Trans.... something

In order for the human race to survive into the future we must have masculine men and feminine women, nuclear families, boys being boys and girls being girls. The transgender movement is a Satanic, anti-human, inhuman campaign to destroy the human race. Additionally, the American Left cannot support trans freaks and women's rights as they cancel each other out, quite obviously. This evil ideology must be neutralized.

You have to really stupid to buy into the trans BS, just really stupid
In order for the human race to survive into the future we must have masculine men and feminine women, nuclear families, boys being boys and girls being girls. The transgender movement is a Satanic, anti-human, inhuman campaign to destroy the human race. Additionally, the American Left cannot support trans freaks and women's rights as they cancel each other out, quite obviously. This evil ideology must be neutralized.
We have always had homosexuals. It has not destroyed the human race. You are being idiotic.

It is obvious that every gay person was born to two heterosexuals.
They should require the rudder be clipped to be a female swimmer

I think they're taped back like Big Mike's instructional video on youtube.

big mike first lady.png
We have always had homosexuals. It has not destroyed the human race. You are being idiotic.

It is obvious that every gay person was born to two heterosexuals.

That particular argument is academic. While accepted literature makes the claim, of homos persisting since human beginnings, the more likely answer is historical accounts altered to suit narratives of the sexual revolution. Further, I would advise you do the same: don't be idiotic. Farther still, your argument is for limiting total numbers of homos worldwide whether or not you realize it, for keeping them in the extreme minority. While I agree, I can't help but wonder how you plan to achieve such a goal. A world with even fifteen percent of the total population going homosexual would eventually end our species. Perhaps you are good with that?
That particular argument is academic. While accepted literature makes the claim, of homos persisting since human beginnings, the more likely answer is historical accounts altered to suit narratives of the sexual revolution. Further, I would advise you do the same: don't be idiotic. Farther still, your argument is for limiting total numbers of homos worldwide whether or not you realize it, for keeping them in the extreme minority. While I agree, I can't help but wonder how you plan to achieve such a goal. A world with even fifteen percent of the total population going homosexual would eventually end our species. Perhaps you are good with that?
This is one of the stupidest arguments ever made.
With most of you seemingly hating those degenerates how come you let freaks like this one be your high ranking officials?
I doubt Biden knew about Sam Brinton's sex life when he signed his appointment, but you can imagine the frustration he must have felt once the shit hit the fan. :lol:

You have to wonder about the competency of the fucking dimwit who vetted Brinton. This is probably one of the most boneheaded appointment fuckups in US history.
I would, with great pleasure, tore them limb by limb, if you know what I mean, and uploaded it on youtube for Hillary to see.

Their time will come, the time of the tyrants' downfall. Problem is, ALL our current and future prospective political leaders are tyrants or tyrants in the making. The sooner all Americans realize that, the sooner we'll have our great sea change.
Their time will come, the time of the tyrants' downfall. Problem is, ALL our current and future prospective political leaders are tyrants or tyrants in the making. The sooner all Americans realize that, the sooner we'll have our great sea change.
I'd like you to be right but seeing how the West is fucked up by this shit you've passed the point of no return. Your only hope is Russia.
I'd like you to be right but seeing how the West is fucked up by this shit you've passed the point of no return. Your only hope is Russia.

Yes, absolutely, America has passed the point of no return. The church of woke has infiltrated every public and private institution from sea to shining sea. Our only hope is an armed religious movement similar to the Taliban in Afghanistan, a guerilla rabble so dastardly mean and hard to kill our own fascist prick politicians want to pull out of their own country without saying so much as goodbye. Any such movement would not be out to "win" America back but rather exist solely to inflict revenge and reprisal on the people who introduced woke madness to their nation. See, the church of woke, with their homo loving, trans proliferating ideologies, have unlimited conviction in what they're doing to America. Until conservative Americans find a similar or even greater conviction, we will suffer.

If I were going to go the ex-pat route Russia would be my number one pick of home away from home.
This is just sad,... everyone knows it

New York Post : Transgender swimmers Lia Thomas, Iszac Henig post fastest times at Ivy League championships.
You're not everyone.
It's your Religion giving you that opinion.
I doubt Biden knew about Sam Brinton's sex life when he signed his appointment, but you can imagine the frustration he must have felt once the shit hit the fan. :lol:

You have to wonder about the competency of the fucking dimwit who vetted Brinton. This is probably one of the most boneheaded appointment fuckups in US history.

They knew what they were doing. This is exactly what the regime wants. It's Weimar 2022.

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