
I don't care how much education that you may claim to have.
You ability to form rational thoughts that aren't fed to you by the Democratic media is either gone, broken or never existed.

Look. I posted a segment that highlighted how Trump is pushing specific conspiracy theories. It is an indictment in character and honesty. Nothing there is a democratic commercial other than the fact that they dont support Trump. So pull up your big boy pants and let me know what you think of Trump's support of:

Only a few of them would I be "iffy" on. What was your point or did you have one?

My point is everything listed above is bunk and your president is or has pushed them. He knows his followers are nuts so he plays the fiddle of conspiracies like the pied piper to morons.
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

He doesn't.

Keep digging.

Look dude, you are a fucking joke.
I don't care how much education that you may claim to have.
You ability to form rational thoughts that aren't fed to you by the Democratic media is either gone, broken or never existed.

Look. I posted a segment that highlighted how Trump is pushing specific conspiracy theories. It is an indictment in character and honesty. Nothing there is a democratic commercial other than the fact that they dont support Trump. So pull up your big boy pants and let me know what you think of Trump's support of:

Only a few of them would I be "iffy" on. What was your point or did you have one?

My point is everything listed above is bunk and your president is or has pushed them. He knows his followers are nuts so he plays the fiddle of conspiracies like the pied piper to morons.

Bunk? Prove it.....vaccines do cause autism. Free Your Mind

Barrypuppet's birth certificate was a cut and paste job and how convenient that Fuddy (the one that "authenticated it) is the only person that dies in a plane crash a few months later. The idiot that posted the fraudulent certificate neglected to print it out and scan it before putting in on the .gov website but it was too late. The birth certificate was downloaded and it was easily proven that it was a cut and paste job using another birth certificate. They didn't get the fonts right either.

Climate change? How can you calculate the earth's temperatures accurately when the "scientists" of the IPCC that work at the leisure of the U.N got busted for fudging the numbers to fit a narrative? How can you make a determination about climate change when the effects of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates ( a program that began in earnest in 1997) isn't figured into the equation?

There's a good start and you have some work ahead of you. I will be happy to give you a rebuttal. I looked up the authors of the piece that you posted and none of them are alleged experts on anything but economic issues and they are extreme leftists.

Have at it, punkinpuss.....
Last edited:
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

He doesn't.

Keep digging.

Look dude, you are a fucking joke.
I don't care how much education that you may claim to have.
You ability to form rational thoughts that aren't fed to you by the Democratic media is either gone, broken or never existed.

Look. I posted a segment that highlighted how Trump is pushing specific conspiracy theories. It is an indictment in character and honesty. Nothing there is a democratic commercial other than the fact that they dont support Trump. So pull up your big boy pants and let me know what you think of Trump's support of:

Only a few of them would I be "iffy" on. What was your point or did you have one?

My point is everything listed above is bunk and your president is or has pushed them. He knows his followers are nuts so he plays the fiddle of conspiracies like the pied piper to morons.

Bunk? Prove it.....vaccines do cause autism.
Barrypuppet's birth certificate was a cut and paste job and how convenient that Fuddy (the one that "authenticated it) is the only person that dies in a plane crash a few months later. The idiot that posted the fraudulent certificate neglected to print it out and scan it before putting in on the .gov website but it was too late. The birth certificate was downloaded and it was easily proven that it was a cut and paste job using another birth certificate. They didn't get the fonts right either.

Climate change? How can you calculate the earth's temperatures accurately when the "scientists" of the IPCC that work at the leisure of the U.N got busted for fudging the numbers to fit a narrative? How can you make a determination about climate change when the effects of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates ( a program that began in earnest in 1997) isn't figured into the equation?

There's a good start and you have some work ahead of you. I will be happy to give you a rebuttal. I looked up the authors of the piece that you posted and none of them are alleged experts on anything but economic issues and they are extreme leftists.

Have at it, punkinpuss.....

Let’s face it. Nothing I can say to you will change your mind about anything related to conspiracies. The fact that you “believe” in them explains a big reason why you support the idiot in charge.

The Obama birth certificate for Gods sake is an utter joke of a conspiracy. Everything has been released but you’ll claim it’s all a fake. 99% of scientists will tell you bacon is more dangerous than vaccines and that the climate is being affected by man made emissions but some guy on the internet knows better So that’s who you believe. Well done.
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

I see stuff on Facebook that is just fucking mind-blowing. And worse, the Trumpsters (a) believe it completely, and (b) get EXTREMELY agitated about it.

I've tried a couple of times to point out that the stories are clearly fantasy, and why, but then the "commie" stuff starts. And they're extremely agitated again.

I've never seen anything like this.

My favorite recent one is this:


Zero citation for where this allegation comes from; zero credibility.

Do blob supporters actually think that a county clerk somewhere will just count the ballots without any verification?
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

Sure thing, CNN comes out with a full propaganda piece to support Democratic Party. Do you even fucking know what real journalism is?

He doesn't.

Keep digging.

Look dude, you are a fucking joke.
I don't care how much education that you may claim to have.
You ability to form rational thoughts that aren't fed to you by the Democratic media is either gone, broken or never existed.

Look. I posted a segment that highlighted how Trump is pushing specific conspiracy theories. It is an indictment in character and honesty. Nothing there is a democratic commercial other than the fact that they dont support Trump. So pull up your big boy pants and let me know what you think of Trump's support of:

Only a few of them would I be "iffy" on. What was your point or did you have one?

