Tranny gets mudered in CA, lib media too afraid to descript suspect

Are you celebrating this death?

(Sigh) No Noomi, the OP is saying the media wont report that the "suspect" is a minority.

Welcome to our world of PC media, it runs throughout our entire country.

About 15 years ago or so, the AP decided not to allow the reporting of suspects and victims races. It would seem like a higher road policy, but it's not. It's just one more step that they took towards sanitizing the news.
If you don't like the way the media works, start your own company. I doubt you could cover every event with every detail.
Of course: The AP doesn't even follow their own grandiose nonsense as you can see from stories like this:

George Zimmerman found not guilty

Protests ensued in several cities, including New York, by supporters of Trayvon's family. Many protesters voiced the opinion that Trayvon was targeted and killed for racial reasons. Trayvon, 17, was black and Zimmerman is Hispanic.
They won't give the race of the suspect which makes it even more unlikely that he will ever be caught.

This was covered on our local news. That report contained information not in the Times report. Domoniqe advertised as a gay escort. That's probably how he made his living. So it was probably a customer/whore altercation.
No one is actually going tobe looking for this suspect so, in the words of Hillary Clinton, what difference does it make? If they got fingerprints and pick him up on another charge he will be identified. Until then, the murder of a trannsexual pro isn't real high on the priority list.
Last night's local news had surveillance photos of the two very black men who are the suspects in this murder.

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