Traitorous Democrats Hope For American Casualties


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Traitorous Democrats Hope For American Casualties
January 8, 2020 ~ By William L. Gensert
Democrats want the Iranian retaliation for Soleimani's death to be significant, with enough casualties to convince the public to either vote against Trump in the coming election or support his impeachment. Disgracefully, they are actually rooting for American deaths so they and the media can soak Trump in enough blood for the left to regain power. They are determined to be rid of this president, and if Americans must die for that to happen, their deaths will serve a higher purpose. Just as with Barack Obama, the Democrats care only about partisan advantage. Americans themselves mean little to them in the great game of political power. Remember the good old days, when Barack Obama was president, and it was traitorous to oppose any of his foreign policy actions? Today, seditious Democrats side with Iran against a duly elected president. When Obama killed bin Laden in 2011, the nation rejoiced because it was good for America. Most Republicans swallowed hard and praised President Obama for ordering SEAL Team 6 to kill the leader of al-Qaeda. And you might also recall that for eight years, Obama not only droned on and on with his mouth, but droned everyone in sight. In fact, Obama increased the use of drones to assassinate our enemies tenfold over George W. Bush. He was the King of Drones, killing many legitimate targets along with thousands of innocents as collateral damage. He even targeted and killed an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, in Yemen in 2011. Republicans didn't accuse him of impeachable crimes, even if they never despised the indiscriminate nature of his pursuit of our enemies and the deaths of people unlucky enough to get in his way. Wouldn't a violation of the War Powers Act and purported "war crimes" make nice additions to the articles of impeachment Pelosi is withholding or as the basis for a new impeachment?
Another Democrat talking point is that Soleimani posed no imminent threat, therefore he was not a legitimate target under the constitution. Awlaki was no "imminent" threat. In reality, Soleimani was the leader of Iran's Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization and thus a legitimate enemy combatant from a country that has waged war on America for four decades. All their allegations go better as impeachable acts if the Iranians spill American blood and the Democrats and the media can build a case that Trump is directly responsible for the casualties. Iran is our enemy. It's been telling us so for 40 years. Yet the traitorous Democrats side with Iran.

It's totally hypocritical for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Commie Democrats to condone Obama's actions to kill Americans and Osama Bin Laden, then to condemn DJT in killing a lawful enemy combatant like Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
PMS/DSA Democrat policies get Americans killed. That is a proven fact. Just look at the numbers dating back to WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, not to mention the battle field Rules Of Engagement dictated by Barack Hussein Obama during his tenure.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats activists and their co-conspirator "media" are the greatest enemies America faces, they've done infinitely more damage than Iran, Russia, China & N. Korea, combined! They've rottened and hollowed out American culture, citizenship, sovereignty and its borders. They pander, appease, give aid and comfort to our external & internal enemies. For more than 150 years, they've subjugated liberty, freedom and economic opportunity to a centralized bureaucracy, failed Central American Narco states and betray American workers to enrich themselves with cheap, foreign labor. They're a sickening, disgusting scourge to Americans who love their country, their rights, who value our Declaration, Constitution, Bill of Rights and heritage.
And more and more cities become gun sanctuaries.
Anything to make Trump look bad.

Anyone notice how the stock market is still doing well, in spite of the situation in Iraq? The DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P all closed higher today.

President Trump is unstoppable. :laughing0301:
Anything to make Trump look bad.

Anyone notice how the stock market is still doing well, in spite of the situation in Iraq? The DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P all closed higher today.

President Trump is unstoppable. :laughing0301:
Total Day Change+$97,228.62 (
Anything to make Trump look bad.

Anyone notice how the stock market is still doing well, in spite of the situation in Iraq? The DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P all closed higher today.

President Trump is unstoppable. :laughing0301:
Exactly. Dems are such anti-American fools. And our president has a knack for making them look this way.
Anything to make Trump look bad.

Anyone notice how the stock market is still doing well, in spite of the situation in Iraq? The DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P all closed higher today.

President Trump is unstoppable. :laughing0301:
Exactly. Dems are such anti-American fools. And our president has a knack for making them look this way.
Who is anti American ? Dems or morons following the AH Trump ? You ah's are an imminent threat
Anything to make Trump look bad.

Anyone notice how the stock market is still doing well, in spite of the situation in Iraq? The DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P all closed higher today.

President Trump is unstoppable. :laughing0301:
Exactly. Dems are such anti-American fools. And our president has a knack for making them look this way.
Who is anti American ? Dems or morons following the AH Trump ? You ah's are an imminent threat

Democrats are anti-American, they have been since the 1960's.
Anything to make Trump look bad.

Anyone notice how the stock market is still doing well, in spite of the situation in Iraq? The DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P all closed higher today.

