
If you are considering this surgery, think very carefully about the consequences. Make sure that the doctor or counselor that’s approving you for the surgery is qualified to evaluate whether you need the operation or not.
So many unnecessary operations of this type are carried out each year around the world, and in all too many cases, the effect is pain and regret not only for the person who had the operation, but also for their families.
BTW, there is no such thing as a sex-change operation.

Closest thing to it (and it's not very close) is the procedure when you cut a man's wee-wee off, put a hole there, and shoot him up with hormones.

In other words, deliberate genital mutilation followed by drug abuse.

It's a lot like taking the "Ford" emblem off a car, putting a Chevrolet emblem on it, and draining the transmission fluid and replacing it with GM transmission fluid (the only result of which, is that the car won't drive right). And then calling it a Chevy.

Pure nonsense, requiring a high level of blindness and gullibility... and it still won't work right.
BTW, there is no such thing as a sex-change operation.

Closest thing to it (and it's not very close) is the procedure when you cut a man's wee-wee off, put a hole there, and shoot him up with hormones.

In other words, deliberate genital mutilation followed by drug abuse.

It's a lot like taking the "Ford" emblem off a car, putting a Chevrolet emblem on it, and draining the transmission fluid and replacing it with GM transmission fluid (the only result of which, is that the car won't drive right). And then calling it a Chevy.

Pure nonsense, requiring a high level of blindness and gullibility... and it still won't work right.

The robo-penis is only one technology step away. One step for man, one giant leap...
BTW, there is no such thing as a sex-change operation.

Closest thing to it (and it's not very close) is the procedure when you cut a man's wee-wee off, put a hole there, and shoot him up with hormones.

In other words, deliberate genital mutilation followed by drug abuse.

It's a lot like taking the "Ford" emblem off a car, putting a Chevrolet emblem on it, and draining the transmission fluid and replacing it with GM transmission fluid (the only result of which, is that the car won't drive right). And then calling it a Chevy.

Pure nonsense, requiring a high level of blindness and gullibility... and it still won't work right.

The robo-penis is only one technology step away. One step for man, one giant leap...
Ah, so we can now put an automated Chevy badge on the Ford!

That changes everything! :D


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