Traitor arrested for leaking NSA secrets is confirmed Anti Trumper

Trump desperately tried to cover up Russian efforts to hack the election, and this girl thwarted him. Bravo :clap:
In the words of the righties after the leak of hacked DNC emails "who cares how the info got out! We now see what's really going on!"
In the words of the righties after the leak of hacked DNC emails "who cares how the info got out! We now see what's really going on!"
Telling that a leftard can't tell the difference between DNC emails and Classified Government documents.
She should serve her prison sentence in Saudi Arabia. There are only advantages. First, she wouldn't need to tolerate white males... second, she wouldn't be coming back (at least not in one piece).
In the words of the righties after the leak of hacked DNC emails "who cares how the info got out! We now see what's really going on!"
Telling that a leftard can't tell the difference between DNC emails and Classified Government documents.

The Feds would classify the lunch menu .

But hey, I thought Russian hacking was fake news fantasy . Which is it ??
In the words of the righties after the leak of hacked DNC emails "who cares how the info got out! We now see what's really going on!"
Telling that a leftard can't tell the difference between DNC emails and Classified Government documents.

The Feds would classify the lunch menu .

But hey, I thought Russian hacking was fake news fantasy . Which is it ??
You believe the NSA? Fool born every second I guess. There was no Russian hacking its all bullshit cobbled up by the Deep State which Clinton was deeply involved in to discredit President Trump and the 60 million people who DESPISED that bitch. It literally is trying to discredit our republic and the way we elect our leaders.All because snowflakes lost.
What she leaked is just stupid...maybe Russia might have send an email that could have been used...etc...This is the fucking NSA??? What do they do besides listen to our phone calls and emails???
NSA Leaker Arrested: Trump Is An ‘Orange Fascist,’ Thinks ‘Being White Is Terrorism’ | American Military News

Oh and she is also a White Anti White. She thinks being white is equal to terrorism! Hope she enjoys prison!

Hey why are you Christian bastard leaking information. You must control the government in order to support your Evil Christian cabal to take over the world.

After all if one Christian does a political or financial crime all Christians are indicted, right!?!?!?

Sounds like your Jew conspiracies asshole!

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NSA Leaker Arrested: Trump Is An ‘Orange Fascist,’ Thinks ‘Being White Is Terrorism’ | American Military News

Oh and she is also a White Anti White. She thinks being white is equal to terrorism! Hope she enjoys prison!

Hey why are you Christian bastard leaking information. You must control the government in order to support your Evil Christian cabal to take over the world.

After all if one Christian does a political or financial crime all Christians are indicted, right!?!?!?

Sounds like your Jew conspiracies asshole!

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Might help your rant if I was actually a christian eh ziocon....I am NOT a christian haven't been one for well over 15 years now.
NSA Leaker Arrested: Trump Is An ‘Orange Fascist,’ Thinks ‘Being White Is Terrorism’ | American Military News

Oh and she is also a White Anti White. She thinks being white is equal to terrorism! Hope she enjoys prison!

Hey why are you Christian bastard leaking information. You must control the government in order to support your Evil Christian cabal to take over the world.

After all if one Christian does a political or financial crime all Christians are indicted, right!?!?!?

Sounds like your Jew conspiracies asshole!

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Might help your rant if I was actually a christian eh ziocon....I am NOT a christian haven't been one for well over 15 years now.

Sure your not! On your logic that even Jews
that convert are still Jewish, your a Christian, doesn't matter if you call yourself an atheist!

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NSA Leaker Arrested: Trump Is An ‘Orange Fascist,’ Thinks ‘Being White Is Terrorism’ | American Military News

Oh and she is also a White Anti White. She thinks being white is equal to terrorism! Hope she enjoys prison!

Hey why are you Christian bastard leaking information. You must control the government in order to support your Evil Christian cabal to take over the world.

After all if one Christian does a political or financial crime all Christians are indicted, right!?!?!?

Sounds like your Jew conspiracies asshole!

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Might help your rant if I was actually a christian eh ziocon....I am NOT a christian haven't been one for well over 15 years now.

Sure your not! On your logic that even Jews
that convert are still Jewish, your a Christian, doesn't matter if you call yourself an atheist!

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My religion is Creativity as you can read in my signature. Jews are a race not just a religion.
In the words of the righties after the leak of hacked DNC emails "who cares how the info got out! We now see what's really going on!"

Are you really equating DNC e-mails with classified intelligence information?

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