President Trump is unstoppable. :laughing0301:
Total Day Change+$97,228.62 (

So did Trump "crash" the market?
Not yet But when he does we'll be the last to know His pals will be first

You Crayola-eating zipperheads have been saying for over three years that Trump was going to crash the markets and we'd have a recession of biblical proportions.

So what happened? Were you wrong?
Traitorous Democrats Hope For American Casualties
January 8, 2020 ~ By William L. Gensert
Democrats want the Iranian retaliation for Soleimani's death to be significant, with enough casualties to convince the public to either vote against Trump in the coming election or support his impeachment. Disgracefully, they are actually rooting for American deaths so they and the media can soak Trump in enough blood for the left to regain power. They are determined to be rid of this president, and if Americans must die for that to happen, their deaths will serve a higher purpose. Just as with Barack Obama, the Democrats care only about partisan advantage. Americans themselves mean little to them in the great game of political power. Remember the good old days, when Barack Obama was president, and it was traitorous to oppose any of his foreign policy actions? Today, seditious Democrats side with Iran against a duly elected president. When Obama killed bin Laden in 2011, the nation rejoiced because it was good for America. Most Republicans swallowed hard and praised President Obama for ordering SEAL Team 6 to kill the leader of al-Qaeda. And you might also recall that for eight years, Obama not only droned on and on with his mouth, but droned everyone in sight. In fact, Obama increased the use of drones to assassinate our enemies tenfold over George W. Bush. He was the King of Drones, killing many legitimate targets along with thousands of innocents as collateral damage. He even targeted and killed an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, in Yemen in 2011. Republicans didn't accuse him of impeachable crimes, even if they never despised the indiscriminate nature of his pursuit of our enemies and the deaths of people unlucky enough to get in his way. Wouldn't a violation of the War Powers Act and purported "war crimes" make nice additions to the articles of impeachment Pelosi is withholding or as the basis for a new impeachment?
Another Democrat talking point is that Soleimani posed no imminent threat, therefore he was not a legitimate target under the constitution. Awlaki was no "imminent" threat. In reality, Soleimani was the leader of Iran's Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization and thus a legitimate enemy combatant from a country that has waged war on America for four decades. All their allegations go better as impeachable acts if the Iranians spill American blood and the Democrats and the media can build a case that Trump is directly responsible for the casualties. Iran is our enemy. It's been telling us so for 40 years. Yet the traitorous Democrats side with Iran.

It's totally hypocritical for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Commie Democrats to condone Obama's actions to kill Americans and Osama Bin Laden, then to condemn DJT in killing a lawful enemy combatant like Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
PMS/DSA Democrat policies get Americans killed. That is a proven fact. Just look at the numbers dating back to WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, not to mention the battle field Rules Of Engagement dictated by Barack Hussein Obama during his tenure.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats activists and their co-conspirator "media" are the greatest enemies America faces, they've done infinitely more damage than Iran, Russia, China & N. Korea, combined! They've rottened and hollowed out American culture, citizenship, sovereignty and its borders. They pander, appease, give aid and comfort to our external & internal enemies. For more than 150 years, they've subjugated liberty, freedom and economic opportunity to a centralized bureaucracy, failed Central American Narco states and betray American workers to enrich themselves with cheap, foreign labor. They're a sickening, disgusting scourge to Americans who love their country, their rights, who value our Declaration, Constitution, Bill of Rights and heritage.

Yeah, nothing gets a democrat hard like dead kids.
Anything to make Trump look bad.

Anyone notice how the stock market is still doing well, in spite of the situation in Iraq? The DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P all closed higher today.

President Trump is unstoppable. :laughing0301:
Total Day Change+$97,228.62 (

So did Trump "crash" the market?
Not yet But when he does we'll be the last to know His pals will be first

You Crayola-eating zipperheads have been saying for over three years that Trump was going to crash the markets and we'd have a recession of biblical proportions.

So what happened? Were you wrong?
Was I worried ?Damn sure Trump flying by the seat of his pants worried everyone Then he gave a trillion away to the 1% Meanwhile his 6,7% GDP sunk to 2 or 1 1/2 Every move he makes he shows how unqualified he is , why so many leave him
Loser Dimms were praying for the market to fall and oil to skyrocket!
And, of course, the opposite happened and they got kneecapped again.
Loser POS!!!
Take your kneecapped and stick it where the sun don't shine
Total Day Change+$97,228.62 (
Loser Dimms were praying for the market to fall and oil to skyrocket!
And, of course, the opposite happened and they got kneecapped again.
Loser POS!!!
Take your kneecapped and stick it where the sun don't shine
Total Day Change+$97,228.62 (

Have another Scotch, Ed.
Be happy that you're still here.
LOL I am Glen Livit 12 year old and I'm happy I'm still here But on Friday I'll be on the beach in Ft Lauderdale for 4 months and even if you are a repub putz I wish you a great healthy year
Such good news we had no casualties and we killed a evil man that Obama deemed a terrorist.

