Transcript of Rush Limbaugh trying to enlighten college student

Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot. Yesterday he was going on about Classics majors paying 200k a year LOL. Also enjoyed the "Wisconsin has 66% of students who can't read"- which was actually well above the national average. A whopper every 90 seconds...

Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. I have several old friends who are totally brainwashed hater/dittoheads now...a catastrophe for the country.
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Oh my. My liberal math skills are very limited, I must say.

A 1%er can be a 99%er?
Did OWS get the memo?
Are there workshops on this new math at Zuccotti Park?

I'm still unclear who should be eaten. Clarification please.

Of course the math works, they took Micheal Moore into their fold didn't they?
Interesting conversation, but a bit confusing. Are the 1 percent the people who earn a million dollars or people who have a million dollars saved and invested? I think this is a critical question because who are we to hate? What if the OWS protesters eat the wrong people? :eek:
The 1% your Messiahrushie was talking about are not the people in the top 1% of wealth who own 42% of the wealth and pay no taxes. Stuttering Limptard's top 1% were wage earners who are paupers compared to the top 1% of wealth. His whole purpose for the staged call was to get you to confuse the two. Obviously he succeeded.

I'll let your MessiahRushie explain the difference between earned income and wealth in relation to taxes.

August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.

The Truth About Taxes
August 6, 2007
RUSH: I've told you before: the income tax is designed to keep people like his [Buffett's] secretary from becoming wealthy! There is no "wealth" tax. So this is a big misnomer. ...
But there's no tax on wealth. There is a tax on income, and the tax on income is designed to keep everybody who is not wealthy from getting there.

I'm talking about genuine wealth, not the way Democrats define "rich."
Someday, that fat druggie will come clean and admit that he has been playing the dummies for the fools that they are for all these years. I wish I could see tha faces on the dummies like Koshergirl when he does.

No kidding. These are the kinds of people that the rest of the developed world laughs at.
So I should pay taxes on money that I paid taxes on last year, just because I haven't spent it yet?

That seems to be what you are saying.........
Someday, that fat druggie will come clean and admit that he has been playing the dummies for the fools that they are for all these years. I wish I could see tha faces on the dummies like Koshergirl when he does.

No kidding. These are the kinds of people that the rest of the developed world laughs at.
You gentlemen/ladies are mistaken. Rush Limbaugh's grandfather was Ambassador to India, his father, a lawyer, his uncle, a federal judge. He comes from a long line of Conservative Republicans, and he is a very conservative man. He speaks from the heart and soul as near as I can tell, though I'm not a regular follower. Last time I heard him was about 10 years or so ago.
Someday, that fat druggie will come clean and admit that he has been playing the dummies for the fools that they are for all these years. I wish I could see tha faces on the dummies like Koshergirl when he does.

No kidding. These are the kinds of people that the rest of the developed world laughs at.

You mean...the FRENCH?

Wait..the BRITS?


Pffft...bwahahahahahaaaaaaaa.....Oh no, the brits look down on us! Darnit, I SOOOO want to be more like them! They're obviously in such a better situation than we are...

Jeez, what pathetic losers you guys really are. Please, go live with the rest of the developed world. I can't wait to hear how much better it is. Plop yourself down in France and drop us a line.

Someday, that fat druggie will come clean and admit that he has been playing the dummies for the fools that they are for all these years. I wish I could see tha faces on the dummies like Koshergirl when he does.

No kidding. These are the kinds of people that the rest of the developed world laughs at.
You gentlemen/ladies are mistaken. Rush Limbaugh's grandfather was Ambassador to India, his father, a lawyer, his uncle, a federal judge. He comes from a long line of Conservative Republicans, and he is a very conservative man. He speaks from the heart and soul as near as I can tell, though I'm not a regular follower. Last time I heard him was about 10 years or so ago.

Yes, he comes from a very good, very strong family.

They don't care because facts mean nothing to them. Remember always to look to what accusations they hurl to see exactly what they're about. They start carping about "propaganda" I promise you, that's exactly what they're engaged in. If it's "lying" or "drug use" well you can follow...
Interesting conversation, but a bit confusing. Are the 1 percent the people who earn a million dollars or people who have a million dollars saved and invested? I think this is a critical question because who are we to hate? What if the OWS protesters eat the wrong people? :eek:

The cool thing about National Socialists is the way they go all Red Queen with the language. Officially, they are complaining about the folks who have the Wealth. But they will turn on a dime and talk about income.

The way the board discussion goes, those on the left who justify the OWS are talking about how much the 99% have in wealth, that is stocks, bonds, real estate etc. The right wingers are discussing income.

It is a lot easier to migrate back and forth on income percentages if one has any sense at all than wealth percentages.

