Traitors of a feather, Bush & McCain, flock together to destroy America from within


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: Jeb Bush Pens New Year Wish: Immigration Reform in 2014

”Former Florida Governor and amnesty advocate Jeb Bush alleged that America's economy needs an influx of foreign workers across all sectors and declared that 2014 would be a "blockbuster year that finally takes [immigration] reform" across the finish line.”

Word is also out that Jeb Bush has met with Senator John McCain to discuss how Jeb can win the nomination without “conservative” support. SEE: Reports: Jeb Bush Asking John McCain How to Win Without Conservative Vote

”Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is doing opposition research on himself and asking Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) about how he can potentially win the GOP presidential nomination without conservatives.”

Do these two not care about the devastating effects on America and her Citizens resulting from the poverty stricken, illiterate un-skilled and disease carrying populations of other countries being allowed to invade our country?


Hey Jeb Bush, what part of the President’s sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do you not understand?
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Jeb Bush and his Washington Establishment global governance crowd want to create a massive voting block which is dependent upon government cheese who will then sell their vote to public servants promising more government cheese.

Jeb Bush and his un-American crowd which promotes amnesty, the NAFTA, Common Core, and is ok with not repealing Obamacare in its entirety, represents stealth Republicans who are really Washington Establishment democrat plants in the Republican Party!

Jeb Bush needs to go away and take his un-American dog and pony show elsewhere!


If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon an Obama, welfare, food stamp, section 8 housing, college loan check, and now free Obamacare along with FREE BACON, we can blackmail them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s productive population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Our Washington Establishment's Free Cheese Democracy, designed to establish a federal plantation which redistributes wealth that wage earners, business and investors have worked to create.
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All this Jeb Bush hype is being pushed by the left wing media.

In all seriousness, he doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of ever being elected, but the left knows that if they can push him into running, he'll just cause problems for those who do.

This country has both Bush and Clinton fatigue.
Enough with the "amnesty" canard. The true test is whether he (or any other candidate) commits to completing a secure border/fence BEFORE dealing with the status of people who are already here.
Enough with the "amnesty" canard. The true test is whether he (or any other candidate) commits to completing a secure border/fence BEFORE dealing with the status of people who are already here.

A secure border is very desirable but the illegal entrant magnet must be addressed!

What I and every American concerned with the general welfare of the United States would promote and expect from a candidate is to make it very, very uncomfortable for those who have invaded our borders to remain here.

When caught, illegal entrants ought to be put in jail for a year doing hard labor [fixing our roads, painting our bridges, etc., to pay for their room and board while in jail] and then deported, and then never allowed to enter our country again ___ even on the back of the line.

Additionally, those who are caught hiring illegal entrants ought to be severely fined the first time and then put in prison for any additional offenses with their business being confiscated and sold at public auction.
Finally, the children of illegal entrants should not be allowed to enjoy any public benefits or privileges such as attending a state's public school system, food stamps, drivers licenses, work permits, etc.,.

Adopt the above policy and self deportation will begin immediately!


Hey Jeb Bush, what part of the President’s sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do you not understand?
McCain is not a traitor, he was an American soldier who was held captive.

The OP is a goddamned disgrace.
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Big Government Globalists. Both Parties are currently controlled by them. They're part of the very exclusive Globalist Elite club. In the end, they're all on the same team. The NWO team.
Enough with the "amnesty" canard. The true test is whether he (or any other candidate) commits to completing a secure border/fence BEFORE dealing with the status of people who are already here.

A secure border is very desirable but the illegal entrant magnet must be addressed!

What I and every American concerned with the general welfare of the United States would promote and expect from a candidate is to make it very, very uncomfortable for those who have invaded our borders to remain here.

When caught, illegal entrants ought to be put in jail for a year doing hard labor [fixing our roads, painting our bridges, etc., to pay for their room and board while in jail] and then deported, and then never allowed to enter our country again ___ even on the back of the line.

Additionally, those who are caught hiring illegal entrants ought to be severely fined the first time and then put in prison for any additional offenses with their business being confiscated and sold at public auction.
Finally, the children of illegal entrants should not be allowed to enjoy any public benefits or privileges such as attending a state's public school system, food stamps, drivers licenses, work permits, etc.,.

