Tragic Consequences of the Vax in Hungary, Part Two

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
The following video is the second installment of a series of excerpts from a longer Hungarian video about the tragic consequences of the “vaccination” against the Wuhan Coronavirus, featuring interviews with people who lost loved ones after the jab (previously: Part 1).

Our Hungarian correspondent László, who translated the clips for subtitles, provides this general introduction to the series:

Family members of people who died ‘with the jab’ tell their stories publicly, to the chairman of the Mi Hazánk party. The official title of the video is “Mysterious deaths after vaccination”. If you click into the video at some places, you will see the atmosphere: these people are mourning. They come forward with their faces and names, and they often show the medical reports to the camera. The video concludes with the moral that ‘something strange is going on’ with the virus and with the jabs.

The medical expressions are difficult to translate properly. In addition, the people being interviewed are not doctors, and they are telling the medical stories in their own words. Viewers may want to suggest alternate phrasing for some of the technical terms.

Caveat: to some extent this is a political campaign video, because László Toroczkai (there are a lot of Lászlós in Hungary!), the president of Mi Hazánk party, uses the situation against the government. On the other hand, the interviews seem to be honest, truthful and nonpolitical in themselves.
The full original video is here.
Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Large snip
All links highlighted originals below

I was reading the other day the Russian vax wiped out a whole friggin family
The whole planet can shove thier vaxes from Pfizer to the dot heads to the Chinese

Not you progressives ...theyre totally fine you get the boosters to

I get the feeling at least for some, the Great Vaccine Defense may just be a whole lot of Cope.

It's not working, they know it's not working, and the unvaccinated are a great scapegoat for however long they can get away with it. Not much longer.

Next--see above--come the parade of the vaccine injured. Just as soon as the tide turns, that will begin. Once it does, it will be a deluge. The govt and the pharma companies know this, which is why the heat is turned on high right now.
I get the feeling at least for some, the Great Vaccine Defense may just be a whole lot of Cope.

It's not working, they know it's not working, and the unvaccinated are a great scapegoat for however long they can get away with it. Not much longer.

Next--see above--come the parade of the vaccine injured. Just as soon as the tide turns, that will begin. Once it does, it will be a deluge. The govt and the pharma companies know this, which is why the heat is turned on high right now.

My prediction is when they start the push for booster it's going to fall apart. What will be the incentive for people to get the booster when the original JAB didn't work?
My prediction is when they start the push for booster it's going to fall apart. What will be the incentive for people to get the booster when the original JAB didn't work?

I personally know people who were gung-ho about the original vax who will not get the boosters. They know this and expect it...and again, it's why they're pushing so hard right now.
If both the vaxxed and unvaxxed mutations peculiar to the collective Hungarian genomes are not mentioned, then OP‘s report should be questioned.
I get the feeling at least for some, the Great Vaccine Defense may just be a whole lot of Cope.

It's not working, they know it's not working, and the unvaccinated are a great scapegoat for however long they can get away with it. Not much longer.

Next--see above--come the parade of the vaccine injured. Just as soon as the tide turns, that will begin. Once it does, it will be a deluge. The govt and the pharma companies know this, which is why the heat is turned on high right now.

You're an extreamist now teach... enemy of the state ! Yep lil ol you

congratulations! wecome to the club
The following video is the second installment of a series of excerpts from a longer Hungarian video about the tragic consequences of the “vaccination” against the Wuhan Coronavirus, featuring interviews with people who lost loved ones after the jab (previously: Part 1).

Our Hungarian correspondent László, who translated the clips for subtitles, provides this general introduction to the series:

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Large snip
All links highlighted originals below

I was reading the other day the Russian vax wiped out a whole friggin family
The whole planet can shove thier vaxes from Pfizer to the dot heads to the Chinese

Not you progressives ...theyre totally fine you get the boosters to

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Prayers up for these and all who got the Covid virus. May God have mercy on the human race in this day of the first manmade plagues, and may there never be another.
My prediction is when they start the push for booster it's going to fall apart. What will be the incentive for people to get the booster when the original JAB didn't work?