But the Majority of the OWS folks have no clue what they are talking about. They just hate anyone who is doing better.
Interesting conversation, but a bit confusing. Are the 1 percent the people who earn a million dollars or people who have a million dollars saved and invested? I think this is a critical question because who are we to hate? What if the OWS protesters eat the wrong people? :eek:

The cool thing about National Socialists is the way they go all Red Queen with the language. Officially, they are complaining about the folks who have the Wealth. But they will turn on a dime and talk about income.

The way the board discussion goes, those on the left who justify the OWS are talking about how much the 99% have in wealth, that is stocks, bonds, real estate etc. The right wingers are discussing income.

It is a lot easier to migrate back and forth on income percentages if one has any sense at all than wealth percentages.

But the Majority of the OWS folks have no clue what they are talking about. They just hate anyone who is doing better.
And mean to take it. And Obama is all too willing to give it to them for votes.
That's the way tyrants work. Perpetrate ignorance, reward depravity. It's always been.
Someday, that fat druggie will come clean and admit that he has been playing the dummies for the fools that they are for all these years. I wish I could see tha faces on the dummies like Koshergirl when he does.

No kidding. These are the kinds of people that the rest of the developed world laughs at.

You mean...the FRENCH?

Wait..the BRITS?


Pffft...bwahahahahahaaaaaaaa.....Oh no, the brits look down on us! Darnit, I SOOOO want to be more like them! They're obviously in such a better situation than we are...

Jeez, what pathetic losers you guys really are. Please, go live with the rest of the developed world. I can't wait to hear how much better it is. Plop yourself down in France and drop us a line.

Maybe we can be like the Greeks that are about to be expelled from the EU>?:lol:
Well, if I'm confused, and Rush Limbaugh is confused, do you think the 99% representatives at OWS might be confused as well?

I'm still uncertain who to hate. Clarification please.
Where did you pull that out from??? Your MessiahRushie knows exactly what he is lying about. As the quotes show, he knows the difference between wealth and wages. He knowingly substitutes one for the other to confuse and deceive gullible suckers like you.
Interesting conversation, but a bit confusing. Are the 1 percent the people who earn a million dollars or people who have a million dollars saved and invested? I think this is a critical question because who are we to hate? What if the OWS protesters eat the wrong people? :eek:

The cool thing about National Socialists is the way they go all Red Queen with the language. Officially, they are complaining about the folks who have the Wealth. But they will turn on a dime and talk about income.

The way the board discussion goes, those on the left who justify the OWS are talking about how much the 99% have in wealth, that is stocks, bonds, real estate etc. The right wingers are discussing income.

It is a lot easier to migrate back and forth on income percentages if one has any sense at all than wealth percentages.

But the Majority of the OWS folks have no clue what they are talking about. They just hate anyone who is doing better.
Thank you for calling your MessiahRushie a Red Queen Nazi, since that is exactly what he did in his rant in the OP, turn on a dime the question about the wealthy to an answer about wage earners.

CALLER: I have a quick question. I've been hearing reports -- plenty of reports -- saying top 1%, uhh, own 42% of the wealth in America

RUSH: All you have to do is earn $387,000 a year in America and you are in the top 1%. If you earn $50,000 a year or more, Joshua, in a year, you're in the upper 10% of earners in this country.
Tyrants often use votes and/or their popularity to usher them into power. I guess our foam-mouthed lefties are as ignorant about history as they are about everything else. A tyrant is one who rules without restrictions. I think Obama has proven again and again he will not be restrained by the will of the people, or the law.
I found this to be a pretty interesting read. If you hate Rush Limbaugh and are completely biased, don't bother to read the transcript, but you are missing out on a good lesson on being successful. It emphasizes an attitude more people in this country should have. Instead of worrying about how other people are out to keep you down and how no one deserves anything they have, it focuses on having an attitude on how you, the individual, can be successful by doing what you want and doing it well. It focuses on how you need to bring yourself up instead of wasting you're time blaming someone else for holding you down. It's not a perfect breakdown that solves all the country's problems but what he says is true and actually inspiring instead of the depressing stuff you hear that blames everyone but the individual.

College Student Thinks the 1% Has All the Money and He Won't Get Any - The Rush Limbaugh Show

"But most people who are in the 1% are there because they work harder than anybody else, because they found what they love doing, and what they do really isn't work to them. They can't wait to get up every day (including on Mondays) to go back to work because it's what they love most in the world -- and since they love it, they happen to do it better than most other people do. "

Transcripts have a nasty habit of Removing Context.
But, but, but.. Isn't the national discussion about "income redistribution"? I can't say I've heard the term "wealth redistribution" except amongst radicals.

Tyrants often use votes and/or their popularity to usher them into power. I guess our foam-mouthed lefties are as ignorant about history as they are about everything else. A tyrant is one who rules without restrictions. I think Obama has proven again and again he will not be restrained by the will of the people, or the law.

He has? Oh no! What should we do about it?

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