Transcanada to sue Obama over denying keystone pipline

"Transcanada to sue Obama over denying keystone pipline"

This is a lie – no one is 'suing' the president.
Interesting that one of a foreign country's businesses thinks they can force our government, to allow them to build an infrastructure project in the USA, crossing U.S. private citizens land and forcing them to forfeit their own land and property via eminent domain for this foreign business....

You would think conservatives would be going absolutely bananas that Nafta would allow this....and allow other Nations to rule us....for an infrastructure project....of the foreign nation's needs.... Lord Almighty!

talk about a one world government happening, through law suits, right before our very eyes....

What next???
Interesting that one of a foreign country's businesses thinks they can force our government, to allow them to build an infrastructure project in the USA, crossing U.S. private citizens land and forcing them to forfeit their own land and property via eminent domain for this foreign business....

You would think conservatives would be going absolutely bananas that Nafta would allow this....and allow other Nations to rule us....for an infrastructure project....of the foreign nation's needs.... Lord Almighty!

talk about a one world government happening, through law suits, right before our very eyes....

What next???

It's called NAFTA. It's an International Agreement. That benefits both countries.

And the Keystone is built to the Gulf with an offshoot to Illinois. XL just an extension and there's been no problem with the Keystone. Just the XL because of D politics.

While all this bullshit has been going on with Obama Enbridge built the Alberta Clipper and Southern Lights extensions. No problems there.

ETA One world. What part of the new Trans Pacific Partnership agreement Obama's pushing for are you fighting against?

Going to march against the boss?
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Interesting that one of a foreign country's businesses thinks they can force our government, to allow them to build an infrastructure project in the USA, crossing U.S. private citizens land and forcing them to forfeit their own land and property via eminent domain for this foreign business....

You would think conservatives would be going absolutely bananas that Nafta would allow this....and allow other Nations to rule us....for an infrastructure project....of the foreign nation's needs.... Lord Almighty!

talk about a one world government happening, through law suits, right before our very eyes....

What next???

I for one never said I would support another countries lawsuit against my own country.
I'm for keystone, but not in this fashion. Although seeing american libs getting their asses handed to them even from another country would be pretty funny.
TransCanada Corp files US$15-billion lawsuit against U.S. government for rejecting Keystone XL

15 Big Ones. That's a lot of B's for the American taxpayer to be on the hook for.

Suing US govt. because of NAFTA? Good luck with that. You cannot force any country to buy your product. One of the provisions (Environment) is good enough to reject the XL pipeline. We do not need XL pipeline except the GOPs to satisfy their puppet master Koch brothers. Actually I heard other companies that had sued Canada.

Securing U.S. congressional approval for NAFTA would have been impossible without addressing public concerns about NAFTA’s environmental impact. The Clinton administration negotiated a side agreement on the environment with Canada and Mexico, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), which led to the creation of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) in 1994. To alleviate concerns that NAFTA, the first regional trade agreement between a developing country and two developed countries, would have negative environmental impacts, the CEC was given a mandate to conduct ongoing ex post environmental assessment of NAFTA.[13]

In response to this mandate, the CEC created a framework for conducting environmental analysis of NAFTA, one of the first ex post frameworks for the environmental assessment of trade liberalization. The framework was designed to produce a focused and systematic body of evidence with respect to the initial hypotheses about NAFTA and the environment, such as the concern that NAFTA would create a "race to the bottom" in environmental regulation among the three countries, or the hope that NAFTA would pressure governments to increase their environmental protection mechanisms.[14] The CEC has held four symposia using this framework to evaluate the environmental impacts of NAFTA and has commissioned 47 papers on this subject. In keeping with the CEC’s overall strategy of transparency and public involvement, the CEC commissioned these papers from leading independent experts.[15]
The Lawsuit has been filed in Houston. So that could help Canada or hurt Canada....depends.
Canada was sued last year by Mexico and some US companies. And there are tons of products that we cannot sell in Canada because of direct competitions of their products. I mean you can sell but it's tightly regulated. Maybe I can sue Canada also.

Toronto Star
Interesting that one of a foreign country's businesses thinks they can force our government, to allow them to build an infrastructure project in the USA, crossing U.S. private citizens land and forcing them to forfeit their own land and property via eminent domain for this foreign business....

You would think conservatives would be going absolutely bananas that Nafta would allow this....and allow other Nations to rule us....for an infrastructure project....of the foreign nation's needs.... Lord Almighty!

talk about a one world government happening, through law suits, right before our very eyes....

What next???

I for one never said I would support another countries lawsuit against my own country.
I'm for keystone, but not in this fashion. Although seeing american libs getting their asses handed to them even from another country would be pretty funny.

Unfortunately when US companies or other lobbyists promote regulations or visa versa Canuck or Mexicans that break the NAFTA agreement sadly we sue each other.