Soleimani used to kill people in Iran by drilling them in the head while they were still alive.

What a revered hero!!
Loser Dimms were praying for the market to fall and oil to skyrocket!
And, of course, the opposite happened and they got kneecapped again.
Loser POS!!!
Take your kneecapped and stick it where the sun don't shine
Total Day Change+$97,228.62 (

Have another Scotch, Ed.
Be happy that you're still here.
LOL I am Glen Livit 12 year old and I'm happy I'm still here But on Friday I'll be on the beach in Ft Lauderdale for 4 months and even if you are a repub putz I wish you a great healthy year

Friends like me are good to have. Enjoy Fla..
Traitorous Democrats Hope For American Casualties
January 8, 2020 ~ By William L. Gensert
Democrats want the Iranian retaliation for Soleimani's death to be significant, with enough casualties to convince the public to either vote against Trump in the coming election or support his impeachment. Disgracefully, they are actually rooting for American deaths so they and the media can soak Trump in enough blood for the left to regain power. They are determined to be rid of this president, and if Americans must die for that to happen, their deaths will serve a higher purpose. Just as with Barack Obama, the Democrats care only about partisan advantage. Americans themselves mean little to them in the great game of political power. Remember the good old days, when Barack Obama was president, and it was traitorous to oppose any of his foreign policy actions? Today, seditious Democrats side with Iran against a duly elected president. When Obama killed bin Laden in 2011, the nation rejoiced because it was good for America. Most Republicans swallowed hard and praised President Obama for ordering SEAL Team 6 to kill the leader of al-Qaeda. And you might also recall that for eight years, Obama not only droned on and on with his mouth, but droned everyone in sight. In fact, Obama increased the use of drones to assassinate our enemies tenfold over George W. Bush. He was the King of Drones, killing many legitimate targets along with thousands of innocents as collateral damage. He even targeted and killed an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, in Yemen in 2011. Republicans didn't accuse him of impeachable crimes, even if they never despised the indiscriminate nature of his pursuit of our enemies and the deaths of people unlucky enough to get in his way. Wouldn't a violation of the War Powers Act and purported "war crimes" make nice additions to the articles of impeachment Pelosi is withholding or as the basis for a new impeachment?
Another Democrat talking point is that Soleimani posed no imminent threat, therefore he was not a legitimate target under the constitution. Awlaki was no "imminent" threat. In reality, Soleimani was the leader of Iran's Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization and thus a legitimate enemy combatant from a country that has waged war on America for four decades. All their allegations go better as impeachable acts if the Iranians spill American blood and the Democrats and the media can build a case that Trump is directly responsible for the casualties. Iran is our enemy. It's been telling us so for 40 years. Yet the traitorous Democrats side with Iran.

It's totally hypocritical for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Commie Democrats to condone Obama's actions to kill Americans and Osama Bin Laden, then to condemn DJT in killing a lawful enemy combatant like Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
PMS/DSA Democrat policies get Americans killed. That is a proven fact. Just look at the numbers dating back to WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, not to mention the battle field Rules Of Engagement dictated by Barack Hussein Obama during his tenure.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats activists and their co-conspirator "media" are the greatest enemies America faces, they've done infinitely more damage than Iran, Russia, China & N. Korea, combined! They've rottened and hollowed out American culture, citizenship, sovereignty and its borders. They pander, appease, give aid and comfort to our external & internal enemies. For more than 150 years, they've subjugated liberty, freedom and economic opportunity to a centralized bureaucracy, failed Central American Narco states and betray American workers to enrich themselves with cheap, foreign labor. They're a sickening, disgusting scourge to Americans who love their country, their rights, who value our Declaration, Constitution, Bill of Rights and heritage.

Guess what? so does sick warmonger traiter Trump. he is a fucking MURDERER and coward.

this is the REAL story on that general.

Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani 636
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani - Craig Murray

". . . Let us now move on to the next lie, which is being widely repeated, this time originated by Donald Trump, that Soleimani was responsible for the “deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans”. This lie has been parroted by everybody, Republicans and Democrats alike.

Really? Who were they? When and where? While the Bethlehem Doctrine allows you to kill somebody because they might be going to attack someone, sometime, but you don’t know who or when, there is a reasonable expectation that if you are claiming people have already been killed you should be able to say who and when.

The truth of the matter is that if you take every American killed including and since 9/11, in the resultant Middle East related wars, conflicts and terrorist acts, well over 90% of them have been killed by Sunni Muslims financed and supported out of Saudi Arabia and its gulf satellites, and less than 10% of those Americans have been killed by Shia Muslims tied to Iran.. . ."
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