Adopt the above policy and self deportation will begin immediately!


Hey Jeb Bush, what part of the President’s sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do you not understand?

I understand your frustration, but your "solutions" are impractical as well as illegal under current law. Would you sentence persons who were brought here as children to hard labor? If not, what would you do with them while their parents are in prison? Would you deny them education, food and medical care? How about children born in the U.S.? Do you think this is politically possible?

A more reasonable course of action would be to temporarily close (and then secure) the border while announcing that any new illegal entrants would be immediately deported and, if they return, sentenced to a mandatory one year prison sentence which would dramatically escalate for repeat violations. In order to avoid these penalties, people already here would have to register, have a clean criminal record, and demonstrate self support (through Social Security and income tax payments) for ten years before becoming eligible for permanent resident status.
McCain is not a trader, he was an American soldier who was held captive.

The OP is a goddamned disgrace.

Are you really suggesting McCain is not a traitor to his oath of office which requires him to support and defend our Constitution? If so, I suggest you study his voting record.


At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished asked him directly, `Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?' `A republic, if you can keep it,' responded Franklin.
Enough with the "amnesty" canard. The true test is whether he (or any other candidate) commits to completing a secure border/fence BEFORE dealing with the status of people who are already here.

A secure border is very desirable but the illegal entrant magnet must be addressed!

What I and every American concerned with the general welfare of the United States would promote and expect from a candidate is to make it very, very uncomfortable for those who have invaded our borders to remain here.

When caught, illegal entrants ought to be put in jail for a year doing hard labor [fixing our roads, painting our bridges, etc., to pay for their room and board while in jail] and then deported, and then never allowed to enter our country again ___ even on the back of the line.

Additionally, those who are caught hiring illegal entrants ought to be severely fined the first time and then put in prison for any additional offenses with their business being confiscated and sold at public auction.
Finally, the children of illegal entrants should not be allowed to enjoy any public benefits or privileges such as attending a state's public school system, food stamps, drivers licenses, work permits, etc.,.

Adopt the above policy and self deportation will begin immediately!


Hey Jeb Bush, what part of the President’s sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do you not understand?

I understand your frustration, but your "solutions" are impractical as well as illegal under current law. Would you sentence persons who were brought here as children to hard labor? .

I would support giving the class you mention one month to leave our country on their own and then apply for legal entry at our border.


Our open border crowd is employing the same cowardly tactics used by the Hamas. It hides behind woman and children while flooding our country with the poverty stricken, disease carrying populations of other countries!
Are you really suggesting McCain is not a traitor to his oath of office which requires him to support and defend our Constitution? If so, I suggest you study his voting record.


At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished asked him directly, `Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?' `A republic, if you can keep it,' responded Franklin.

I suggest that YOU get your head out of your ass.
Are you really suggesting McCain is not a traitor to his oath of office which requires him to support and defend our Constitution? If so, I suggest you study his voting record.


At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished asked him directly, `Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?' `A republic, if you can keep it,' responded Franklin.

I suggest that YOU get your head out of your ass.

As soon as you get yours out of Obamas

SEE: Jeb Bush Pens New Year Wish: Immigration Reform in 2014

”Former Florida Governor and amnesty advocate Jeb Bush alleged that America's economy needs an influx of foreign workers across all sectors and declared that 2014 would be a "blockbuster year that finally takes [immigration] reform" across the finish line.”

Word is also out that Jeb Bush has met with Senator John McCain to discuss how Jeb can win the nomination without “conservative” support. SEE: Reports: Jeb Bush Asking John McCain How to Win Without Conservative Vote

”Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is doing opposition research on himself and asking Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) about how he can potentially win the GOP presidential nomination without conservatives.”

Do these two not care about the devastating effects on America and her Citizens resulting from the poverty stricken, illiterate un-skilled and disease carrying populations of other countries being allowed to invade our country?


Hey Jeb Bush, what part of the President’s sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do you not understand?
If he wants to win he needs to stay away from immigration.
Big Government Globalists. Both Parties are currently controlled by them. They're part of the very exclusive Globalist Elite club. In the end, they're all on the same team. The NWO team.

The race to the's on!!!
IMHO: Bush's stance on immigration is one reason he leads in the GOP polls right now. I know it prompted me to start looking a little more closely at him.

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