My point is everything listed above is bunk and your president is or has pushed them. He knows his followers are nuts so he plays the fiddle of conspiracies like the pied piper to morons.

Bunk? Prove it.....vaccines do cause autism.
Barrypuppet's birth certificate was a cut and paste job and how convenient that Fuddy (the one that "authenticated it) is the only person that dies in a plane crash a few months later. The idiot that posted the fraudulent certificate neglected to print it out and scan it before putting in on the .gov website but it was too late. The birth certificate was downloaded and it was easily proven that it was a cut and paste job using another birth certificate. They didn't get the fonts right either.

Climate change? How can you calculate the earth's temperatures accurately when the "scientists" of the IPCC that work at the leisure of the U.N got busted for fudging the numbers to fit a narrative? How can you make a determination about climate change when the effects of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates ( a program that began in earnest in 1997) isn't figured into the equation?

There's a good start and you have some work ahead of you. I will be happy to give you a rebuttal. I looked up the authors of the piece that you posted and none of them are alleged experts on anything but economic issues and they are extreme leftists.

Have at it, punkinpuss.....

Let’s face it. Nothing I can say to you will change your mind about anything related to conspiracies. The fact that you “believe” in them explains a big reason why you support the idiot in charge.

The Obama birth certificate for Gods sake is an utter joke of a conspiracy. Everything has been released but you’ll claim it’s all a fake. 99% of scientists will tell you bacon is more dangerous than vaccines and that the climate is being affected by man made emissions but some guy on the internet knows better So that’s who you believe. Well done.

Watch the video of whistleblowers about vaccines and then get back to me.

Two European experts in forged documents came to the conclusion that the document was forged...not that I couldn't take the document a part since there were 11 instances of cutting and pasting.

Water and soil samples show unsafe levels of aluminum, strontium and barium. We have the words of the Club of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N that put the advice of the Iron Mountain Report into action. Have you heard of Maurice Strong? The book "Limits To Growth" funded by the Club of Rome in 1972? The Rio conference in 1992 about "Sustainable Development" and Agenda 21?????

That's what I have been "schooled" and I have added your cyber-pelt to the other sloped-skulled, leftist morons. I hope that you take a lesson from careful about prodding posters that are a 1,000 times more informed than you are. Learn, grow, evolve...or not. It's not like I give a shit about your well-being.

As far as Trump goes? I have very few complaints about him as he is limited as to what he can do. I wouldn't support a commie candidate from the demcrat communist party even at gunpoint. The odds of me slitting the throat of one are much better than me ever backing one. Leftards make me sick to my stomach, these communist supporting fucks are nothing but useful idiots that are doing the dirty work of the very robber barons that they claim to be against. If I was watching this from afar? I would be laughing my ass off at the irony of it all. You are not an impressive force on this forum and about as "generic" as it gets.
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

I see stuff on Facebook that is just fucking mind-blowing. And worse, the Trumpsters (a) believe it completely, and (b) get EXTREMELY agitated about it.

I've tried a couple of times to point out that the stories are clearly fantasy, and why, but then the "commie" stuff starts. And they're extremely agitated again.

I've never seen anything like this.

My favorite recent one is this:

View attachment 365996

Zero citation for where this allegation comes from; zero credibility.

Do blob supporters actually think that a county clerk somewhere will just count the ballots without any verification?

Wanna bet? Leftards believe in "voting early and often" and there are no safeguards put in place to insure that the ones voting are actually registered or even alive. Leftard commie fucks have no line in the sand they will not cross. They will cheat and lie if it contributes to their communist goals and they are morally bankrupt in every way. It's just one of many reasons as to why those like yourself disgust and sicken me. Thankfully, I am not subjected to commie fucks here in Texas where I live and what few there are? Let's just say that they keep a low profile. We have zero use for them and their marxist views.
Fareed Zakaria’s special last night on how the President is trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and the psychology of those attracted to the nonsense was well put together. Many of you right wing nuts ought to invest 6 minutes and get a grip.

“because the conspiracy theories circulating are dangerous and the President of the UnitedStates is trafficking in them”.

I see stuff on Facebook that is just fucking mind-blowing. And worse, the Trumpsters (a) believe it completely, and (b) get EXTREMELY agitated about it.

I've tried a couple of times to point out that the stories are clearly fantasy, and why, but then the "commie" stuff starts. And they're extremely agitated again.

I've never seen anything like this.

My favorite recent one is this:

View attachment 365996

Zero citation for where this allegation comes from; zero credibility.

Do blob supporters actually think that a county clerk somewhere will just count the ballots without any verification?

Wanna bet? Leftards believe in "voting early and often" and there are no safeguards put in place to insure that the ones voting are actually registered or even alive. Leftard commie fucks have no line in the sand they will not cross. They will cheat and lie if it contributes to their communist goals and they are morally bankrupt in every way. It's just one of many reasons as to why those like yourself disgust and sicken me. Thankfully, I am not subjected to commie fucks here in Texas where I live and what few there are? Let's just say that they keep a low profile. We have zero use for them and their marxist views.

There is no evidence of Democratic voter fraud. In fact it’s overall a small amount but almost all the cases over the last decade have been Republican.

You’ll need to find a new state to live in.

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