TRANSCRIPT: Trump Foreign Policy Speech

I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......

It is interesting that he addresses, several times, how world opinion of America is waning (which I do not disagree with), however, he seemingly ignores that the majority of the world (outside of Russia) sees him as an exceptionally large threat and as a symbol of how far America has fallen. Trump and his supporters' inability to look outside of their biased news sources and have a realistic view of the world is astounding and, if I lived in a different country, would be humorous to the point of comedy. Being an American, it is just sad to the point of tragedy though.
Obama has made us a laughing stock of the world. Europe is in chaos for their fucked up position of allowing the refugees to flood their countries.

Europe has also FAILED miserably in maintaining THEIR OWN DEFENSE by spending at least 2% of their GDP on maintaining a military. They have become too used to having the United States take care of their defense by maintaining the strongest military in the world..............Making us their police force while they spend all their money on Social Welfare states that are now crumbling under debt in many places.

Under Obama he makes threats and red lines and the enemy laughs at us.............Capitulates to Iran in the worst freaking deal in a very long time...........instead of hard noses deals with someone willing to back it up should it become necessary..............In Syria...........we armed the fucking enemies over a policy to overthrow Assad and guaranteed a drawn out War..........and more death.........then say we are there to help............

Policy failure in Yemen...........Obama said how great it was there.............we were thrown out.
Policy and military failure in Rebel groups hold our old embassies there......
Iran laughing at us.........
Egypt ditched us because he wanted the Muslim Brotherhood to be part of the process............and they rightfully told Obama to go to hell.
Israel doesn't trust us...............because Obama has openly ditched us..........
And Turkey has been killing the Kurds that we have made alliances with...........

We don't have a Commander N Chief anymore..........we have a community organizer who couldn't pour pee out of the boot with the instructions written on the heel.

Bullshit...... Obama is well respected around the globe except the few countries that you support like Russia and Syria. Why do you lie?

Obama Administration Wins Approval Across the World
Claiming Obama is not respected around the world is just a standard misinformed Obama bashing talking point that has no merit or relationship to reality.
It is interesting that he addresses, several times, how world opinion of America is waning (which I do not disagree with), however, he seemingly ignores that the majority of the world (outside of Russia) sees him as an exceptionally large threat and as a symbol of how far America has fallen. Trump and his supporters' inability to look outside of their biased news sources and have a realistic view of the world is astounding and, if I lived in a different country, would be humorous to the point of comedy. Being an American, it is just sad to the point of tragedy though.
Obama has made us a laughing stock of the world. Europe is in chaos for their fucked up position of allowing the refugees to flood their countries.

Europe has also FAILED miserably in maintaining THEIR OWN DEFENSE by spending at least 2% of their GDP on maintaining a military. They have become too used to having the United States take care of their defense by maintaining the strongest military in the world..............Making us their police force while they spend all their money on Social Welfare states that are now crumbling under debt in many places.

Under Obama he makes threats and red lines and the enemy laughs at us.............Capitulates to Iran in the worst freaking deal in a very long time...........instead of hard noses deals with someone willing to back it up should it become necessary..............In Syria...........we armed the fucking enemies over a policy to overthrow Assad and guaranteed a drawn out War..........and more death.........then say we are there to help............

Policy failure in Yemen...........Obama said how great it was there.............we were thrown out.
Policy and military failure in Rebel groups hold our old embassies there......
Iran laughing at us.........
Egypt ditched us because he wanted the Muslim Brotherhood to be part of the process............and they rightfully told Obama to go to hell.
Israel doesn't trust us...............because Obama has openly ditched us..........
And Turkey has been killing the Kurds that we have made alliances with...........

We don't have a Commander N Chief anymore..........we have a community organizer who couldn't pour pee out of the boot with the instructions written on the heel.
You must be a young buck. Let me clue you in, world opinion on America started to decline in 2003, when Bush forced us into Iraq. Ever since then we went from being the world's golden child to being looked upon as somewhat of a bully.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and say Obama has really done a lot to help us out. I mean just look at his Sec of State...Clinton and then Kerry. Yeah, that is a joke...a bad one. So, while I would say we haven't declined much in world opinion compared to Bush's atrocity, we also haven't really garnered much positive opinion either. With that said, again, just read international news, the only country right now that really looks upon Trump favorably is Russia. Everybody else thinks he's an absurdity and representative of the decadence that this nation has fallen into. I'd hazard to agree with them. Trump, by himself, isn't really a big issue. The fact that so many idiots buy into him, however, is a very large worry. America has indeed fallen into hard times when people are so transparently ignorant.
I served under Reagan, Bush Sr., and Clinton..........So your young buck theory is garbage. I was there during the Cold War and recognize it's return. I was in tanker escort missions during the Iran Iraq War, and in the 1st Gulf War............I remember the Kuwaiti Mine fields as the Iranians put mines back into the water right after the sweepers cleared the shipping lanes..............................