So.....99% and more of covid hospitalizations and deaths are from the unvaccinated and the jab doesn't work? That koolaid must be really good!
My prediction is when they start the push for booster it's going to fall apart. What will be the incentive for people to get the booster when the original JAB didn't work?
You people are absolutely clueless. Get off the stupid internet propaganda and trash Rupert Murdoch incorporated, it is all crap. You idiots will keep this plague going until it really does kill everyone at this rate. Get the jab and stop being a total fool.
So.....99% and more of covid hospitalizations and deaths are from the unvaccinated and the jab doesn't work? That koolaid must be really good!

You sure about that? They weren't tracking or testing people who had the JAB being admitted with COVID symptoms until the last few months. Also people who only had the 1st JAB are being counted as unvaccinated, along with those had the 2nd JAB are counted as unvaccinated for 2 weeks after date of 2nd JAB. There are no control groups from the original testing.

They acknowledge the JAB isn't effective against the new variants. So why would people get a JAB for a virus that has most like run it's course? Why aren't they working on adjusting the JAB to protect against the new variants? People have no idea what the long term effects will be not only for the original round of JABS, let alone for a 3rd booster JAB.
You sure about that? They weren't tracking or testing people who had the JAB being admitted with COVID symptoms until the last few months. Also people who only had the 1st JAB are being counted as unvaccinated, along with those had the 2nd JAB are counted as unvaccinated for 2 weeks after date of 2nd JAB. There are no control groups from the original testing.

They acknowledge the JAB isn't effective against the new variants. So why would people get a JAB for a virus that has most like run it's course? Why aren't they working on adjusting the JAB to protect against the new variants? People have no idea what the long term effects will be not only for the original round of JABS, let alone for a 3rd booster JAB.

Yup, that is the data the hospitals are recording. I made 2 threads on it.

How many times do you have to tell yourself the vaccine doesn't work before you thoroughly brainwash yourself into believing it? Efficacy is down, as far as delta infections go, but 99.9999% of the vaccinated are surviving all breakthrough infections when they occur, and even breakthroughs aren't even remotely on the level of unvaccinated infections. Only a tiny portion of the vaccinated are being hospitalized and even less are dying. In texas the death rate of unvaccinated is 85x higher than the fully vaccinated.

Moderna and Pfizer are already in phase 2 trials on a booster for delta. First, antivaxxers complain development of the vaccines was too quick, now you complain it's too slow. No one has any idea what the long term effects are of the monocolonal antibody treatment but you loons don't seem to have an issue with that for some reason. Why is that? It couldn't be that you've politicized the covid vaccines could it?! :laugh:
Yup, that is the data the hospitals are recording. I made 2 threads on it.

How many times do you have to tell yourself the vaccine doesn't work before you thoroughly brainwash yourself into believing it? Efficacy is down, as far as delta infections go, but 99.9999% of the vaccinated are surviving all breakthrough infections when they occur, and even breakthroughs aren't even remotely on the level of unvaccinated infections. Only a tiny portion of the vaccinated are being hospitalized and even less are dying. In texas the death rate of unvaccinated is 85x higher than the fully vaccinated.

Moderna and Pfizer are already in phase 2 trials on a booster for delta. First, antivaxxers complain development of the vaccines was too quick, now you complain it's too slow. No one has any idea what the long term effects are of the monocolonal antibody treatment but you loons don't seem to have an issue with that for some reason. Why is that? It couldn't be that you've politicized the covid vaccines could it?! :laugh:
Who needs vaccines ?

More and more people are taking other things
People are smuggling in shit loads of ivermectin from Mexico
It's otc south of the border

If I suspect I catch it I'll get tested and if positive just take my stash

more autist are reportedly eating the horse gel

Who needs vaccines ?

More and more people are taking other things
People are smuggling in shit loads of ivermectin from Mexico
It's otc south of the border

If I suspect I catch it I'll get tested and if positive just take my stash

more autist are reportedly eating the horse gel

View attachment 529691
So a dewormer, primarily used on cows, Ivermectin, is what you think will save you from covid?

Okee Dokee!

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