Trans woman identified as a dragon

What an asshole. The doctor who performed this mutilation and enabled this deranged freak's disfiguration ought to lose his medical license.
body mods are not usually done by a doctor. They are done by tattoo artists that have certification to do these things.
What kind of maniac would allow someone with no medical background to cut off their ears and nose?!?
check out body mods.
as amazing as it seems, its true. modifying ears, cutting them off, splitting tongues, dermals etc... If you really want to have a WTF moment, check out dick splitting.
dudes will pay someone to split their dick into two. Personally, if someone tries to cut my dick in half, not only are they not going to get paid, the most likely are going to end up dead.
Any medical doctor accommodating these surgeries should have their license revoked. The mentally ill cannot be allowed to control their own lives until they are cured of such notions.
You know, I have tattoos (all where they can be hidden with clothing) and I do have a couple of piercings, one ear, (the left because right is wrong) and my tongue for effect. However unless I want someone to see it, the tongue is not visible. Yet, when it comes to splitting the dick, or getting tattoos to turn yourself into a dragon along with the nose and ear removal, I tend to agree with you that there has to be something mentally wrong with these people. One could say that about the piercings I have, but the reality is that I do no piercing that I can not remove and have it close up.
Whatever it is that went wrong in the mind that makes one think getting their ears removed, or their dick split into two is something (in my opinion) that indicates the need for some intense therapy. Maybe even inpatient with daily shots of Thorazine

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