Transgender goes nuts inn store after being misgendered

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being called ''SIR''

well godamn!! we don't know what these people are--so don't get pissed if we call you:
Furious transgender woman rages at store clerk after he calls her 'sir' instead of 'ma'am' | Daily Mail Online
I would tell him he’s a confused little boy in a mans body... and needs professional help

That is another common denominator with homosexual fetishists; emotionally they're stuck at around age 10 to 12 for some reason. Probably accounts for their obsessive attraction to little boys and 12-13 year olds.
The best part... watching meltdowns for six more years.


:clap: :clap: :clap:
Here's another liberal snowflake meltdown. This time a vape shop cashier freaks out over a Trump shirt...

Pure gold. Can't decide who does it better... Macho ma'am tranny savage from the OP or this virgin supersoyyan vaper that screams in high pitch voice, grows ginger beard to hide his chubby baby face, has a meltdown when reality doesn't espouse his worldview... probably ovulates around blacks.

Could there be any fate worse than becoming a meme?
Mentally deranged drama queen....err king

I dont buy into this gender identity stuff, but if some dude wants to be called a woman, I accomodate them.

Why make an issue out of it?

Oh man, well I guess that's the final verdict.

In all seriousness, it's amazing that anybody could deny that's a serious delusional disorder. Look how out of control the sufferer gets when confronted with reality. Remember hatchet tranny a while back? Killed that guy for refusing a date? Validating these people did this. It's no different from being expected to tell every schizo you meet "yeah, I see the lizard aliens, too! Yeah, you're totally woke here bro no need to take meds or some shit." Then, when there are constant incidents of violence, you have to believe "those are just bad eggs like in any group, it has nothing to do with the schizophrenia thing and validation is still the best treatment teehee" or some shit. How did we get this retarded as a nation? An entire country where most people know things to be delusions/fetishes and know they're only pretending to believe what they're told to pretend to believe, and they just fucking do it and overlook the fires it starts. Fuck!
How did we get this retarded as a nation? An entire country where most people know things to be delusions/fetishes and know they're only pretending to believe what they're told to pretend to believe, and they just fucking do it and overlook the fires it starts. Fuck!

You brought to mind the "Emperor's New Clothes" story. Transgenderism is trendy and politically correct now (due to brainwashing) so you have people who believe the lies…and there are also a lot of people who pretend there’s nothing wrong with it, for fear of being labeled behind the times, or a bigot or whatever.

Thank God that there are people who see through the insanity and like the boy in that story aren’t afraid to call a spade a spade.
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Mentally deranged drama queen....err king

I dont buy into this gender identity stuff, but if some dude wants to be called a woman, I accomodate them.

Why make an issue out of it?
Don't you think pandering to his insanity is offensive to women, telling them that "men" can be women by dressing as women?

No, not really, and why should my title I give another person bother a third party?

Where I work we have a trans guy, and I call him 'she, her, etc' just for politeness' sake. He/she is a nice person and friendly enough, why stasrt some shit over this?

His hang ups are not my business. My job is to get code done, tested and into production. I refuse to allow some semantic wrangling to become an obstacle.
I dont buy into this gender identity stuff, but if some dude wants to be called a woman, I accomodate them.

Why make an issue out of it?
Because tampering with reality is a slippery slope in Homo sapiens.
But it is not altering my perception of Reality, and I think he knows he is a he not a she deep down, butr for some reason pretending to be a woman makes him happier. So be it, it is not for me to try to straighten him out, hypothetically.

Now if he were in my personal life, it would be different, but on the job, at the workplace, it is a much lower priority to be an advocate for Realism.

I dont get his mind set, but then again, I dont have to approve anyway. I just need to do my job without making waves and my Aspergers is bad enough.

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