Sometimes it just comes to that. Like the win Canada and Mexico had over the stupid meat labelling rule that had been imposed. That was out of line. US meat producers lobbied for it and the WTO just tossed it.

Now we three are pretty civil with each other but to enter TPP with the Pacific Rim countries my hair is on fire up here. Been really checking into it. And whoa geeze.

I really don't see how its going to be a pretty picture down the road.

Take a look at the players. See if you get a warm and fuzzy with say Brunei for example. You know the country that just banned Christmas.

The 12 nations in the Trans-Pacific Partnership are: Australia Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam


What is TPP? Understanding the new Pacific trade deal
Canada was sued last year by Mexico and some US companies. And there are tons of products that we cannot sell in Canada because of direct competitions of their products. I mean you can sell but it's tightly regulated. Maybe I can sue Canada also.

Toronto Star

Of course we sue each other under NAFTA. Not everyone plays nice in the sandbox all the time.
TransCanada Corp files US$15-billion lawsuit against U.S. government for rejecting Keystone XL

15 Big Ones. That's a lot of B's for the American taxpayer to be on the hook for.

Suing US govt. because of NAFTA? Good luck with that. You cannot force any country to buy your product. One of the provisions (Environment) is good enough to reject the XL pipeline. We do not need XL pipeline except the GOPs to satisfy their puppet master Koch brothers. Actually I heard other companies that had sued Canada.

Securing U.S. congressional approval for NAFTA would have been impossible without addressing public concerns about NAFTA’s environmental impact. The Clinton administration negotiated a side agreement on the environment with Canada and Mexico, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), which led to the creation of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) in 1994. To alleviate concerns that NAFTA, the first regional trade agreement between a developing country and two developed countries, would have negative environmental impacts, the CEC was given a mandate to conduct ongoing ex post environmental assessment of NAFTA.[13]

In response to this mandate, the CEC created a framework for conducting environmental analysis of NAFTA, one of the first ex post frameworks for the environmental assessment of trade liberalization. The framework was designed to produce a focused and systematic body of evidence with respect to the initial hypotheses about NAFTA and the environment, such as the concern that NAFTA would create a "race to the bottom" in environmental regulation among the three countries, or the hope that NAFTA would pressure governments to increase their environmental protection mechanisms.[14] The CEC has held four symposia using this framework to evaluate the environmental impacts of NAFTA and has commissioned 47 papers on this subject. In keeping with the CEC’s overall strategy of transparency and public involvement, the CEC commissioned these papers from leading independent experts.[15]

Problem with your argument is that the XL has been approved by state environmental regulators. Whoopsies. Lawsuit allowed. Now those that have a problem with the impact XL would have on the climate is right out the freaking window because during this time period when TransCanada was being shafted on XL Enbridge came across the border with Southern Lights and Alberta Clipper and the final leg of Keystone was finished to the Gulf.

Until Obama decided to play political ball with the XL everything was fine and dandy. Small hiccup in Nebraska but even that was resolved. It's all been about political donations for Obama and the Dems and TransCanada will be able to prove that in court.

"March 2010: The National Energy Board approves TransCanada’s application for Keystone XL, though the green light comes with 22 conditions regarding safety, environmental protection and landowner rights.

April 2010: The U.S. State Department releases a draft environmental impact statement saying Keystone XL would have a limited effect on the environment."

All been bullshit and TransCanada will win.


Key dates in the history of TransCanada's proposed Keystone XL pipeline - 680 NEWS
Interesting that one of a foreign country's businesses thinks they can force our government, to allow them to build an infrastructure project in the USA, crossing U.S. private citizens land and forcing them to forfeit their own land and property via eminent domain for this foreign business....

You would think conservatives would be going absolutely bananas that Nafta would allow this....and allow other Nations to rule us....for an infrastructure project....of the foreign nation's needs.... Lord Almighty!

talk about a one world government happening, through law suits, right before our very eyes....

What next???

I for one never said I would support another countries lawsuit against my own country.
I'm for keystone, but not in this fashion. Although seeing american libs getting their asses handed to them even from another country would be pretty funny.

I was on air last night with the Red Eye talkers explaining what the lawsuit really was about. They're two of my favorites. It was interesting because before my call they were looking at the pros and cons of the lawsuit and for talkers they are exceptional because they really chew both sides of an issue ( rare in talk). But after the call I can proudly say they were totally and utterly convinced that TransCanada had every right to sue the US Government and kick Obama's ass.

If one understands completely the bullshit that Obama and his minions have put this company thru, the hoops that TransCanada jumped thru for all these years, all the money spent in doing so there is no doubt that TransCanada is totally within their rights to sue the ass off of this regime who's only reason for turning the XL down was D politics.

Needless to say it was a rush.


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