Traitor's letter shows ignorance of US law

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;

Article II Section 2. Feel free to look it up and stop vomiting propaganda.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;

Article II Section 2. Feel free to look it up and stop vomiting propaganda.

So you disagree with the Harvard Law Professor as well as the Senate's own page?

Its not all that surprising that Cotton does not know constitutional requirements for treaties and the senate's role but what about the others? What is their excuse for this incredible ignorance of the constitution they swore to uphold?

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;

Article II Section 2. Feel free to look it up and stop vomiting propaganda.

So you disagree with the Harvard Law Professor as well as the Senate's own page?

Its not all that surprising that Cotton does not know constitutional requirements for treaties and the senate's role but what about the others? What is their excuse for this incredible ignorance of the constitution they swore to uphold?

I give you a quote from the Constitution, which is available online and you want to argue about a web page and a professor? Go pound salt and come back when you can engage in a serious conversation.
this has already been posted


get over yourselves. Your Messiah got slapped down and his shady behind our backs negations with Iran was brought into spotlight for all the American people to see...

tough shit you can't turn it back now. tsk tsk for you OBOTS and if you want to see a traitor, look in a mirror
The Communist Organizer in Chief often boasts about not needing Congress. There is no goodwill left. He's an asshole. Congress will have to act with or without his help. This Iranian deal will have to go through Congress. It's by no means a 'Done-Deal.'

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;

Article II Section 2. Feel free to look it up and stop vomiting propaganda.

So you disagree with the Harvard Law Professor as well as the Senate's own page?

Its not all that surprising that Cotton does not know constitutional requirements for treaties and the senate's role but what about the others? What is their excuse for this incredible ignorance of the constitution they swore to uphold?

Without their vote, there is no ratified treaty.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;

Article II Section 2. Feel free to look it up and stop vomiting propaganda.

So you disagree with the Harvard Law Professor as well as the Senate's own page?

Its not all that surprising that Cotton does not know constitutional requirements for treaties and the senate's role but what about the others? What is their excuse for this incredible ignorance of the constitution they swore to uphold?

Without their vote, there is no ratified treaty.

Maybe the Communist Organizer wanker needs Congress after all?
No surprise that they don't understand how our system of government works. Remember when they passed that bill that said that after so many days, if the Senate didn't act on it, it would automatically become law? They should hire a middle school civics teacher to advise them in such matters or at least consult School House Rock occasionally.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;

Article II Section 2. Feel free to look it up and stop vomiting propaganda.

So you disagree with the Harvard Law Professor as well as the Senate's own page?

Its not all that surprising that Cotton does not know constitutional requirements for treaties and the senate's role but what about the others? What is their excuse for this incredible ignorance of the constitution they swore to uphold?

I give you a quote from the Constitution, which is available online and you want to argue about a web page and a professor? Go pound salt and come back when you can engage in a serious conversation.
Another Duddy OP goes down in Flames, what an idiot.
No surprise that they don't understand how our system of government works. Remember when they passed that bill that said that after so many days, if the Senate didn't act on it, it would automatically become law? They should hire a middle school civics teacher to advise them in such matters or at least consult School House Rock occasionally.

So in your view Obama can unilaterally agree with Iran?

  1. sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid.
    synonyms: confirm, approve, sanction, endorse, agree to, accept, uphold, authorize,formalize, validate, recognize;
    "they failed to ratify the amendment"
No surprise that they don't understand how our system of government works. Remember when they passed that bill that said that after so many days, if the Senate didn't act on it, it would automatically become law? They should hire a middle school civics teacher to advise them in such matters or at least consult School House Rock occasionally.

Yeah, maybe that dipshit Pelosi got it wrong when she said 'We have to pass the bill so we can read it.' How bout they actually read proposed bills before voting on em?
No surprise that they don't understand how our system of government works. Remember when they passed that bill that said that after so many days, if the Senate didn't act on it, it would automatically become law? They should hire a middle school civics teacher to advise them in such matters or at least consult School House Rock occasionally.

Never heard you have a link?
The Republicans won in a Landslide to do one thing... Oppose the Dictator wannabe asshole at every turn. As long as they do that, they'll be fine. That's why they were elected. So this Iran deal is by no means a 'Done-Deal.' Congress will have a say.
Didn't we learn this in Civics 101? Has Lord Obama thrown this out the window too? Shit, might as well throw the whole constitution out at this point.. he doesn't appear to feel that he is bound by any of it.
No surprise that they don't understand how our system of government works. Remember when they passed that bill that said that after so many days, if the Senate didn't act on it, it would automatically become law? They should hire a middle school civics teacher to advise them in such matters or at least consult School House Rock occasionally.

So in your view Obama can unilaterally agree with Iran?

  1. sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid.
    synonyms: confirm, approve, sanction, endorse, agree to, accept, uphold, authorize,formalize, validate, recognize;
    "they failed to ratify the amendment"

It's the right wing who is agreeing with hard line Iranians. Obama, along with 5 other countries who are equally involved, is trying to negotiate a treaty to prevent a nuclear armed Iran. The right hates Obama so much till they are willing to increase Iran's chances of developing a weapon just to act like a dick toward Obama. The entire world recognizes the right wing's childish behavior for what it is, but it does reduce US credibility.
No surprise that they don't understand how our system of government works. Remember when they passed that bill that said that after so many days, if the Senate didn't act on it, it would automatically become law? They should hire a middle school civics teacher to advise them in such matters or at least consult School House Rock occasionally.

Yeah, maybe that dipshit Pelosi got it wrong when she said 'We have to pass the bill so we can read it.' How bout they actually read proposed bills before voting on em?

How about the right actually figure out how the rules work before they start acting like silly children. Well.......too late for that.

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