I believe in Peace through strength..............I believe in hard nosed negotiation with these countries........and hitting them if necessary. Whether you like it or not when countries over there fear us..................they don't do as much crap because they are worried we will knock the living fuck out of them. Iran being proof as Peanut head allowed Iran to hold our people hostage for over a year............they quickly gave them up before Reagan came into office because they believed him when he said he would attack them over it..............

Bush major mistake was thinking we could change them into a peaceful Democratic Nation...............They don't want that...........they want rule by Religion and he stepped into the quick sand of the Middle East..............and never ending conflict............Yet he very nearly pulled it off, but we will never know since we withdrew and allowed the place to be overrun with Sectretarian violence....................The Shia versus Sunni conflict is ancient..........and goes on today...........and no amount of negotiations will change that mindset...............the continued conflict there is proof positive that it never ends.................

Our policy over there would be great if we were selling vacuum cleaners..............but that isn't the case.
So the fact that you never saw actual war kinda denotes that you have an unrealistic world view. Let me speak as somebody that has been to war, twice. You don't want to be in it unless absolutely necessary. War is your last resort. I'm not saying that you shouldn't hesitate to use your last resort if it is your last resort, but "peace through strength" denotes using it as your first resort. Nice way for you to put people's asses on the line that isn't your own. Let me speak for the guys I knew who went through shit and some of which didn't come back. Stop sending us to do your work. You want peace through strength? Well buckle your ass back up, strap on your 100+ pounds of gear and fucking go fight for it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. You aren't going to be the guy doing the fighting. "Tanker Escort" nice way of saying you are a fucking support bitch. Get your POG ass up on the front lines and do something. Asshole.
Go fuck yourself bitch..................Peace through strength and power projection works....................but only if you have the balls to open fire should they challenge it.......................and prevent you from having to hump that 100 pound pack into the jungle......................

Your opinion of the Navy is noted...............and should your ass be on the ground you need that support,...............

After 9/11 I would have smoked their asses from air and sea..........and left their fucking places in rubble............I wouldn't have been there to rebuild.......I would have been there to make them understand to never fuck with us again................You wouldn't have been needed on the ground, and if you did you wouldn't stay there....................I would not give them a target to hit back at..........................

And the next asshat would think twice about challenging it.................

But you go on hating those that support ground forces..........You don't like that........go fuck yourself..........good thing we don't have these conversations in person................we might forget we are on the same side for a time now wouldn't we...........
To be clear, I don't hate support forces. I appreciate the shit out of them. We wouldn't have our gear or get to where we need to be without the seaboys or the flyboys.

On the other hand, there is a big difference between appreciating our support forces (because you guys did way more than the average citizen)...and then sitting there and allowing them to claim they are some big shot because they happened to serve during war. It is disrespectful. Did you fight? Did you see your brothers in arms die or get injured? Now, if you did get your ass in the shit then hey...I'll go ahead and apologize. On the other hand, if you didn't get in the shit and tried to make it seem like you did know what war is like and that gives you a justifiable case or take that fist of yours and shove it right up your own ass.

Don't call for war when others fight your fight. You have never fought your fight you don't even know what you are asking for.

With that said, I'm not saying we should be hesitant to pull the trigger when it needs to be pulled (like against these ISIS bastards). But it shouldn't be our first option like you seem to think it should be. War sucks. The fact that you seem to be so gun happy just makes me think you have no clue what you are talking about. If you had been in war you wouldn't try to jump into everyone that comes your way as a policy standpoint. Again, that isn't to say you should be scared of war...I wouldn't hesitate to try and serve again (although I suspect I wouldn't physically be allowed to) if we got in a real war again. On the other hand I'm not sitting around and saying we need to send our war dogs everywhere either.

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